you can shake her hand next time we meet. ;P
JoinedPosts by thecarpenter
Has anyone tried eharmony or
by thecarpenter ini just joined eharmony (tired of meeting chicks who are married or too young for me) and i was wondering if anyone has had any success with it?
has anyone had any success with
Has anyone tried eharmony or
by thecarpenter ini just joined eharmony (tired of meeting chicks who are married or too young for me) and i was wondering if anyone has had any success with it?
has anyone had any success with
Well Lisa, I wouldn't put much stock in the news article, the guy had dated her for a period of time and then married her. This seems more likely to happen with someone you meet in a bar or party (I can find plenty of situations where some met up in a bar and was found dead later. (Also, most murders are domestic murders, usually the murder victum knew the killer). You have to be cautious with everyone you meet, whether it be a office date, neighborhood date, bar date, mutual friend date and so on.
So far this week, I had about 20 potential hits (8 closed the hit for various reasons; I closed about 8 hits; emailed one and contemplating the other 3). A friend of mine who uses the services told me to email at least 2 times a week and to work on my profile. So far what I like is the large pool of choices I get and how it fits into my busy schedule. If anyone has any tips (excluding WAC), let me know.By the way WAC, the beer throwing machine is nice but I think a dog is better
Has anyone tried eharmony or
by thecarpenter ini just joined eharmony (tired of meeting chicks who are married or too young for me) and i was wondering if anyone has had any success with it?
has anyone had any success with
Wow WAC, she seems to be perfect. No complaining, always ready (after a quick wipe down), doesn't spend your money, don't have to worry about birth control... what more can a guy ask...How much does she cost? If she is too expensive, there is always Palmala and her five sisters.
Has anyone tried eharmony or
by thecarpenter ini just joined eharmony (tired of meeting chicks who are married or too young for me) and i was wondering if anyone has had any success with it?
has anyone had any success with
Well, I went back to college and have been meeting some women, just not many in my age group (a little too young). I have been flirting a little with this married chick (she actually has been doing more of the flirting but I really don't see much of a future there). The problem I find is that I don't really like clubbing and I'm sort of meeting the wrong type of women. That's why I think that eharmony or are a better alternative. Since I don't have a lot of time, it seems like I get more bang for the buck (excuse the expression
Anyway, how have any of you faired? I have heard of some horror stories and some success stories. One of my coworkers swears by it. It seems he meets a new chick every week.
Has anyone tried eharmony or
by thecarpenter ini just joined eharmony (tired of meeting chicks who are married or too young for me) and i was wondering if anyone has had any success with it?
has anyone had any success with
I just joined eharmony (tired of meeting chicks who are married or too young for me) and I was wondering if anyone has had any success with it? Has anyone had any success with
How Long Did It Take You To Snap Out Of Watchtower Think?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #000099; } .style2 { font-size: 16px; font-family: arial; color: #000099; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } --> how long did it take you to snap out of watchtower think?it took me better than a year to let go of watchtower think.
the teachings held on to me.
more so than the emotions and i did not have family in the organization to tie me down.. disconnecting yourself from watchtower thinkwhen you first discovered what the society was behind the scenes how long did it.
I've been out about a year now and sometimes I feel a little guilt, but I usually dispense with these feeling relatively quickly. I like to confront these feeling head on because if I allow them to linger, it just creates fears (this is one of the techniques they recommend in cognitive behavioral therapy, don't run away from your fears). I plan on giving blood next month and to do other things that would surely get me df'ed if the borg found out, which at this point I don't care.
Do Watchtower Flashbacks Still Haunt You?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 20px; color: #990000; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #990000; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> do vietnam watchtower flashbacks still haunt you?occasionally, there are times in which i get up from a sound sleep.
tearful because of my vietnam watchtower flashbacks of being.
one of jehovahs witnesses.. sad to say, these dreams come back to haunt me in a negative way.. do you ever dream of still being stuck in the organization?are there times in which you find yourself back in the kingdom.
sometimes, when I plan on doing sometime to piss off the Watchtower. Then I remember why I left and the doubts go away.
I might add they are soft... smell good... have lovely smiles...
I Lost Everything Today
by compound complex indear friends,.
i just received a call from a concerned jw friend about what is going on behind my back.
a dfd friend whom i've been supporting through his mental distress and suicidal tendencies has done me a very strange turn.
hey coco, the same thing happened to me before except is was a "weak" brother who was a little unbalanced. The df'ed brother sanity will be questioned but the elders may give you a call to see how you are doing (and also to see if you incriiminate yourself). You don't have to tell them anything and nor say that you went to apostate websites. Just mentioned you suggested to the df'ed brother look on the internet to see if he could find anything on mental illiness, maybe the society may have something on their website. And end it at that, they need two witnesses (the df'ed guy and you) to verify the story. The elders in my congo couldn't do anything to me. Let this be a lesson to you, JW's cannot be trusted, they are under cult mind control.
thecarpenter from the recovering idealist class -
Photographs and Illustrations in WT Publications
by RubyStevens inthis is i guess geared more toward bethelites or those in the know.
in the endless sunday meetings i was always facinated by the photographs and pictures in the books and magazines.
is there a large photo studio at bethel were the pictures are taken?
"You think it is bad in the congregations, you should see what is happening at Bethel." that should made into a video.