Hey, I'm Magic Tickle, don't you be taking my name.... weez gunna be haaven ganz war wit mi boyz
JoinedPosts by thecarpenter
Dont player hate... player appreciate.
by IP_SEC inwhas yo pimp name?.
What Did You LOVE About Being a Jehovah's Witness?
by Seeker4 inok. minimus had his 'what did you hate about being a jw' thread, so i want to take a different tack on this.
i'll even start it.
i loved some of the get-togethers we had.
that's also what people say about the mormons
Another Deceitful Tactic by the WTBTS.
by gumby inas most informed jehovah's witnesses know, the wtbts is very good at painting a pretty picture of themselves by cleverly wording things to outsiders, yet not revealing the specifics of their beliefs.. below is an example from their official website regarding whether or not they shun members who choose to leave them.
they do not tell the public of the interogation they impose on members who wish to quietly leave ( fade ).. notice they mention how they are more than happy to restore those who exit, but fail to mention the types of questions they ask to those who leave them.. while they admit they shun those who verbally express they no longer wish to be a jehovahs witness, they do not tell the public they coerce that very statement from those who try to leave peacefully and quietly.
quote: .
you know, I really am indebted to this site for all the experiences you folks have been through and shared. Recently, I had some elders visit me because of rumors about my apostate ways . By reading many of the experiences many of you posted, I knew exactly how I needed to answer them without outing myself. I even got the '...do you think the FDS is god channel question. I really danced around that one (I couched my answer carefully... theocratic tactics you, hehehehehe....
It was a close call but interestingly, I got some of them to relate some of the problems they have with the society. I was actually kind of surprised that some of them have the same frustrations that we do except they hide it better and still try to rationalize the societies behavior.
Another Deceitful Tactic by the WTBTS.
by gumby inas most informed jehovah's witnesses know, the wtbts is very good at painting a pretty picture of themselves by cleverly wording things to outsiders, yet not revealing the specifics of their beliefs.. below is an example from their official website regarding whether or not they shun members who choose to leave them.
they do not tell the public of the interogation they impose on members who wish to quietly leave ( fade ).. notice they mention how they are more than happy to restore those who exit, but fail to mention the types of questions they ask to those who leave them.. while they admit they shun those who verbally express they no longer wish to be a jehovahs witness, they do not tell the public they coerce that very statement from those who try to leave peacefully and quietly.
quote: .
Personally, I find that some shun me (or mark me) while others say hello when they see me. I don't really care if they want to talk to me anyway because they weren't my friends even when I was quite active in the congregation. I don't miss them at all. Since I left, I have joined several different non religious groups and started making more friends and have a busier social life. I only miss maybe one or two jdubs a little but my close friends in the jdubs have exited as well. (we all read CoC and some other books and some are members on this forum) Funny thing is we are all inactive, none df'ed although I am sure we would all be df'ed pronto if we were discovered.
I was turned down by the Mormons.....lol
by whyamihere inyeah, they are not coming back anymore......lol.
i guess as they told me, i bashed their beliefs and their religion - i don't accept the gospel of jesus and joseph smith in to my heart....lol.
dammit, i was having fun with them too.
Yes, you are a bad girl in need of a spanking
thecarpenter of the volunteer to spank class. -
As An Ex or Fading Witness, Do You Have Any Goals?
by minimus indo you hope to accomplish anything at this point in your life?
I have lots of goals, both short term and long term. I already accomplished some goals while in the organization (I went against counsel and improved my financial situation considerably, it was a huge emotional struggle though). At this point, I want to finish my degree just for the fun of it and then try some stuff that I always wanted to do like skydiving at least once, a little hand gliding, scuba diving, some more traveling, etc... I would love to start a family and from there, who knows.
I also would like to research evolution a little more (I still believe in a creator and I think science can be reconciled with a creator) and read the bible again. I plan on going to a non denominational church in the future, I feel attending church helps one achieve contentment and balance, reminding us that love is really important and helping our fellowman.
I am interested in the stockmarket, filmmaking, writing and so many things. I plan to pursue all these things over time. whew!!! -
I don't know how I'm going to give them up...
by gwyneth ini bottle fed orphaned kittens from 3 weeks old--they are about 8 weeks old now.
i have become so attached to them!
my neighbor said she was bringing a friend over this afternoon to pick out a kitten to take home...i am having mixed feelings about this.
