.....or do you feel as though you "deserved" to be reproved or disfellowshipped??
Do You Feel Like You Were "Screwed Over" By A Judicial Committee?
by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends
Hey man I never was reproved or dissed... I did though sit on a number of cases in the past. I recall one very obese sister who refused to meet with us and we booted her out the borg. She told us where to go. She was right.
These cases are set up to favor those who know how to appear repentant and sorrowful. Although that does't always work.
When one examines confessions in the first century it was not handled by a committee of men. The Christians would openly confess their sins to one another. That was it. If a brother was a fornicator, he wouldn't receive a greeting. That was it. No committee.
You are better off carrying your sins to Jesus Christ and leaving them there. Men have no business dealing in sin.
What a kangaroo court my hearing was. The committee only had exaggerated accusations against me from my then-wife, and as far as I know there was no second witness. At least there was no opportunity to address specific accusations by any second witness. I thought nobody could be disfellowshipped on just the testimony of one witness.
Of course I could have "confessed", "apologized" or tried to look sorry for things I didn't even do. I didn't look sorry enough, so they kicked me to the curb.
But in the long run the JC did me a favor, by enhancing my discontent with the organization. After I got out I finally realized nothing special or sacred was going on within the Witness organization.
I was screwed..........I was very repentant....cried my eyes out, confessed my fornication on my own.....and still got df'd. On top of that, all three members of my jc, were related! And one of them was df'd years before that for sleeping with my Mother!!!! Jerks.
Mini, go to the best of series and you will find my story concerning the treatment the elders gave to one of my family. I can't link it here. It's in the best of under Judicial committee on Lee's Best of Site. I'll try and find it if you don't. Going out for awhile, I will check back later.
yup...i got screwed....
I recall one very obese sister who refused to meet with us and we booted out the borg.
what...for being obese??
Regarding the very obese sister we booted out the borg. It wasn't for being obese. She was shacking up with some male friend of hers and refused to make him move. Thinking back we could have let it go. It wasn't like she was active and all. I think not showing up was partly to blame on her being very obese.
troubled mind
When I was fifteen I was before a JC for immorality . I was actually very remorseful and had prayed immediately after the incident had occurred . I felt so bad that I had sinned against God. I didn't think he would forgive me . During the JC instead of having a little empathy for a mixed up kid ,They told me I in fact was not remorseful ' enough' since I didn't cry and weep when I talked with them . I thought WTF how do they know how I feel inside , oh yeah they have Jehovah's spirit directing them ...so then maybe I'm right and God won't forgive my actions . So when I was given private reproof I thought that is what I deserve ......because I'm just a pile of crap anyway. That kind of thinking caused me to try and take my life . The pills were not enough though and I only tore my stomach up .No one ever cared how I really felt . I NOW think giving your child over to a JC is an abusive thing no parent should allow . When we were still witnesses we did go w/our kids when Elders wanted to talk with them. We were called in for different things over the years ...I ALWAYS WENT AS AN ADVOCATE FOR MY KIDS . If they in fact did do something wrong I did not lie for them , but I did keep things in perspective . I never wanted them to feel so worthless as I had felt .
I knew of a girl who allowed a male friend to sleep overnight and clearly had no sexual anything with him but because she refused to "admit" her sin, she was df'd. Years later after not being able to talk to her JW family, she "repented" and falsely admitted to her sin and got reinstated.
I was called before them a couple of times basically for questioning the FDS but they didn't DF me they cautioned me but I DAed after the second of these meetings as it was pointless being in a dictatorial organisation. My belief was that there should be a society of free debate where if you believe in something you can freely express it and discuss it.