Yeap, they need new members to the BG :)
JoinedPosts by pallemar
Two Elders at the door today; I wonder what they want?
by MinisterAmos ini partook last night at my new congo and get the two elder visit today from my former congo.
actually it still might be my current one as jehovah is in the process of "re-arranging" the bros. and i'm pretty sure the change is not yet "official".
i didn't answer the door and already left orders at the gate that no freaking jws are to be admitted under any circumstances unless the homeowner specifically requests so.. anyone want to guess why they need me?
Lies you have to believe in, to be in the "truht"
by pallemar inin a ealier post, i asket for lies, you have to believe in to be in the "truth" pleas bear with me, with my france/english/danish :p it is really bad :( well thanks for the help all :).
i have not got any response, from any jehovah withness, in this topic, they just turn, very silent.
the saddest lie is. that the disfellowshippet, is against god!
it is like putting words into the mouth of other people!
they don't even mean!
it's totally unfair!I have tryet to put a spell tjeck text in. but i can't :(
Lies you have to believe in, to be in the "truht"
by pallemar inin a ealier post, i asket for lies, you have to believe in to be in the "truth" pleas bear with me, with my france/english/danish :p it is really bad :( well thanks for the help all :).
i have not got any response, from any jehovah withness, in this topic, they just turn, very silent.
In a ealier post, I asket for lies, you have to believe in to be in the "truth" Pleas bear with me, with my france/English/danish :P it is really bad :( well thanks for the help all :)
I have not got any response, from any Jehovah Withness, in this topic, they just turn, very silent. So pleas response, if I have misstaken anything here, or if you have anything to add. so we can make the list longer. :)
To be in the "truth" they call it, then you are a member of Jehovah Withness. But are it really the truth, if you have to believe in the manny lies? Even one lie, makes it all false! Jehovah Withness usely avode talking to people who knows what they are talking about. then it comes to Jehovah Withness learning. Becourse it is more about desiving people, than about saving people.or finding the real truth, it is more about the monnie going in, and not out.
Jehovah Withness learning is ruin, then it becomes debattet.
- The Human age.
Every doomsday profesy made from the Wathtower, is base on, that man is no older than 6000 years.
Every Arkeological center, with respekt for them selv, say othervise. the human age is more likely to be 600.000 years old. before we go to one of the former stadie of man. You can find a lot more information, bout this on thise homepages : - The holyspiret is in the Wathtower organisation.
But only a true profet, have the holy spiret in them,and wathtower organisation, have surely have made there share of false doomsday the holy spiret is not something you get by readding truow. but gain by belief. - Eduation is devil! Not manny organisation, is less educated, whan Jehovah withness. i can only think of the ammish. but it is allso a lot easyer to keep stupit people fool, than the educated people. it's only 4.7 % of jehovah withness, who have a higher education. comparet to the judes, they have around 47% higher educated people.
- The bibel say, you have to comit suercide to avoid blood produkt. but What do jesus really say?
- 12:7 matt
- But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.
So told in another way, don't commet suercide!
- 13:9 rome
- For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
nothing about blood here neither. So don't commet suercide, for no reson!
- Man is made by god.
This is a personal, belief, but here is so manny facks so it is allso a lie, you have to believe in, to Jehovah Withness.
Some kristian people, allso believe what god did it in the way of darwing evolution teknik
- the 144.000 thosen ones.
- rev 7:4
- And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
- 7:5
- Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand.
- 7:6
- Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nepthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand.
- 7:7
- Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand.
- 7:8
- Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.
I see no one from Jehovah withness here, thise people, have been chose from a very long time ago. not in this century, or the one before. what ever this lies the Wathtower tell you. - the 20 years that dissapear ;)
read more about it here. i have not look so far into it. becourse here is a lot of other dates the wathtower have sait, was the date for the 6000 years. 1887/1914/1975
- Jehovah Withnes is the clean organisation. Jehovah organisation.
But faks is, crime is a bit bigger inside the Org, than it is outside the org, becourse of the scocial status. under educated people, have a bigger crime rate whan people with a higher education. nothing evil about this it is just faks. but the wathtower try to avoid this faks is coming out. so they use secret courth room. and this is again the human rigth!
Article 10.
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
and if the Withness, go to the police anyway. they become ponishet, alot more, that the for eksempel, the pedofile.
So how do we know this?
in 1994, we had a break in at the HQ in Jehovah withness arkive. in holbæk, in denmark, and here we all got told, what pople inside Jehovah withness, get dissfellowshippet for.
