Tom Harley is very generous. The book will cost you nothing when you download it. You get exactly what you pay for!
dear mr. putin - jehovah's witnesses write russia.
by tom harley.
in early 2017, jehovah’s witnesses were invited just once to write vladimir putin.
Tom Harley is very generous. The book will cost you nothing when you download it. You get exactly what you pay for!
i am interested in the approach this forum takes to money.
apart from sex, (which i am quite relaxed about) it seems to me that wealth is the surest divider between those who are moral, and those who are not.. it seems jesus thought so, also.
luke 16:19-31 kjv describes well enough his dusty attitude to the rich who do not succour the poor.. and this world has many poor: so many, it might seem that we can do nothing about it, and twist his words; 'the poor ye shall have always with you, but me, ye shall not have always.
"I just think we should help them out, right up to the point where we would become equally disadvantaged, if we gave any more." - SecondRateMind
No one is stopping you from taking your own advice. But your hubris in suggesting that others should do your bidding is sanctimonious claptrap.
wt back to 1950, aw back to 1970, like the cd rom library... .
Good point OrphanCrow. I notice that they have not tampered with some damning statements in the original text.
Case in point:
"The present wicked system of things, which extends worldwide, entered its last days in 1914, and some of the generation alive then will also be on hand to witness its complete end in the "great tribulation" ". Reasoning From the Scriptures 1989 edition pg.234
The Creation book circa 1985 is available on their website.
"jehovah takes the initiative to bless his loyal servants.".
this statement is a contradiction or on oxymoron or something.... if they already had to demonstrate loyalty before he acted then he did not take the initiative!.
our faith is not complete unless we are convinced that jehovah will reward....yes faith involves the certain expectation of gods promised blessings.. so they condemn people for "serving to a date", the carrot if you like, and being disappointed when there blessings do not materialise at the promised time... yet say that the carrot is an important part of faith!!!.
'Blessed me?....................God's been a real sport to me!' - Johnny from The Dead Zone
My sentiments exactly.
going through a box of old records in my garage i came across this 45 by the great crowd.
it was given to me in the early 70's when i was living in crestline, ca.
i had no way of playing it because i haven't had a turntable in years so i googled it and found this link.
"oh i'm not going to worry about it, armageddon will be here by then!".
-including me.
"Oh no, we weren't wrong about this or that. New light has just caused us to make a slight adjustment in our thinking on the matter. So essentially, we were correct all along."
i have watched tons of youtube videos of our exjdub friends approaching and talking to the jdub manikins at their carts as they give a great witness to the world by sipping their hot lattes, updating their social media, chit chatting to each other, and the most important thing of getting their time in, counting their hours.. when the jw's see someone approach with a camera they do several things, they will turn their backs on the person, or look at the person with a frown and act like the person isn't even there.
the witlesses refuse to answer simple, clear, and precise questions.
when i was an elder i loved to get into discussions and debates with trinitarians, priest, clergymen and those who were born again.
Man, I don't think that I could stand the rigors and extreme effort that it takes to be a 'cart witness.' Why back in my Pioneering days things were a lot easier! While out in service, I've only had a cocked shotgun pushed into my chest, an axe held to my head and a vicious dog corner me on a householders porch while the person mocked me instead of calling off the dog. I could never stand the pressure of pointing people to JW.Borg while standing safely next to my trusty, holy spirit protected cart.
you know, disagreeing and with and hating all the cultish beliefs and practices that mark out jwdom doesn;t make it ok to treat them like russia is doing.
this is one time i find myself defending these largely goodhearted but misled people.
if only the gb members and their squad had stayed around to face what they are expecting their followers to face..
"Phew..............I got out of that rat hole just in time. Keep warm and well fed brothers,I'll be praying for you! See ya, wouldn't want to be ya............"
facts we don't want to know.
the purpose of war is to kill humans.. .
which humans?.
"In the place of individualism they seem to value community, collectivity and authority." - slimboyfat
So do Jehovah's Witnesses......and we know how that turned out for many of us here!
made the mistake of opening the front door today...i was expecting someone to service our central heating...oh dear, it was a sister instead :(.
she tells me jehovah misses me.
it seems god only sees me if i go to the meetings.
"She tells me Jehovah misses me............"
How in the flying fu@k does she know? Did he tell her directly? Jehovah's Witnesses in the majority are delusional, self-satisfied and just plain living in a fantasy world! A few years ago I received a shepherding call from 2 Elders. They told me that the reason they were there was to tell me 'that the Governing Body' loves me. It is amazing to me how often Jehovah's Witnesses talk about love and how rarely they practice it.