A few months after my first wife left me for someone she met on-line, I was visited by two younger elders from the congregation that we attended. They asked numerous questions, some embarrassing, made copious notes, etc. I told them the history of our marriage, and filled them in on what she'd done to end our marriage. She filed for a divorce, in early 1999. The process took almost one year, becoming finalized in February of 2000. In March of 2001 I met and fell in love with a woman, a non-believer, and 13 months later, we married in a private ceremony at the Hitching Post in Cour D'Alene, Idaho. For several years her family shunned her, would have nothing to do with her, to the extent her only brother, (she had 5 sisters and one brother, all older than she is) all except for one of her older sisters who was non JW. Her brother, an elder wrote her a letter condemning her for her actions. On New Year's Eve of 2005, my ex married a non-believer after dating him for approximately three weeks. Last fall, one of the more elder of her sisters passed away, the victim of cancer at the age of 88. She had been a staunch JW for most of her life. At one point in my life, she was like a 2nd mother to me. My ex attended the funeral services and was treated just like one of the family. The shunning seemed to have been totally wiped out. I feel the reason she is no longer shunned, is because I married before she did. Thus I became the "adulterer" in this case, leaving her free to marry without being considered to be an immoral person. For the most part, except for her unbelieving sister and that sister's family, the rest of the family all JWs know nothing of her lifestyle while she was single. They don't know she left me for a man who promised her the world, slept with her for three days, then sent her back to our home town to file for a divorce so he could marry her. HA! She lived with upwards of 5 men after she divorced me. To me it simply means the JWs can turn a blind eye when they want to.
JoinedPosts by ramtrucker
Honeymoon Disfellowshippings
by dozy inone of the anomalies of the disfellowshipping process is the common situation when someone who is unscripturally divorced remarries.
in these occasions , the instruction is to always disfellowship the individual , regardless of repentance or attitude - what is referred to as a honeymoon df in elders jargon.
hence you have the (to me) bizarre situation of privately reproving a child molester , rapist or murderer one week and disfellowshipping a newly remarried middle aged sister who has been divorced for 20 years the next week.
So true, Juni, so true.
Yankee Stadium? Not again!
by truthsetsonefree inword has it in new york city that the cozy days at nassau colisseum are over.
(for those of you unfamiliar with new york, the district conventions have been held at an indoor colisseum for for several years now.
prior to that new yorkers were forced into sitting for 3+ days in a hot, humid, sometimes rainy outdoor stadium.
My parents took me to New York for the 1953 assembly, I was 12 + at the time. We stayed at the camping grounds set up in New Jersey. We lived in Central Washington at the time in the lower Yakima Valley. I'll never forget the young girl from Florida that was camping near by and spent quite a bit of time visiting us at our little spot. My mother washed clothes by hand one day, and the little girl asked her about my undershorts hanging on the line, as she'd never seen the like. I was so embarrassed. She related to my mother that her brothers didn't wear underwear. LOL We did go into the assembly grounds one day, riding with friends from our congregation, in their borrowed International Pickup truck. We also visited the Radio Station WTTBS (?) located on Staten Island. My mother, riding in the back of the truck, while it crossed the water on a ferry, got seasick! It rained while we were camped there, and the camp grounds were a muddy mess. I remember to, the bathing facilities, and the latrines set up for us. In 1958, I had the opportunity to ride back to New York for the assembly, held at Yankee Stadium and the Polo Grounds. It was my first opportunity for me to be on my own, albeit my sponsors were my best friends parents, the Congregation Servant as we called them then and his wife and family. On this occasion, we stayed with a Negro family of good will who graciously allowed us to sleep in their basement while there. On our return trip, we visited the farm at Gilead. I'd grown up on a farm in Washington, and while watching the herd being milked asked if I might have a cup of warm milk, and was rebuked for asking by one of the workers there. We traveled in an old city bus, powered by a Chevrolet Stovebolt 6, which expired twice on the trip, requiring some delay while installing a new engine. As far as mother nature goes, I don't remember it being particularly hot at the assembly, but that can be attributed to the fact, I was used to working in the fields in the Yakima Valley and the oddities of the weather didn't bother me. I have other good memories of attending both assemblies. One of those revolves around getting my first taste of pizza during the 1958 assembly. I bought a slice of pizza at a stand, located in the outside wall of Yankee Stadium, at a cost of $0.15. It was nothing like today's pizza...simply a cheese/tomato pizza but to me it was like manna from heaven. I had pizza every day while there. My friend and I skipped out of several meetings and rode the subway around New York City, exploring, even going to Coney Island a couple of times. As far as hot and humid goes, the last assembly I attended, a district assembly in Kennewick, Washington in 1999, was for me a miserable experience. Not only was it hot and humid, but I couldn't hear much of what the speakers said because of the lousy speaker system. Something I've noticed at many of the assemblies, in the later years.