• Criminal act, base on thise bibel tekst 1. Kor. 5:11-13; 6:10; rev. 22:15)
• telling other people of a diffren religius oppinion base on thise bible tekst. 2. Kor. 6:14, 15, 17, 18; 2. Joh. 7, 9-11)
• drunkiness base on thise bible tekst 1. Kor. 5:1; 6:9, 10)
• playing hasard games. base on thise bible tekst.( 1. Kor. 5:10, 11; 1. Tim. 3:8)
• known mean lie base on thise beble tekst. Kor. 3:9; Åb. 22:15)
• smoking or other druks base on thise bible tekst. 2. Kor. 7:1)
• divorse or adultry (base on thise bible tekst.1. Kor. 6:9, 10; Hebr. 13:4)
all thise disfellowship resons goes again the human rigths! - You have to look into the old testamete, to know how to be a kristian. lol
- Jehovah Withness is a 3500 years old sekt.. well what ever they say rigt?
This is ofcourse not true, since they came in 1878 with zions wath. and Jehovah Withness, was not anog the judes, and was helping god with slising up the bellies of young pregnet girls. - Jesus walk from door to door knokking.
Ofcourse this was not true, he instrukted this disiple how to missionere. and only the thosen people was missioneren, not everyone. only the competente. - love is to give your nabour a wathtower magasine
nope love is to give food to the poor, cloth to the people who needs it, and viset the people in jail, take care of people who needs it. not as a reward of being a Jehovah withness. - There is no hell in the bible.
- matt 25:46
- And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
if this is not hell, what is it then?
- Jesus 3. coming will be on to legs.
and it will come in 1874/1914/1917/1919/1975 but as it is writen here, only the people of antichrist belive that.
1 John 4 :1- Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
- 4:2
- Hereby * * know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
- 4:3
- And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
- 4:4
- Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
So he is not coming invisibel. and you will surely know, if he is here.
- 24:27
- For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
- you are in Jehovas love.
but truf to tell, you will find more love and compasio, in the gas station. than you will ever find in Jehovah withness organisation.
This i have hear from alot of different people, both from the inside, to the outside of the organisation. but it is becourse it is a backstabbing organisation, SEE! SEE! he is holding a birthday, or taking a smoke. DISSFOLLOWSHIP HIM!! - The bibel is true!
11 I solemnly promise never to send another flood to kill all living creatures and destroy the earth." gen 9
yeap, we have no fish, he he;) ehh sorry all you wonderfull belivers he he :). - Jesus i coming to destroy the human kind.
well if we look at the picktures, they give us. - to be baptiste, you have to convinse a elder, what the wathtover is rigth. not the bibel.
this is ofcourse not rigth. belief is the key, not the low. - The Wathtower is the only magasine, with the truth, this is a so big a lie. it is fun ;)
wath was true yesterday, is sudently a lie today. and the bible say you will become wise not confused. - You are not aloud to be a police man becourse you then have to bear a weapon.
they are a god servant.4 For he is God's servant for your benefit. But if you do what is wrong, be afraid. He does not wear the sword to no purpose: he is God's servant--an administrator to inflict punishment upon evil-doers. 5 We must obey therefore, not only in order to escape punishment, but also for conscience' sake. 6 Why, this is really the reason you pay taxes; for tax-gatherers are ministers of God, devoting their energies to this very work.
7 Pay promptly to all men what is due to them: taxes to those to whom taxes are due, toll to those to whom toll is due, respect to those to whom respect is due, honour to those to whom honour is due.
- to use indipendent thinking is wrong.
- Reporting a crime committed by a fellow jw, not forgiving a fellow jw for a reprehensible crime, and not blaming yourself for being the victim of a crime is wrong.
- you may not question, anything the Jehovah Withness tells about.
but i will say, they only try to hide things from you. disieve you. - To be a Jehovah Withness is more importen to be in, that your famely.
It is sad to see the man who tryet to keep the famely together, with banding divorse. and see his words being so miss understandit. to the totally oppesite. - The Jehovah Withness will leve forever on this planet.
- rev 21:1
- And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
So this Earth will disapear.
- 21:1
- And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
and a new one will appear.
- Human have no spirit
- You can't trust the worldly people.
And every one who question the Wathtower organisation, is hateful.
or are they? Jehovah withness are anong the desieve people. living in a lie, like a small chield, who believe in sata claus is real. but all who say he is a fake are hateful and lie'ers. here is the Jehovah withness just growen up. but as ignorent as the kid. as still beliving the santaclus is real.
- The internet, can destroy people fait.
nope, it ruin the wathtowers censurchip of the Jehovah withness. and let them learn the real truth about the Wathtowers lies. - Doomsday will come in 1975
HA HA HA HA Ha! - Doomsdday was in 1914
It is allmost one century ago :) - Millions living now will never die!
ups a old titel of one of the wathtowers lies. sorry.
- Earth will be like a paradise
As you can see on this picture. they belive in a paradise with sun, picknik trip. plants animals. water. but in 25. the Earth will dissapear.
but animal need food, the need grass. they need the sun. to make the photosytise to work.
- 22:5
- And there will be no night there; and they have no need of lamplight or sunlight, for the Lord God will shine upon them, and they will be kings until the Ages of the Ages."
- A mos 5:18
- Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.
so no light
no eating.
