Ok - I'm in. I'll loan you some money.
First - send me your money as a charitable donation. Then I'll loan it back to you at interest, but whatever you buy you have to dedicate back to me, ok? Trust me - God will bless this arrangement
hey dude--i'll send you an email to make sure you see this---.
in the thread yadira posted, you stated:.
when i was a rising star, i used to help collect the money from the contribution boexes after the meetings.
Ok - I'm in. I'll loan you some money.
First - send me your money as a charitable donation. Then I'll loan it back to you at interest, but whatever you buy you have to dedicate back to me, ok? Trust me - God will bless this arrangement
My thoughts are with you. Your mother was a beautiful woman!
in particular the belief that the soul does die at death, (its not eternally tormented) belief in a paradise hope and other similar doctrines of the wts.. i'm curious as to just how unique the wts is.
they claim to be the only ones with their particular set of beliefs but its something that i never really researched all the years that i've been a jw.
gxs - I have three very good friends who are of Jewish faith. This guy doesn't sound like the Jews I know.
They celebrate birthdays as well as a number of Jewish festivals. They don't celebrate Christmas but do celebrate Hanakah, and they believe Jesus was a great teacher, but not the son of God or their messaih. They're still waiting for the messiah to come. Basically, they believe and follow the rules of the old testament (ie: dietary restrictions, festivals, etc.)
He must have been a different style of Judaism that I've never heard of.
ive just finished talking on the phone with my mum.
shes a devout jw who is highly thought of by most other dubs, shes on first name terms with the head boyz n bethel too.
for a lady dub shes pretty high profile, has never, ever been counselled about anything in her entire life and would be astonished if anyone should ever attempt to do so.
She replied that her attendance at the church service didn’t matter because she didn’t join in the singing of the hymns!
My mom (a devout JW) plunked a few nickles in the slots in Reno but said she found them on the floor so it didn't count as gambling.
"i feel you should remember where you got the truth.
first, who was the one feeding you to where you are now.".
Just remind them that the Pharisees probably said this very thing to Jesus, his Apostles and his disciples.
uadna meeting to be held on 5/22/2002 at the radison convention hall.
you know the city.
meeting starts at 11pm sharp.
Information is ready for distribution. Networked individuals have been prepped.
a thread started by realist which mentioned the flood and the disappearance of the dinosaurs got me thinking.
since i do not own a bible i had to download one from the internet to check a few things out (my computer is really pissed at me now).
it's been many years since i read the bible but i needed to be accurate in my research to ask my question.
These are some really good questions. I would like to try and answer them, but I'll need some time to research it. Hopefully I can find an answer for you - and for me now that I'm so intrigued!!
i had an interesting day today.
early this afternoon i was sent an email by a sister who was chastising me for claiming to not be disfellowshipped.
she wrote she had just spoken to the oregon service desk and was assured that i was df on no uncertain terms.
So, he could not have been lying. Must have just been Theocratic War Strategy.
Nope - you're wrong - it was that he found "new light"
some years ago, i knew a brother with mental problems.. oddly enough, he managed to own a house and car on a. disability pension.
i wondered how he survived on his.
visiting his house, i found that he made written.
Hmmmmm maybe those will be on the next written review?
http://www.stormpages.com/jwfriends/wwwboard/index.html .
check out their disclaimer.. it jumped off the screen at me.. .
terms of use: i agree to use the jw friends message board in a christian manner.
Ok - I just checked their site again - your posts are hillarious!!!
But really - instead of stirring the pot, maybe we should just respond to anyone there who is sincerely asking a question, and leave the rest of them alone.
<<<ducking>>> <<running>>> <<<hiding>>>>
<<<<waiting for throwing food>>>>
You know me - always have to speak my mind regardless of the consequences.......hey.......I wonder if that's why I'm here now instead of there???