"But chose the old rate because it looks much worse."
But 1 on 142 is not that worse !!!
Consider when Jehova-killer will make his Armagheddon sadistic show.
Approximately 99,9 % of the population will be murdered ...
That is worst
march "study" edition is available for download at jw(dot)org.
first article "do not deceive yourselves with false reasonings" ... does a good job at blaming the individual witness for losing a sense of urgency ... surely the organization has no culpability for this.. the bible also warns about the danger of deceiving ourselves with false reasoning.'-jas.1:22..
a wrong view of the timing of the divine purpose could lead us to lose sightof the importance of our spiritual activities and become sidetracked with personal interests.. (zech.
"But chose the old rate because it looks much worse."
But 1 on 142 is not that worse !!!
Consider when Jehova-killer will make his Armagheddon sadistic show.
Approximately 99,9 % of the population will be murdered ...
That is worst
what was it like to live in the 1950's 1960's and early 70's as a jehovah witness.when they started to push the 1975 date..
Imminent in the real world is "about to happen", it's in connection with the time and space.
(eg. if my PC has a message "Hard Drive detects imminent failure", I immediately backup my photo and music, I know with one more PC reboot I could loose all my data )
Imminent in JW world is an empty word, meaningless; with just purpose of exciting a frustrated crowd.
what was it like to live in the 1950's 1960's and early 70's as a jehovah witness.when they started to push the 1975 date..
'75 was my sliding door.
Few years before (I think it was 1973, I was 7 years old) I did listen a boy in my school room talking about weird topics like Harmagheddon, distruction, "day like Noah' days" and New Order; he based his talks on books and magazine. We became friends and I was one of his best listener.
But I was disturbed, and confused. During strong rainstorms I used to say my mother it could be a flood like Noah's days, the End of the World from God. She start to be worried and investigated a bit on reasons of my emotional disorder.
But she investigated too much , indeed, because she was finally (and unfortunately) approached by the mother of the boy, a pioneer JW.
I remember a Sunday morning when we received the first visit in our house. Other visit follows. Then Bible study and so on ...
The result was all my family captured by the sect, my mother was baptized just before 1975, and I wasted 3 decades of my life in Theocracy -land.
Good to say, my mother and all my family have left the JWs.
I'm still a good friend of the boy classmate, and he's out too; not the same can be said about his mother, still JW.
i looked through your posts but couldn't find your life story.
have you written it?.
i would love to read your progression from/through jw to avid scholar :).
Thanks Leo, you're lovely, and your writing are special.
"Cross and stake" is one of the most fascinating read I did ever, really. I think you're aware there 'a version in italian ?
Grazie mille !!
i'm asking because i just watched "the road".
it may not be the saddest but it's up there.
"my sister's keeper" was a real tearjerker too..
Strange enough, no one mentiond this so far :
Mystic River
i have noted in the past few months or years that christians, when faced the nearly insurmountable evidence that the garden of eden events are improbable if not impossible [i refer to fossil evidence that supports hominid existence on this planet perhaps millions of years ago, as example] to overcome, that the 'fall back' position is often that the garden of eden account is just allegory, not literal.. but it occurs to me that if it is just allegorical, then there is no specific event to mark the 'fall of man' and 'original sin'.
without that, what purpose is served with the idea of a 'ransom' in which 'the last adam' overcomes the sin of adam in the garden.
why would nt writers refer to the events as if literal if they are just allegory?
Leolaia - "I think first it is important to distinguish the Society's Eden-centered explanation of the "ransom" (such as the "scales" concept of Jesus and Adam as equally perfect beings) from the variety of soteriological concepts in the NT"
Still not clear to me difference in concept between WTS ransom and NT ransom.
Did you discuss in the past ?
Can you link , please ?
during my life as jw i have studied many, many books of the wt at the weekly book study.. here you will find some of the books considered during the years with their publishing date:.
1955 new heavens, new hearth.
1961 from lost paradise to..... 1962 let your will be done on earth.
Worstever : "Daniel prophecy"
Acceptable: "greatest man"
Anybody find that pic funny as a kid? It's just so comical how they have their mouths open like that!
Yes, I agree. Not only the mouths , but the arms and the beard.
During booring meetings I counted the priest, how many are hidden in the picture, how many are in the courtyard ... so paranoid
yes, what was the biggest lie that you can think of, that persuaded you to realize that they were not who they said they were ?.
for myself it would have to be the year they picked as the destruction of ancient jerusalem 607 bc.. i have an assumption this was done purposely to coincide correctly with making 1914 an a important pivotal date.
in human history, which by all factual evidence it was not.. unassuming and deceiving manipulation for self marketing purposes.
I don't know if the BIGGEST, but one othe BIGGEST is "The end is near".
In Italian they use the word "imminent"; they're repeated obsessevsly in the last 5-6 decades, or even more.
Many people waste their life due to this lie.