You Know:
You have drawn a correlation between the judgments enacted on the Isrealites in the Old Testament and judgments being enacted today on the WTBS.
Let me carry this a bit farther:
OLD TESTAMENT: Jehovah sent a prophet ("an insider") to the King to warn him that the Nation needs to straighten up
NOW: Jehovah (or God, or Jesus - depending on your belief) sent "an insider" (Bill Bowen for one) to warn the GB that the Nation needs to straighten something up.
OLD TESTAMENT: The King throws the prophet out and doesn't listen
NOW: The GB won't listen and are threatening to throw the "insider" out
OLD TESTAMENT: Jehovah uses an outside nation ("outside agency") to bring discipline and cleansing
NOW: Jehovah/God/Jesus uses an outside agency to bring discipline and cleansing
So did they get it? Not as far as I can see. I have checked a number of JW discussion boards and the majority of posts (90%+) are about how those "apostates" are attacking the organization - how the organization is being made to look bad - poor us in the organization, we're being picked on, whaaaaaa. What I haven't seen are posts saying "We better fix this before more kids are hurt!!"
What happened to the Nation of Isreal when they continually refused to listen to Jehovah? Well - according to JW doctrine, he dropped them like a hot potato after they denied Christ and picked up a new "spiritual nation" now known as the 144,000.
So what do you suppose he'll do if the new "spiritual nation" doesn't listen to his discipline? My guess is he's going to trash it like he did the Isrealites and drop it like a hot potato. That is - of course - if he hasn't already.