I don't have a ipod, but a 2 year old iriver mp3 player. I can record lectures(excellent mic), display pictures and movies (with a flash upgrade), play mp3's (I listen to college lectures, music, and podcast such as NPR or elder recordings, ha ha), and listen to FM stations. I also use it to transfer large files sometimes (20 gig harddrive). It really was a great purchase and when it goes, I will promptly buy another.
It is the sort of thing that you find uses for... plus if you get the ipod, you can satisfy that nagging feeling that you are not with it... (emotional branding advertising)
JoinedPosts by thecarpenter
Should I get an iPod? What do you use yours for?
by Elsewhere inlet me start by saying that i am not a music fan.
i hardly ever listen to music and almost never buy cd's and my car's stereo is almost always set to npr or some other news station.
i don't even have a stereo system at home... simply because i would never use it.. however, i've been hearing more and more about the ipod devices.
Any New Year Resolutions yet? (only those you really plan to keep)
by thecarpenter inwell, the new year is approaching soon, was wondering if you folks have set any goals?
i have several goals which i put off for a long time but will finally pursue this year.
one is to get my scuba diver license.
hey abandoned, do you mean a childrens story book or a life story? And are you going to publish it or try to have it published by a outside publisher? (have you been published before?) I always wanted to write a book... 'the carpenter's guide to life' or something like that... the first thing I would say is don't join a cult...
i'm happier
JW Children Lie in Custody Cases
by compound complex indirect and cross-examination questions in child custody cases.
wtb&ts, page 42.
"be careful that they [jw children being questioned] don't get the impression that they are in a demonstration at the circuit assembly, when they would show that the first things in life are service and going to the kingdom hall.
Coaching can be a problem if it causes the testimony of one witness to be influenced by the testimony of another. A prosecutor might fish for a certain version of events by presenting her witness with other evidence from the case. If she tells the witness what other people have already said in court, the witness may change his story to match.
Judges can try to keep this from happening by sequestering the witnesses. That doesn't mean that a bailiff will confiscate their newspapers and lock them in a hotel—but it does mean that the lawyers can't tell them what other witnesses are saying at the trial. (In the Moussaoui case the witnesses were instructed to avoid media accounts of the trial as well.) Either side can request one of these sequestration orders under Rule 615 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, or the judge can issue it at her own discretion. In fact, it's common practice for a judge to sequester the witnesses at the start of a criminal trial.
What if a prosecutor coaches the witness a little bit too much before the trial even starts? Lawyers can start prepping someone for the stand well before the judge has a chance to issue a sequestration order. That means they can present their witness with documentary evidence that they plan to introduce in court, or they can tell him what their other witnesses are going to say under oath. These practices wouldn't necessarily run afoul of Rule 615, nor would they amount to criminal tampering under section 1512. But lawyers are under an ethical obligation to avoid coaching a witness in such a way that would distort his testimony. A prosecutor who violated this code might not face criminal and civil contempt citations (like the ones threatened for the Moussaoui blunder), but she could find herself in front of a state ethics committee.
http://www.slate.com/id/2138167/ Ed, I disagree with your view. A child is coached to materially alter the goals that they are indoctrinated with. This is why so many take issue with your conclusions. Your argument would may sense JW weren't mentally conditioned the way the watchtower conditions people. There is strong peer influence, strongly worded articles and a mental restrictive enviroment that the watchtower set up, that's why we left, most of us were willing to trust our gut feeling that something was wrong with the organization. Many children don't possess this degree of experience or fortitude.
Any New Year Resolutions yet? (only those your really plan to keep)
by thecarpenter inwell, the new year is approaching soon, was wondering if you folks have set any goals?
i have several goals which i put off for a long time but will finally pursue this year.
one is to get my scuba diver license.
Well, the new year is approaching soon, was wondering if you folks have set any goals?
I have several goals which I put off for a long time but will finally pursue this year.
One is to get my scuba diver license. I plan on going away on spring break to some island for a week (haven't chose the island yet)
plan to go skydiving in the summer at least one time (I hope I don't s**t in my pants)
I plan to pursue spiritual things more such as gently sprinkle anti-jdub material (nothing nasty but more thought provoking) around my local, got some ideas from some friends of mine, maybe some anonymous emails to all the witnesses I know. I will probably count the time freeing people from cult mind control.
Attend more yahoo ex-jw groups - I already belong to one and plan to check one out in Connecticut in a few weeks. Also look into attending another apostafest this year, maybe two.
Any personal and spiritual goals? If I like your goal, I may make it one of my own...
Any New Year Resolutions yet? (only those you really plan to keep)
by thecarpenter inwell, the new year is approaching soon, was wondering if you folks have set any goals?
i have several goals which i put off for a long time but will finally pursue this year.
one is to get my scuba diver license.
Well, the new year is approaching soon, was wondering if you folks have set any goals?
I have several goals which I put off for a long time but will finally pursue this year.
One is to get my scuba diver license. I plan on going away on spring break to some island for a week (haven't chose the island yet)
plan to go skydiving in the summer at least one time (I hope I don't s**t in my pants)
I plan to pursue spiritual things more such as gently sprinkle anti-jdub material (nothing nasty but more thought provoking) around my local, got some ideas from some friends of mine, maybe some anonymous emails to all the witnesses I know. I will probably count the time freeing people from cult mind control.
Attend more yahoo ex-jw groups - I already belong to one and plan to check one out in Connecticut in a few weeks. Also look into attending another apostafest this year, maybe two.
Any personal and spiritual goals? If I like your goal, I may make it one of my own...
What EMOTIONS are evoked when you hear about or see JARACZ
by What-A-Coincidence infor those who don't know who theodore jaracz is ...he is the current "president" of the wtbts.
<<<< see pic!
and tell dr. wac how you feel about the pic.. you won't find many pics of jaracz smiling by the way.
I feel distaste. One of the elders in my old congregation knew him and said he got cold vibes from him. He seems to put out a lot of bad vibes.
They make you think there are no good people out there.
by LynnTink inwhat a wonderful response i have received from my last (which was my first post) post from everyone here.
the one thing that was drilled into my head was that you can not trust anyone that is not a jw.
i had only one worldly friend since high school and she has been there for me thru everything.
good to hear from you lynn, things will get better for you as you gain greater control of you life from the watchtower mind control. Your life and friends are in your hands, not the watchtower... make the most of it.
thecarpenter -
Latino Dancing!
by zagor ini've started going to dance classes four weeks ago but had to skip two.
tonight i went again.
i thought it will be a pain in butt to get back into routine, in fact didn't even feel like going, was feeling kinda low on fuel for few reasons but went anyway.. i've got really great couple of dance instructors.
I have been doing it on and off for the last two years (Salsa, Merengue and Cumbia) it is a lot of fun and a great way to meet women. I have just finished the school semsester and starting back up this week. There are two places I go to in Manhattan on thursday and Friday evenings for lessons and it is great. If any one is from NYC or NJ, pm me and I'll give you more info.
I used to visit some investor sites, and I still visit http://www.cnczone.com/ but this is my main discussion board.