I'm kind of a leadfoot... I've had a few tickets, nothing huge except for my most recent one. 81 in a 55, but he knocked it down to 75. I'm going to court to fight it next month as there's a story...
I had passed an old, blue, beat up Caprice with the license "PSYCHO" on it a few miles back. Once I passed, they stayed right on my butt. There were two guys in there, I was alone out on the county roads, it was about 8pm. So I slowed down to let them pass. They didn't. I sped up, they sped up. So I was about 5 miles from my town and doing the 80mph. I told the cop that I felt like I was being chased and just wanted to get to town, like I've heard one is 'supposed to do'. The dumb cop told me that I should have 'pulled off on a gravel road'. Yeah.... riiiiiiight and what if they'd pulled off too?!? I didn't argue with him THEN, but will use this in court, hopefully to my advantage. Also, I found out that this car's driver didn't have a license, had a warrant out for his arrest for drugs in the next county and had drugs in the car. So I was right in my un-PC profiling...
I should maybe mention that I do totally deserve the ticket, I'm a speeder.... I have a radar detector that has saved me countless times. Except this one....
Court date is August 8th... Worst case, I pay my fine and my insurance bumps up a bit.