- 6:13
- Food of all kinds is meant for the stomach, and the stomach is meant for food, and God will cause both of them to perish. Yet the body does not exist for the purpose of fornication, but for the Master's service, and the Master exists for the body;
no more water. or far to less to supstain, the life we have now.
- 21:1
- And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
- The Dinosaurus, have never been. Ups.. i forgot the new ligth, they are true. the Dinosauruse, have been here.
But what is the explanation? well in the beginning god created Earth. so here was a lot of oppertunety to have been dinosauruses here.
or coulden where? firstly we have a really major problem. we simply don't have any land! it is first created in ackt 9.
secundly here is no ligth! and plant life was allso first created later.
So it is some really vierd Dinosaurus, we have. they have legs. but swim, becourse of the missing land. they live by nothing, becourse here is no plant life. and they are capel of getting really big.... ack, let us go on, this is CRASY! - Jehovah withnes is aloud to lie.
they call it Theokratik warfare. but the ten commenment say no! you must not lie in the name of god, and by calling them self Jehovah Withns, they belive they are in the name of god, and the violate this commenment.
Secundly.- 21:8
- But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
so mush for the liers and living in paradise :)
- The Human age.
JW and the human rigths, where do they conflikt?
by pallemar ini gues the first thing that conflikt with the humand rigts is, the shunning politik, and peoples rigth to chose there own religion.. the rigth to not to be a member of jehovas withness.. do any one have some more info about this topic?.
i gues the first thing that conflikt with the Humand rigts is, the shunning politik, and peoples rigth to chose there own religion.
the rigth to not to be a member of Jehovas withness.
do any one have some more info about this topic?
Did they put a spie on you?
by pallemar inhere from denmark, we have some report, about ex withness, who have been under opsewation(bah can't spell it :p ).
they have been spy open.. .
do any of you have some semilarie experience?.
thanks all :)
Did they put a spie on you?
by pallemar inhere from denmark, we have some report, about ex withness, who have been under opsewation(bah can't spell it :p ).
they have been spy open.. .
do any of you have some semilarie experience?.
The congregation I went to was full of gossipers and without knowing it, they were all spies. The Watchtower breeds generations of snitches 'you can't do that, i'm going to tell the elders'
Yeah, for a group of people that believe god's eyes are everywhere, they sure feel he needs help in the seeing and revealing side of things....A priceless qoute :) thanks all :)
sign Palle
ps. i hope one off thise agens woulde not mind to be a doubble agent. so we coulde help people, who are about to leave JW ;) he he
Did they put a spie on you?
by pallemar inhere from denmark, we have some report, about ex withness, who have been under opsewation(bah can't spell it :p ).
they have been spy open.. .
do any of you have some semilarie experience?.
here from denmark, we have some report, about ex withness, who have been under opsewation(bah can't spell it :P )
they have been spy open.
do any of you have some semilarie experience?
it coulden be funny to compare experience.
the headquater in denmark, allso got a break in, and all the papers they had of exwitness got stolen, it was papers, what was illigel to have.
by the danish goverment. i gues they have the main register in New york now...
even if this record is illigel ;)
have it nice all :)
sign Palle
Trouble in Paradise??
by Gill ini was having a look at the accounts of three local congs as i had heard a bit about the borg beginning to run low on cash as donations are falling.
locally, i was very surprised to see the cash flow problems of these congregations.
i had a look at other areas and saw that there were a minority making a small 'profit', a lot breaking even when it comes to contributions and a fair amount that are losing the plot financially.. congregation 1. accounts for 2005/06 income was short 19,000, yes, their expenditure was that much over their income.. congregation 2. accounts for 2005/06 income was short 11,000.. congregation3.
how do i make a fiktive search?
10 lies you have to believe in, to be in the "truth"
by pallemar inwell i likeked the headline ;) he he .
so hov manny lies, can we find, you have to believe in, to be in jehovas witness ?.
i will start with the first one.. 1. you must not believe the humand race is older than 6000 years!.
They allways know the eksakt number of howmanny of the 144000, who have been resurected, but don't know then Jehovah will come, or who to pray to Jesus or Jehovas...
a very funny part of the Wathtower!!
they wanna be so allnowing, but they are a sad fake :)
some say, the 144.000 as already collected 235 years after jesus birht
sadly my sourse is in danish :(
Sign Palle
10 lies you have to believe in, to be in the "truth"
by pallemar inwell i likeked the headline ;) he he .
so hov manny lies, can we find, you have to believe in, to be in jehovas witness ?.
i will start with the first one.. 1. you must not believe the humand race is older than 6000 years!.
The wathtower organisation, is the only one who have the holyspirit.
and know what will happen in the future....
well the history, say something a lot different.
Man on earth can no more get rid of these demonic "heavens" than man can by airplane or rockets or other means get up above the air envelope which is about our earthly globe and in which man breathes.
Jehovas Withness is going to live forever on this earth, akording to the bibel
21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. Revelation 21
Man have no soul, akording to the bibel.
15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made * a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 1 (Corinthians 15 )