I love kittens, they go well with rice and beans ;p
Experience from a circuit assembly in Ft. Worth Texas
by What-A-Coincidence incurrently making the rounds i guess.... .
experience from a circuit assembly in ft. worth texas :.
a brother interviewed 4 people.
such a wonderful experience megadude, brought tears to my eyes (heehee). Yours too blondie. There are several families that I know of which had their children used in articles and books. Many on these kids left the organization shortly thereafter. It is hilarious to see the organization have to change the covers of the books because someone pictured on the cover splits. (also brings tears to my eyes (yukyuk)
Why JW's and Mormons avoid each other...
by Justice-One inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k31bglmtcju&mode=related&search=
that was hilarious, I loved it.
by Justice-One in.
could someone please explain to me how an organization can be "spirit directed" but at the same time not be inspired?
sounds rather orwellian to me..
Here is the way I look at it. Directed and Inspired are two different words. (the following definition come from Merriam Webster online
direct - 1 a obsolete : to write (a letter) to a person b : to mark with the name and address of the intended recipient c : to impart orally d : to adapt in expression so as to have particular applicability <arguments directed at the emotions>
2 a : to regulate the activities or course of b : to carry out the organizing, energizing, and supervising of <direct a project> c : to dominate and determine the course of d : to train and lead performances of <direct a movie>
3 : to cause to turn, move, or point undeviatingly or to follow a straight course <X-rays directed through the body>
4 : to point, extend, or project in a specified line or course <direct the nozzle down>
5 : to request or enjoin with authority <the judge directed the jury to acquit>
6 : to show or point out the way for <signs directing us to the entrance>Inspire - 1 a : to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspirationb : to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on <was particularly inspired by the Romanticists> c : to spur on : IMPEL, MOTIVATE <threats don't necessarily inspire people to work> d : AFFECT <seeing the old room again inspired him with nostalgia>
2 a archaic : to breathe or blow into or upon b archaic: to infuse (as life) by breathing
3 a : to communicate to an agent supernaturally b : to draw forth or bring out <thoughts inspired by a visit to the cathedral>
4 : INHALE 1
5 a : BRING ABOUT, OCCASION <the book was inspired by his travels in the Far East> b : INCITE
6 : to spread (rumor) by indirect means or through the agency of anotherWhen the watchtower speaks of not being inspired, they mean that an angel doesn't bring new revelation to them like the ancient writers of the bible. This would make them modern day prophets if a angel did speak with them (in a conventional sense of the word; bringing new revelations from God as the Mormons claim). If God put the thoughts in their heads for them to write down, that would also make them spirit inspired, modern day prophets of God. The only caveat to being a modern day prophet is that if anything proved to be false, it would show them up to be false prophets.
The watchtower can claim spirit direction two primary way as far as I can see. One is by following the direction from the bible which has claims spirit inspiration (2 Tim 3:16) In following the direction from the bible, they can say they are spirit directed. Example: the bible says don't kill and they follow that direction and don't kill, therefore they are spirit directed.
There are certain problems with this approach. Using this argument, I can also claim that I am spirit directed (as well as many religions including the Moonies) because I follow the direction of the bible on not killing. The second problem with this approach involves interpretation of a scripture. One religious group can interpret a scripture one way while another religious group can interpret it another way, both claiming spirit direction but in opposite directions (such as the blood issue). And sometimes we can see a particular group interpret something different ways over a time period. (flip-flopping as in organ transplants).
A second way that the society claims spirit direction is that of angels interceding in their affairs, such as court victories, how the resources are used, appointment of elders and general running the organization. This comes from Acts 8:26 where a angel directed Philip to the Ethiopian eunuch or when the angel directed Peter to preach to the gentile Cornelius. The problem with this is that they admit that an angel doesn't talk with them. We also see that in the case of Jesus Cano, Leo Greenslee, appointment of corrupt brothers and so on, there was no angel interceding by revealing the corruption even when it was going on under their nose for years. They had to go by visual evidence (not invisible evidence like angels whispering in their ears) and word of mouth like everyone else (the Police and the courts find the invisible evidence unreliable )
Bear in mind though, when Jehovah gave the warning about false prophets, he didn't make the distinction as to whether someone was spirit directed or spirit inspired. A false prophecy is a false prophecy.
If I left out anything significant, please add to his post.
It is important to have his clear in your head because too many friends have this quasi-inspired view in their heads and it sort of confuses a lot of people and emotionally holds them to captive to the bOrg.
So what it comes down to is whether or not you think the religion teaches truth and also its past and current fruitage. (both of which are interesting topics)
thecarpenter of the spirited directed class