Holy crap, I dunno!
Time to put mine on eBay!!!
i just noticed that the bound volumes of the watchtower and awake magazines for the year 2004 are now up to $80.00 and $70.00, respectively.
the beginning bid was $8.00.
why would these bound volumes be going for so much?
Holy crap, I dunno!
Time to put mine on eBay!!!
http://neocrat.com/sol.mp3 .
sorry for the long file, is there anyone that can clean this up a bit, the quality is actually pretty good considering the mic was hidden and i was in a big room.
Finally got a chance to listen (although the 8 year old just peeked in and looked at me funny). God, what a pathetic bunch of parrots.
I got asked that same question "if you are DF, what is your plan?" If. IF. Just friggin SAY it already.
I also got told that they were there to "help" me. Bulls**t.
As hard as it was for me to sit and listen, as it brought back some icky memories and feelings, it was also a GOOD thing for me as it is another reminder/confirmation that I did the right thing by turning my back on this psychotic religion.
(((hugs SoL)))
ETA: what did you use to record? We have the CO visit (tm) coming up in about three weeks. He may want to talk to me after the accusations I made against my elders in my DA letter and in the cover letter to the CO...
http://neocrat.com/sol.mp3 .
sorry for the long file, is there anyone that can clean this up a bit, the quality is actually pretty good considering the mic was hidden and i was in a big room.
Got an idea... If you do Limewire or other music download stuff, tag your elder conversations and this JC as with words like "jehovah" "kingdom" or whatever is going to bring it up if someone is searching for "Theocratic" stuff. I've never checked Lime to see if it's out there (and ok, the Spiritual dub wouldn't be d/l pirated music anyway...) but just another possible strategy. :)
Holy crap, I think this thing is going to go around the world on its own anyway.
http://neocrat.com/sol.mp3 .
sorry for the long file, is there anyone that can clean this up a bit, the quality is actually pretty good considering the mic was hidden and i was in a big room.
the elders said I'll never have real friends again!
oh yeah right... better to have the conditional friendships of the freaks at the Kingdumb Hell.
I've just downloaded but have to wait for little people here to go to bed; can't wait to listen but I have this sinking feeling already, knowing it's going to make me feel like I did not too long ago at my own JC. Confronting fears and nasties is GOOD for me, yes?
Was thinkin about this today. Glad you're doing this -- ya rock, SoL.
you know.... one of those jws who nods slightly in agreement with a point the speaker makes?
i've seen this lots at assemblies etc but we do have a local nodder; we call her bonnie bobble-head cuz she reminds me and the kids of the bobble-heads for car dashes.
You know.... one of those JWs who nods slightly in agreement with a point the speaker makes? I've seen this LOTS at assemblies etc but we do have a local nodder; we call her Bonnie Bobble-head cuz she reminds me and the kids of the bobble-heads for car dashes. heehee
I sat next to someone at an assembly last Nov, and she not only nodded, but made various "mm" and clucking noises as well (got really bad during a story about an elder who *gasp* recited the Pledge or something, which was of course his first false step and he's out of the bOrg now. tsk tsk). I was having the giggle bad over that one....
it's not terribly impressive, but given the small size of this town and the small number of pubs at the kh, this might be relatively huge.. i just emailed this to the newspaper editor today:i gave blood tuesday, april 4th for the first time.
somewhere, someone's life might be saved by my donation.
i work at **** hospital*** and have seen blood used to bring color to someone's granny's cheeks, to help a new mom recover from a difficult childbirth and to give a young man with cancer a higher count so that he can receive chemotherapy and continue his fight.
It's not terribly impressive, but given the small size of this town and the small number of pubs at the KH, this might be relatively huge.
