Tatiana, the elders reproving you privately for pursuing modeling is just one more example of the pharisaic attitude that permiates the entire organization. I can understand why you were so hurt, and why you are upset now.
A (somewhat) related experience - there is a Witness guy I know, good friend of mine, who mentioned that, at work, all the guys would always stop to oggle this one very immodestly dressed employee. The guys would literally stop what they were doing to check her out (she made delivered mail to various departments, and the guys gave her the nickname "The Mail Goddess". Well, guess what? Yep, she's a Witness. And there at her place of work, she is well-known for her immodest attire.
For that guy in your place of work, I'm sure he is all sold on the persecution mentality that the Witnesses have always pushed. He should have just laughed at what was a funny joke by you. And as you intimate, he certainly had no business complaining, seeing how he dresses and carries himself.