Welcome..I hope your parents and friends continue to be supportive and somewhat non judgemental!
isthisit .
i cant believe that it has come to this, but your hand has been pushed and you had to act, for this i know that we raised you the right way.
we love you both, and will be in boston with you on your day.
Welcome..I hope your parents and friends continue to be supportive and somewhat non judgemental!
lets see now.......... monday night: prepare for the tuesday night book study i will conduct.
also, have the family monday night watchtower study preparation.. tues night: drive over to an almost inactive brother's house to conduct the book study.
prepared questions for the children ahead of time.
This is bringing back HORRIBLE memories.
hey everyone, .
today i decided to tell a friend of mine.......on top of all i have been dealing with the last 1.5 years.......my daughters drug and alcohol problem, her going off to army, the end of a romantic relationship, my brothers funeral, car wreck, shingles, financial.....etc etc...... that i have been in a cult that i have been working my way out of.
i have never told her about this part of my life.
I know, isn't it weird to discuss it with people that have not been in it. I sometimes feel embarrassed that I was so ignorant before. But live and learn right!
ok, i'm now da'd as many of you already know.
it's so fresh that my stomach turns everytime the subject comes up about religion.
however, something that does puzzle me a bit.......is how do you answer people when they ask you the question "what religion are you?
I always say I don't belong to a religion, but I consider myself Christian.
i always used the following site as a measurement whether the wts is a cult.
hands down baby...all day long and into next week...they are: http://www.caic.org.au/biblebase/abuse/selfquiz.htm.
self quiz.
S4..I have done alot of these self questionare things on cults, nearly all the questions are the same as this one....
i was asked a few months back to teach a class locally on tuesday night at 7:pm.
i thought it would be okay, and i started doing it in april.
as it was not something with any time frame and more of a class that could go on for as long as time allowed.
I know the feeling. I get nervous about going to church every Sunday, even though its one of those big ole come as you are whenever you want, I still feel like what if they see me there too much and it really is a weird church and Im just being love bombed and then Im trapped. Is this going onto a diferent topic, feels like it is...
what things happened at your meetings that annoyed you?.
was it at a hall ya visited?
did it happen more than once?.
We had a lady just like that...she would pick at her ears all meeting long and look at it, it was so gross, how much stuff did she think she had in there that she needed to pick like that.
I also used to get irritated because we had this family with 5 girls, and they each one of them, had to have a baby or toddler on their laps at tall times, so they were always up and down with these different babies, exchanging babies, etc.
And then we had this old German lady that we always had to go out in service with, AND SHE HAD NO DRIVERS LICENSE...she would literally come to a dead stop in the MIDDLE of the road to look at territory cards, she would pull u-turns out of nowhere, used to scare the living daylights out of me.
the mind is full of all kinds of things that can trigger memories.
it could be the taste of a certain spice that reminds you of a now passed relative who liked to cook.
it could be the smell of a perfume or cologne, that reminds you of a lover you once could not live without.
Oddly enough, the smell of public bathrooms...it reminds me of standing in endles lines at the convention and that horrible pee-poop-diaper-hairspray-cleaner smell you had to wait through.
i swear my mother used to keep better track of my bladder than i did.
she'd sit me down occasionally for talks such as "i noticed you've been going to the bathroom a lot during the meetings lately maybe we need to cut down on what you drink on meeting nights" etc.
others would go 2 or 3 times a meeting and if i went twice a week i'd get a talk about it!
Richie was so right on about the spanking...I always remember hearing crap(get it) about not going to the bathroom during meeting, but my parents never enforced it. There was this one girl who would build up a number two all day so she could go straight to the bathroom at the Hall and spend a good long time on the pot. I think she usually missed a good part of the meetings. Her Mom was a really old Mom and too tired to enforce no pooping rules. I think It was a great plan to cut down on meeting time, perhaps she brought a novel or something ino the stall...
comments you will not hear at the 08-13-06 wt study (july 1, 2006 issue date, pages 26-30 )(youths choice).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
This is just so crazy, what they do to kids. They rob them of their childhood. I saw a group yesterday dragging around a 3 year old door to door. I felt to sorry ofr her, she is the same aga as my daughter.