Well, I tried to do the quote thing. Sorry itdidn't work out so well. I hope I do better another time.
JoinedPosts by DazedAndConfused
bethel coach tours package deals
by nelly136 inprices and run down of organised activities for any one who fancies a trip to see buck house.
bethel coach tours package deals
by nelly136 inprices and run down of organised activities for any one who fancies a trip to see buck house.
Does anyone know what the legal implications in the US is concerning this? Wouldn't this be considered descrimination? For example, a person who is not an active Witness, but still baptised (not DF'd or DA'd) wouldn't they by law still be considered as a JW? Would inactive ones be allowed on the trips or would they be turned away? Also, by the statement:
[QUOTE]These tours are not sponsored by the Society, but are a private arrangement by Brothers and limited only to Jehovah's Witnesses and their relatives.[/QUOTE
It could be argued that "worldly" people who are related to Witnesses could go. IF this is the case woulnd't it be illegal if the average Joe off the street wanted to go but couldn't?
bethel coach tours package deals
by nelly136 inprices and run down of organised activities for any one who fancies a trip to see buck house.
I would assume that there could be problems getting group rates for the Society if other large groups are there paying full price (or at least higher prices).
bethel coach tours package deals
by nelly136 inprices and run down of organised activities for any one who fancies a trip to see buck house.
I had thought this was from the Society but if you go tho the "About Us" section ( http://www.bethelcoachtours.com/about_bct.htm) it lists who owns it and and that they are based in NM.
Your Opinions Please!!!!
by Ranchette inthe following is a post i made to prisca on another thread.
i am courious about how many agree with what i say here or am i wrong?.
re: rick and his thugs jan 20, 2002 13:15 .
IMO, to put up pictures of someone is tantamount to copyright infringement. Once prisca (or anyone for that matter) takes a picture, has it processed, and then sends it to another it should be viewed as copyright. I have a couple of websites and I know that it is a copyright infringement for anyone to take any background that I have personally made and put up there without my express permission. Written is best. Not only was a trust violated but IMO so was copyright infringement.
Elder called tonight.......
by LB ingot a message on the answering machine.
our old po (former best friend) let us know that the traveling overseer is visiting next week.
told us there will be some fantastic information.
LB, first off I have to say if that is a pic of you.........whew! What a sexy man!
Second of all......if you feel that this meeting is full of "fantastic information"I personally would attend but at a KH that doesn't know you. Of course, if it is "fantastic information" you would want to be the first to see/hear/experience it and then share with us (apostates). LOL
Post Hints For GilWarrior's Sex life here
by LB inwhat time is it???.
never squat with yer spurs on
Personally I like 4 ok myself but what i don't get is 12 ok straight up. Anyone?
It'll be a COLD day in hell...
by JanH in...before we see this happen in the usa, i fear:.
norway minister marries gay partner.
oslo, norway (ap) - finance minister per-kristian foss has married his gay companion, becoming the first member of a norwegian government to enter a binding homosexual partnership.
Abaddon, I have been on the internet for 5 years now in many many chat rooms and message boards. At first the idea that others laugh at us was ok with me. I mean after all I was happy where I am and I figured if they were happy where they were they would not find fault. Kind of a case of "I feel bad about myself so I pick on others to make myself look better" kind of logic. But you know what? After a while it is not funny or sad anymore, it becomes downright insulting. We are all people living within the situation that feels best for us simply because that is where we are, either emotionally or physically.
This is my take on the matter. I am very proud to be an American. Why is this? For a variety of reasons really. One is that I was born here and this is what I KNOW. Two is that I have lived in other countries and lived/visited other countries (Greece, Italy, Austria, and Germany) When I got back I wanted to go down on my knees and kiss the ground. Why? Because this is by far, in my opinion the best plave to be. Why? Mostly because this is what I have grown up to know.
What we as Americans see, mostly (and this is also stereotyping), is that no other country has achieved what we have because they don't work hard enough to reach the goals that we have set and reached. But you don't see us as a whole tearing down other countries for their lack of initiative or that they have not achieved what we have. What I see is other people from other countries laughing at/downing people in the US for things that they could achieve but don't.
Maybe that is a wrong attitude on my part but 5 years of abuse by people in other countries against the world that I know, becomes a personal affront to me.
You have to remember one thing............none of us has a choice as to what area of the world we are born in. No one should have the right to feel that any group of people, whether it is a region of the world or a particular group, are all the same. I am thinking right now of the 9/11 attack in NYC. That attack is against ANY citizen, innocent or not, just because of the policies of the US government. Do all of us here believe that every policy the Government has is right? Not on your life. So why judge us all for things that we may have nothing to do with?
Why ban smoking?
by SusanHere ini have a question ... why ban smoking, but not drinking?
if there is a religious reason to ban the one, why not both?
which is more harmful to society in general, alcohol abuse or tobacco use?
There is no way they could ban drinking......after all, didn't Jesus himself make wine out of water for a wedding feast?
Do you think JWS are a cult?
by Trixie indo you think that the jw religion is a cult?
i believe that it is, but i wanted to get other people's opinion.
Sure it is!!!! Go to this site:
* http://www.xenu.net/cic/definit.html
It is straight forward and describes the WBTS to a T!!!!!!!!!
Here is another very interesting site that goes deeper into what a cult is. It is by people who do exit counseling:
* http://www.cultwatch.com/faq.html
Very interesting reading.