I have read many books that have influenced me one way or another but if I had to narrow it down to four books that made a significant impact for the positive in my life, it would be the following books:
the bible - I still believe in it although I recognize that there are many more accounts that have to viewed as allegorical. It still has powerful personal messages for me.
Seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey - Helped me to make enormous personal growth (This book prepared me to leave the borg and to start to see that there was serious problems with the religion and not me)
Feeling Good Handbook by Dr David Burns - Helped me to overcome common negative thinking errors (wish I had this book growing up)
Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz - I had so many doubts about the religion and was starting to record doctrinal errors on my own. After finally getting enough nerve to pick up the book, it put the final nail in the jdub coffin. I stopped going to the meeting after finishing reading this book in two days.