First off I want to say that I have no problems with any posters in here personally. I agree, or don't, with many in here........but this continual bashing of others is starting to get under my skin. The one and only statement in the initial post that stands out to me is:
One poster on the other hand made no such move he called her a liar repeatedly and demanded actual police reports before he would ever believe otherwise.
I did not see the posts that were referred to...........but I will have to say that to ask for (demand) proof is not out of line. Think about it. How many posts have we seen in here that seem to be just purely out of the attitude of bashing, for no other reason than to look for the minutest thing that the Borg has done? Don't get me wrong.......I think for the most part what is written in here is good. But I will have to say that petty arguements, specifically focusing on one person in a negative post, or even those posts that are seeking "boogey men" where boogey men do not exist gets very, very tiresome. Why not take these issues to a personal level? Why not face each other and try to settle differences without a public forum? From what I have seen quite a number of times the misunderstandings are due entirely to the fact that seeing words written rather than spoken causes a lot of hard feelings and flame wars that are totally unnecessary if 2 (or more) so called adults would agree to talk to each other civilly.
Like I said, I don't know what transpired here but can't it be taken care of in another, more civil way?