Has the Internet changed your life?
by Fisherman ininformation at my finger tips.
no one can have the upper hand on me beccause of information.
The internet has changed my life, in many ways. One way of course is the easy research abilities that the internet affords me. Another, perhaps more dramatic, and life changing way is, my first wife, discovered cybersex, and the ease of finding someone else to invest her life with. I'd become disabled from a construction accident, was told by Washington State Labor and Industry, (L & I) that since I could no longer work in construction, I had to go to school, read college and learn new skills that would enable me to rejoin the workforce. We, (my first wife and I bought a computer as a study aid.) Several months later, we got our first internet access. Then I started school full time. Several months after we joined the internet, I came home to find her seated at the computer, dressed in a flimsy baby-doll nitie, sans panties, enjoying sex with someone she'd met online. Here I might mention, she'd cut me off from sex at least two years earlier, telling me she was no longer interested in sex! LOL Not long after finding her enjoying sex online, she iniatiated sex with me again. At first I was happy as a newly wed. Even condoned her sexual behavior on line. I was to learn soon, within a couple months that she was actually using her self as bait, looking for a new mate. A mate that would be able to support her like she was used to before my accident. She found a fellow in California willing to pay for her to fly from Washington down to his home, where he wined her, dined her, and whatever else. She came home, announced she loved the guy, (why not, he owned a 5 bedroom home, lol) and would rejoin him as soon as our divorce was finalized. Needless to say, he never invited her back to his home in California. She moved to Western Washington soon after she initiated the divorce, and went through several men since then, finally marrying a widower two years ago. I in turn, met my second wife online through a personal ad on Yahoo. We've ushered in the 7th New Year this year, that we've been together. Strangely enough, after my first wife, remarried, her JW siblings and relatives ceased to shun her, accepting and even visiting her in her home with her non JW husband.
strange email
by pobthespazz injust had a very strange email from someone called "fearless" that said on the subject line "chinese missile shoots down us aircraft" it came with an attachment but oe would not allow me to open it, i presume it must be some spoof or spammer but has anyone else had anything similar?.
It's worse than spam. It's someone trying to take advantage of the world's latest headlines by infusing the e-mail with a virus and then sending it to millions, hoping to infest the curious one's computer system with a virus.
Bermite discovered at excavation site!!!!!
by jimbo inpowered substance discovered along side excavated trench.
it was quite suspicious in appearance with a pungent odor.
excavator dug 90' trench for installation of utilities to the shop that i converted from a barn.
In the late 1970's I worked construction for a general contractor in Pasco, Washington. One of our jobs was building a dentists office in what had been rural Pasco some years before. We ran into a very hard, nearly concrete like material, brown in color, that taxed our picks and shovels while leveling out the earth for the footing/foundation in what would become the basement of the office building. We did a little research and found that the site was where once an old dairy barn had been located. We were putting the building up on the location of the wash out from the barn. Jerry
Medical "treatments"
by merfi inas i sit here with pinkeye farmcat eyes (this is one of the worst things i've ever been through lol it's horrible!
please send me 'aw merf, get better soon' vibes and a cyber hot-toddy.
gawd, i'm a whiner today.
Don't remember exactly how old I was, but it was before I turned 5 y.o.a. I'd wake with my eyes matted shut and start crying, (probably yowling). My father used his time honored method of dealing with it. Spank me. Same went for earaches, if I cried with an earache, he'd spank or whip me. I didn't think about it as a kid, but reflecting back, and knowing how his brother beat his son, (my cousin) when he had ear aches, I have to wonder if they didn't learn their "healing" methods from their mother. She was a strict disciplinarian. I guess I was lucky in a way, it always seemed like my Uncle beat my cousin harder than my dad did me. Ahhh....the memories.
