Reading you posts , I've been going to focus another insubstantial claim.
Starting question is : how can the 144.000 sing in front of the 24 elders (Rev 14:3) if they are the same group ?
Answer to this question is found in the Revelation climax book (cap. 29, pag 201, par.10) is : they are the same group but from a different angle; the 144.000 are the remanent on the earth, instead the 24 elder are already death and in the heaven ...(moreless it says this , sorry I cannot quote as I have not CD-ROM in english). So the 144.000 are singing from the earth in front of their brother already in heaven.
BUT ... how can the 144.000 be on the earth if in Rev 14:1, in the same vision contest ,just 2 verses above, they have been seen together with the Lord on the Zion ????
that struggle me