JoinedTopics Started by wasted-youth
Well, I got the dreaded call from the elder's tonight....
by AK - Jeff ini just returned from 18 holes of golf as the phone rang.. caller; hi jeff, this is bruce elder, how are you doing?.
me; hello bruce.
bruce; well [very nervous sounding voice now], i have kevin holierthanthou on the other line.
Brother Jesus was disfellowshipped by the Watchtower because.....
by JH in.
brother jesus was disfellowshipped from the jw organization because _____________________.
fill in the blank
Do you think you are normal?
by jwfacts ini always felt unique from everyone else.
being a jw i never quite felt like i was from the same planet as all the other school children.
as a jw i fit in, but still not quite, as i was a bit too indepentdant a thinker.
Hi Everyone
by wasted-youth ini was a jw only for about ten years, but they covered my teens to mid-20s.
i still have problems sorting out what i really think about life, religion, evolution and so on.
i also feel i was completely robbed of my 'wild years' and have never really lived.