Does anyone have a scan?
Every source I have checked has broken links or not valid.
Much appreciated.
Does anyone have a scan?
Every source I have checked has broken links or not valid.
Much appreciated.
can't seem to find online, wondering if anyone has access to it?.
thank you in advance.
Can't seem to find online, wondering if anyone has access to it?
Thank you in advance
man, its been years since i posted on here.
when i was in deep discussion with my very close jw friend, this forum helped me tremendously, so thank you all for your help and knowledge.. many years ago i went to my jw friends house with one sheet of paper with my notes and questions.
i had him stumped and he said he would get back to me (which he never did).. anyways, many years have passed without even discussing anything and just the other day he brought it up and wanted to see what he couldn't answer.
Thank you for your replies, however, the thing I am looking for was not discussed on this forum, or rather the information wasn't given here.
man, its been years since i posted on here.
when i was in deep discussion with my very close jw friend, this forum helped me tremendously, so thank you all for your help and knowledge.. many years ago i went to my jw friends house with one sheet of paper with my notes and questions.
i had him stumped and he said he would get back to me (which he never did).. anyways, many years have passed without even discussing anything and just the other day he brought it up and wanted to see what he couldn't answer.
Man, its been YEARS since I posted on here. When I was in deep discussion with my very close JW friend, this forum helped me tremendously, so thank you all for your help and knowledge.
Many years ago I went to my JW friends house with one sheet of paper with my notes and questions. I had him stumped and he said he would get back to me (which he never did).
Anyways, many years have passed without even discussing anything and just the other day he brought it up and wanted to see what he couldn't answer. Because of the time passed, I have lost that sheet and cannot for the life of me remember the verse or the referece in their own bible where I had him not able to answer me, so I am looking here after a couple hours of searching online unsuccessfully.
We were discussing the trinity and there were 2 seperate verses in seperate chapters in the NWT that was talking about the same thing (in their bible they had the reference on the side showing the connection between the 2 verses). I believe the author who wrote it was John, but it was not in the book of John. I don't remember the wording exactly, but it had to do with one verse saying Jesus is Jehovah, but the other verse removed jesus or jehovah. Is this making sense?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and please forgive me for not explaining it properly if it doesn't make sense.
Thanks for your help,
my dad says "if someone shot and killed your wife, would you put the gun on a wall, make a replica of it and .
hang it around your neck?
that's how stupid christendom is with the cross.".
If your wife died for the worlds sin then sure I would wear it on my neck :)
in proverbs 4:18 as you know all, says that the path of the righteous ones would get brighter and brighter.
what does the brighter and brighter exactly mean?
how would you explain that to someone?
In proverbs 4:18 as you know all, says that the path of the righteous ones would get brighter and brighter. What does the brighter and brighter exactly mean? How would you explain that to someone? I've looked up some websites explaining that its a choice between 2 paths which I understand, but im having a hard time explaining what the brighter and brighter means.
Any suggestions?
i thought long and hard before making this thread, that many will not agree with it but i think there needs to be balance and people to realise there are alternate viewpoints out there on many of these subjects, the ones that are most spoke about on this forum.
i was recently sent a full message containing mary's book and these links give the rebuttal to many of her points.
those that are still open-minded enough feel free to look over them even if in the end you still don't agree at least you have heard both the defence as well as the attack as they are on the internet.
Reniaa said
It does but if we only measure false prophets on dates then the majority of christian faiths have done this, the older ones have learned to stick their head in the sand but once they were the WT equal on this. 1000 ad was popular for predictions. If you want to try and make wt into a false prophet you'll have to use more evidence than this, unless you aquit other christian faiths because there date naming was so long ago.......One thing I've notice is people on here will bring up paperwork from 19 century on wt onwards but they act like all other faiths are wiped clean by virtue of time.
Ok Reniaa, so you ignore the bible and think the way YOU want to think. The bible is clear on the subject of false prophets. It says to stay away from them, they are not from God. I dont understand what you mean by I'll have to use more evidence? The only evidence the bible asks for is if a prophet says something is to pass and it doesn't, then its not from God, hence a false prophet, what more evidence could you ask for?
And i dont care if other christian faiths have set an end date (they are false prophets as well) but we are not talking about them, we are talking about the WTS.
Follow Jesus, not a man made organization.
i thought long and hard before making this thread, that many will not agree with it but i think there needs to be balance and people to realise there are alternate viewpoints out there on many of these subjects, the ones that are most spoke about on this forum.
i was recently sent a full message containing mary's book and these links give the rebuttal to many of her points.
those that are still open-minded enough feel free to look over them even if in the end you still don't agree at least you have heard both the defence as well as the attack as they are on the internet.
Reniaa said
It does but if we only measure false prophets on dates then the majority of christian faiths have done this, the older ones have learned to stick their head in the sand but once they were the WT equal on this. 1000 ad was popular for predictions. If you want to try and make wt into a false prophet you'll have to use more evidence than this, unless you aquit other christian faiths because there date naming was so long ago.......One thing I've notice is people on here will bring up paperwork from 19 century on wt onwards but they act like all other faiths are wiped clean by virtue of time.
Ok Reniaa, so you ignore the bible and think the way YOU want to think. The bible is clear on the subject of false prophets. It says to stay away from them, they are not from God. I dont understand what you mean by I'll have to use more evidence? The only evidence the bible asks for is if a prophet says something is to pass and it doesn't, then its not from God, hence a false prophet, what more evidence could you ask for?
And i dont care if other christian faiths have set an end date (they are false prophets as well) but we are not talking about them, we are talking about the WTS.
Follow Jesus, not a man made organization.
i thought long and hard before making this thread, that many will not agree with it but i think there needs to be balance and people to realise there are alternate viewpoints out there on many of these subjects, the ones that are most spoke about on this forum.
i was recently sent a full message containing mary's book and these links give the rebuttal to many of her points.
those that are still open-minded enough feel free to look over them even if in the end you still don't agree at least you have heard both the defence as well as the attack as they are on the internet.
The bible warns us of false prophets. Why does the bible warn us of these prophets if by your reasoning "they are just imperfect men and make mistakes"? Because all humans are imperfect, what is the point of the bible warning us of these false prophets? Do tell!
i thought after recently reading the bible i would put up for disussion some recent scriptures up which for me show that jesus never viewed himself as god and anyone listening would also see it this way too.. first mark 10 :17-20.
17as jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him.
"good teacher," he asked, "what must i do to inherit eternal life?
So, if Jesus said he was going to ressurect himself, and Jehovah resurrected Jesus, who resurrected him? Wouldn't that make Jesus a liar?