Moving again... What do you think of these places?
by Bryan inwell, we thought we'd be here for at least 2 years.
last week my wife was told that her office will close jan. 31st!
this is actually kinda' normal for bechtel.
Hi Bryan I lived in the Tri-Cities, from the early '60s until 2000. Oddly enough, after I'd completed a year of college, (retraining because of an industrial accident), I had a mock interview, which was presided over by a rep from Bechtel. Later I applied for work as an office clerk at Bechtel. I was 59 at the time, and other than the college training, inexperienced in anything but construction work, so I feel I was passed over for work because of my age, 59, and my inexperience. The Tri-Cities is one of the few areas in the U.S. that is still booming. The place has grown remarkably so, even in the past 6 years since I moved to my new home, some 60 miles S.E. of the Tri-Cities. There is a huge variety of people living there, with the three cities, kind of representing a different type of people in each city. Kennewick used to be considered the "bedroom" of the community so to speak. They all have grown to the point that their separate identities are not so evident now. If you enjoy boating and fishing, the Tri-cities has a lot to offer with the Columbia River wandering through the middle of the burg. There are several good golf courses in the area if golfing is your bag. It seems that every contractor has moved to the area to build houses, apartment buildings and condominiums. Unless things change, the Witnesses use the Tri-cities as one of the District Assembly sites in the summer. There will probably be at least 3, more likely 4 assemblies there during the summer. The last one I went to was with my father and siblings. I sat in the stands above the main concourse, sweltering as the temps outside were in the 90s-100s, and looked down at my used to be in-laws looking up at me. LOL... The Tri-cities can fool you. The area was semi-desert and arid, where once upon a time the climate in the summertime was very dry. Because of the huge amount of irrigated land that's being watered from damns built along the Columbia, the humidity can sometimes be similar to cities on the Gulf Coast. All in all, I'd say the Tri-Cities is a good place to consider living and working. The clean up work at the Atomic Energy Reservation, (Hanford) will go on for many years, although the clean up is going well according to the news. You probably are aware that one of the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan was built at Hanford. Hanford High school, (Richland) is proud of that heritage, even their logo is the Hanford Bombers. Hope this helps.
Because it's fun - Can it really be that simple?
by Nellie inlast night in gabbly i asked why celbrate xmas.
the answer i got was, "because it's fun.
" can it really be that simple?.
My wife and I enjoy Christmas. We've been a couple since spring of 2000. She's always enjoyed celebrating the holidays, whereas I was raised a JW from the age of 11 or so. My father started studying with a pioneer in 1949. As a family we enjoyed Christmas for a couple more years then stopped celebrating it. I still remember the sled I received as a boy of 8 at Christmas of 1948. Our winter here in Central Washington State was very hard that year with lots of snow, so it was a welcome gift. My first wife, with whom I was married for 38 years came from a well established family of JW's. She was the youngest of six siblings, one of whom had married a Catholic. Although her family doesn't celebrate Christmas, it has always seemed like it's a time for them to get together. They drink, not to excess, but get happy, eat a lot of food, including the traditional foods most "worldly" people enjoy, and in general hang out over the holiday season.
Since your spouse is going to die at Armageddon, can we agree to date?
by free2beme inmy sister was always married to a nonbeliever as a witness, which means that her husband would die at armageddon and she would need to look into another mate.
so when thinking about this, i remember a few in the kingdom hall that were attractive males and females, that had spouses that would die at armageddon for being nonbelievers.
so wouldn't it make sense, since we did believe this, to court these ones and explain that after their spouse gets the holy crap beat out of them for their lack of faith, that we would like to be first in line for some possible dating in the new system.
It's kind of a thread drift, but a similar thought: My now ex-wife's elder brother in law, an elder from Florida made a comment some years back, that one of his fantasys was to be present when Crazy Horse, and Sitting Bull were resurected after Armageddon. He commented that they'd probably leap from their graves, dressed in full Indian regalia, brandishing tomahawks, ready to do battle with the white man, and would be totally surprised to find themselves in such a peaceful, New World. Come to think of it, he made the comment while we were attending an Assembly in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1975...I wonder now, 31 years later, how he feels about the idea.