I wanted to go to medical school, but did not go to college because of JW influence. I didn't have the $$ and didn't know about grants and low interest loans so I figured that college wasn't an ooption - my parents very strongly encouraged me to get married and pioneer.
But it's never too late! I did go back to college later on and just graduated this spring with my Bachelor of Science degree (I'm 41 now) - which got me a nice promotion at work doing exactly what I want to do. I encouraged my kids from the time they were little to go to college - my son is in his 3rd year of an Engineering degree. The little one (9) is not yet ready for college but is planning her interests and future career already.
If you regret not going to college I really encourage you to just do it - even one class a quarter. Start back - don't keep looking at the past and your regrets, instead, look to the future and your possibilities.