I just emailed this to the newspaper editor today: I gave blood Tuesday, April 4th for the first time. Somewhere, someone's life might be saved by my donation. I work at **** hospital*** and have seen blood used to bring color to someone's granny's cheeks, to help a new mom recover from a difficult childbirth and to give a young man with cancer a higher count so that he can receive chemotherapy and continue his fight. As well, a donated unit of blood is used to make vaccinations, medications and other "fractions", which are used to benefit the people who need them. This is something that I'm happy and proud to be a part of. At one time in my life, I did not have the freedom of giving blood because of religious reasons. However, after much research and thought, my conscience could no longer allow letting misinterpreted scriptures and life-threatening doctrines come between me and doing the right thing for those in my community. The ******'s Bloodbank's mobile unit is at ***** the first Tuesday of the month. I encourage everyone to donate if they're able and become a part of saving someone's life
i gave blood yesterday.
for the first time ever.
it's "newsworthy" in more ways than just one.
You..... ROCK!!
I'm at work today so didn't get as much down-time to work on this as I thought I would (busy savin' lives and all ) I'll email this to myself and do some rewording on it. Not much, though as you pretty much took the words right from my heart and mind.
Thanks for your help!
i gave blood yesterday.
for the first time ever.
it's "newsworthy" in more ways than just one.
I gave blood yesterday. For the first time EVER. It's "newsworthy" in more ways than just one. I'm tellin ya, it was the most amazing thing in the world to do. The feelings I had were somewhat two- or three-fold (stop singing that stupid kingdumb melody in your head, I just did LOL). I felt free -- free to do what I wanted, free to do the right thing by donating. I felt somewhat defiant -- "take THAT up your ass, WTBTS" but mostly I just felt good -- somewhere, someone's life might be saved by what I did yesterday. I work in a hospital and have seen blood put to use to bring color to someone's granny's cheeks... to bring a new mom back to consciousness after nearly bleeding out from childbirth, so that she can hold her baby... to give a young man with cancer a higher count so that he can receive chemo and fight...
My town is a population of about 12K and the KH has around 35 publishers (about 50 on the Spanish side). I'd love to have my experience published by the local newspaper. Something along the lines of promoting donating blood to save lives, but also getting in there something about the WTS views on transfusions having been tweeked thru the years, and how it is barely hanging by a thread -- a thread certainly not strong enough to risk my or my children's lives on. Maybe in some ways it's another defiant thing... but it's also turning into a 'cause' of mine, it seems.
I'll probably start writing something up during the day, but if anyone has some info and things to include, throw it my way, bring it on.
~merfi, of the A Positive donor class
i was thinking, on my way to work this morning, that the movie the village is a lot like the jws.
in the movie, several families live in a false 1800s village in the middle of the forest that only a few people knew was fake.
in order to keep the villagers in line, they created a fake monster that would roam the woods at night and scare the crap out of people, so no one dared leave.
Plato's allegory of the cave
This is my all-time most favorite snippet of literature out there.... When we studied Plato's Republic in Philosophy, I just ate it up. When we got to this allegory, lightbulbs were going off all over the place. Sadly, at the time, I was still only 'studying' so wasn't able to make the parallel then. However, through the next 15 years after, the Allegory would pop back into my head whenever I'd stumble across something that didn't 'fit' right in JW teach. And now -- I use the Allegory when I explain stuff to the kids, to other people etc.
I was going to get this calligraphy'd and framed someday.
I know, I know..
i was thinking, on my way to work this morning, that the movie the village is a lot like the jws.
in the movie, several families live in a false 1800s village in the middle of the forest that only a few people knew was fake.
in order to keep the villagers in line, they created a fake monster that would roam the woods at night and scare the crap out of people, so no one dared leave.
I could see the parallels very clearly. In fact, I watched it because someone had mentioned how similar it was to how the JW are, so I wanted to see for myself. The movie itself was one of the most lame-ass ones I've ever seen (but then I didn't get freaked out by The Grudge or The Ring, either...) but it was interesting to draw the similarities. Elders in control of everyone's mind, boogeymen "out there" so you need to stay close to the village etc. The movie kind of made me mad -- I felt like one of the village idiots who actually BOUGHT this stuff the elders were saying.
Chocolat was another movie that I'd heard one could draw parallels with.