BigTex- the facts do not prove evolution. i don`t feel `picked on, no more than any other crea, like TopHat, so don`t try and make me out to be the `poor little victim`, because i am not. How can i provide `facts` if what i believe is the genesis account of creation? What sort of `facts` do you want? God? As for coming back on this thread, my name was being bandied about, and i have the right to defend the `board bashing` that was going on. Little Toe was not directing the word `wanker` at me, re-read, he has too many manner`s to do that. You`ve proven that you are just a little sheep that follows the crowd, you didn`t even have the courage to post until you were challenged.
Posts by dido
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 inok, lets have a discussion about where we all came from, evolution or creation?
(or whatever you beleive in of course) every one put down there main reasons, along with reasonable facts and backup as to why.. .
hopefully this doesnt start to many arguments, lol.. .
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 inok, lets have a discussion about where we all came from, evolution or creation?
(or whatever you beleive in of course) every one put down there main reasons, along with reasonable facts and backup as to why.. .
hopefully this doesnt start to many arguments, lol.. .
AuldSoul- so how do you explain people that have one less chromosome, like `downs syndrome`. Surely if they can be born with one less, then they can be born with one more? Freak of nature.
fts- don`t try and draw me into another persons statement. I don`t go along with it anyway.
DD- haha i like your observation!
What Factors led you to Write your Letter of Disassociation?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style2 {color: #ffa042} .style3 {color: #000000} --> what factors led you to write your letter of disassociation?quite a number of disassociation letters can be found .
on the internet.
some are lengthy, others get right to .
I wish i could have the opportunity to d/a myself, but i`m afraid they got there first. If i knew then what i do now, i would have d/a`d years ago. It would have given me personal satisfaction to say to them that i didn`t want to be part of them, and their `sins`. I think that scripture applies more to them than to Babylon the Great! I got d/f because i could not live up to their unnatural expectations of human beings, but it was the best thing that could have happened, to free me from their clutches.
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 inok, lets have a discussion about where we all came from, evolution or creation?
(or whatever you beleive in of course) every one put down there main reasons, along with reasonable facts and backup as to why.. .
hopefully this doesnt start to many arguments, lol.. .
Dansk- Ian, ok, this is how i see it. I accept the bible because there is no better explanation. There are many parts of the bible, and `god` that i don`t like, but so far, nothing has convinced me with a better explanation. I can`t accept that the brain just `happened`, (mind you with some of the people on here it`s a good argument!) How can a man and a woman just `happen`, life is created by them both. There is too much artwork there, design etc. I don`t know if there can be a creator aside from the `god` of the bible, i wish there was, as i would rather believe in a seperate entity, but so far we have no other basis for believing that there is.
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 inok, lets have a discussion about where we all came from, evolution or creation?
(or whatever you beleive in of course) every one put down there main reasons, along with reasonable facts and backup as to why.. .
hopefully this doesnt start to many arguments, lol.. .
BigTex- one thing that is established is that life does grow and their is rebirth in plants and humans and animals life cycle, no proof that it evolves. Yes we choose what we want to believe as we can`t prove either evo or cre, but some people have a problem with other people`s choice, and like to be sooo dogmatic that they try and FORCE you to believe their choice, and if you don`t, they resort to mudslinging and name calling. Bit like kid`s in the playground if you don`t want to play their games.
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 inok, lets have a discussion about where we all came from, evolution or creation?
(or whatever you beleive in of course) every one put down there main reasons, along with reasonable facts and backup as to why.. .
hopefully this doesnt start to many arguments, lol.. .
Satanus- i`m having fun watching you lot try and `board bash` us, haha.
fts-can`t you think of anything original than quoting other posts? Lack of imagination! We have retaliated with the bashing, to the entertainment of many! Let`s face it, the thread would have died a death a long time ago without me and my mate TopHat!
stevenyc- ignore
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 inok, lets have a discussion about where we all came from, evolution or creation?
(or whatever you beleive in of course) every one put down there main reasons, along with reasonable facts and backup as to why.. .
hopefully this doesnt start to many arguments, lol.. .
satanus- i`d rather close the door thanks!
BigTex- why should i accept evo data? Same thing.
I`ve noticed this thread isn`t about evolution at all, it`s about people bashing who don`t agree with evolution. All you have done is `quote` and not given any real evidence. As far as i`m concerned, the Genesis account is more believable, and until i get solid evidence, i will not change my mind. So far no-one has actually shown me one solid thing that has evolved. It would have been good to have had more creationists join in the discussion, but they obviously know they are banging their heads against a brick wall with you evo`s. What does surprise me tho` is how many ex jw`s there are that do not believe in the bible and creator, they seem to have gone completely the other way.
Friday the 13th and other superstitions
by greendawn intoday happens to be friday the 13th and many people consider this to be a bad omen.
to you or any people you know subscribe to any superstitions?
i know someone who says that if someone drops a spoon a friend will be coming over and if a man is lucky enough to drop a fork then a woman will be coming over soon.
On Fri 13th- I had an emergency caesarian with complications, (they had to cut me both ways) and survived fine, was a jw then so didn`t believe in superstition, and i don`t now, but it was quite scarey!
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 inok, lets have a discussion about where we all came from, evolution or creation?
(or whatever you beleive in of course) every one put down there main reasons, along with reasonable facts and backup as to why.. .
hopefully this doesnt start to many arguments, lol.. .
under_believer show me one example of mutation.
LT- your 2p is noted, thanks for being one of the balanced and decent people on this thread, (also add under_believer and Dansk)
I think TopHat has done a great job.
stevenyc- you are not going to draw me into a discussion with you, as you are the one who has tried to do this
with myself and TopHat, and we are aware of your tactics.
BigTex- no-one is stopping you from starting a discussion, why do you have to wait on everyone else? All the proof we need to give is read the creation account in Genesis, what more can i add?
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 inok, lets have a discussion about where we all came from, evolution or creation?
(or whatever you beleive in of course) every one put down there main reasons, along with reasonable facts and backup as to why.. .
hopefully this doesnt start to many arguments, lol.. .
seekker4-you`ve obviously missed me, and top hat, (who is a woman don`t ya know? Try reading some of the threads before you comment!) you love to hate us but can`t ignore us syndrome! We are gettinh tetchy aren`t we, can`t you take the pressure? tut tut! My observation on this thread, is that all you evo`s are the angry ones, and enjoy attacking us crea`s as you are so insecure in your own unproven theories. we don`t have to barrage you lot with our views. You lot are so busy trying to impose your crap on us, and hate it cos we are dissing it. You need to get drunk to stomache some of the crap you all put out, mr. know-all!