Elder called tonight.......

by LB 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    Got a message on the answering machine. Our old PO (former best friend) let us know that the traveling overseer is visiting next week. Told us there will be some fantastic information.

    All this after maybe 4 or 5 DO visits too. I'm paranoid usually so I figure he's trying to trick us. We've stayed away, maybe it's a setup??

    And who cares. I don't care what happens with them any longer.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • BritBoy


    Take a deep breath and ignore the message. I remember when I had just stopped going to the meetings I did not recieve many calls, but I used to have them call me to invite me to "special" meetings. I thanked them for the invite and then never turned up! I knew that once I set foot in the KH I was on their ground and they would pounce. (Also I had pierced my ear by then and smoking he occasional fag)

    IGNORE, STAY AWAY. I know it's hard...


    They wouldn't have made the cane if you weren't meant to break the rules!


    Hey LB,most likely he`s just trying to raise attendance for his inspection.I woudn`t worry about it too much.If they come callin just don`t answer.This is a breeze dude ...OUTLAW

  • Frenchy

    An elder I served with stopped by the other day and told me that the meetings lately were just great. I was tempted to ask him who had moved in and who had changed the information being presented.

    I once told a C.O. that an entire KS school had been devoted to telling us that the reason meeting attendance was dropping was because, in essence, of the way we were conducting the meetings. We were told that WE needed to improve the quality of the meetings. I told him that nothing had been mentioned about the CONTENT of the meetings and that perhaps THAT is what should be considered first and foremost.

    I remember sitting on iron folding chairs in a drafty hall and hanging on to every word being said by men who could barely sign their names. It was because the promises were fresh then and the illusion was yet to be discovered.

  • patio34

    Stand your ground--stay the course! I still get rattled by those guys! But, i always had a bit of reserve for Catholic priests too, since being raised RC. It's so ingrained you have to consciously push it away.

    All the best,

    "It's easier to put on slippers than to carpet the world." (from "Stuart Saves His Family")

  • outnfree

    I second the thoughts about not going, but what I really wanted to say here was:


    I remember sitting on iron folding chairs in a drafty hall and hanging on to every word being said by men who could barely sign their names. It was because the promises were fresh then and the illusion was yet to be discovered.
    How very poetic! Beautifully, truthfully stated!


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • DazedAndConfused

    LB, first off I have to say if that is a pic of you.........whew! What a sexy man!

    Second of all......if you feel that this meeting is full of "fantastic information"I personally would attend but at a KH that doesn't know you. Of course, if it is "fantastic information" you would want to be the first to see/hear/experience it and then share with us (apostates). LOL

  • plmkrzy

    I still get regular calls - visits from pioneers ect. It seems like they are always with-in the same period of time. Don't you feel like your just part of a quota? or how ever you spell it.
    I use to feel like, wow how nice that they are still thinking of me, but lately I think i'm just representing a number. Just another lost sheep to keep track of and nothing more. Maybe i'm just...plmkrzy.

  • JT

    I remember sitting on iron folding chairs in a drafty hall and hanging on to every word being said by men who could barely sign their names. It was because the promises were fresh then and the illusion was yet to be discovered


    o the days i recall so well-this one old black bro who worked as a janitor( not to dog janitors) but to think that as he explained the blood card as they were called at that time was like listening to a "Black Moses"

    and looking back this poor guy was told and sincerely believed right along with perhaps 99% of the Congo that God was directing him

    now looking back i can see he was only a poor black man who was told that god had appointed him like moses or paul - when in fact he was just a janitor at the local middle school who replaced toliet paper rolls when it ran out in the stalls

    how sad


  • freeman


    Don’t sweat the message on the answering machine; for years I got visits whenever it was quota time.

    If they come by just act sheepish (if you can do that without throwing up) and say things like I’ll think about attending, but don’t give them a firm commitment for which they can dog you about. Then later after they leave, you can flip a coin and determine if you want to go to the mind-numbing meeting or stay home. If the coin flip says stay home, then by all means stay home. And if it says go to the meeting, flip the coin again and again until it gives you the correct answer.

    PS: BritBoy you said: “Also I had pierced my ear by then and smoking the occasional fag”

    I just love the difference between the English of the English and the English of the Americans. If you did that in America, you would be in jail for murdering a homosexual, and under suicide watch for self-mutilation tendencies.


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