I didn't get any of this when I left back in the early 80s. I had even forgotten about the silly '2 witness' rule. Wish i could forget the rest of the rubbish they spouted! I celbrated Xmas and my birthday within 3 months of leaving, never spoke ot any of them agin, except incidental 'Hi's' in the street. Was I unlucky? Anyway - sure you did the right thing, although I do love the idea of saying hang on, making a coffee, doing a crossword etc. Good idea! ;-)
JoinedPosts by wasted-youth
Well, I got the dreaded call from the elder's tonight....
by AK - Jeff ini just returned from 18 holes of golf as the phone rang.. caller; hi jeff, this is bruce elder, how are you doing?.
me; hello bruce.
bruce; well [very nervous sounding voice now], i have kevin holierthanthou on the other line.
Do you think you are normal?
by jwfacts ini always felt unique from everyone else.
being a jw i never quite felt like i was from the same planet as all the other school children.
as a jw i fit in, but still not quite, as i was a bit too indepentdant a thinker.
A very good question. I thought nothing about it till I became a JW, then I think I developed a slight superiority complex - and am still living with the realisation that 'normal' is probably the best I ever was. I too could fit in with any group - still can when I try - but never feel at home outside my immediate family.
I choose not to enter the debate of what is normal, maybe average is another word with similar meaning - but average people do not exist, it is a mathematical value only.
Brother Jesus was disfellowshipped by the Watchtower because.....
by JH in.
brother jesus was disfellowshipped from the jw organization because _____________________.
fill in the blank
.. he asked the question as to why he had been deserted by his father, and questions are NOT to be encouraged?
Here in England it is time for dinner - the weather has been heavy showers and very gusty winds. No hurricanes though! A bad day is bad, but freedom makes it better!
Hi Everyone
by wasted-youth ini was a jw only for about ten years, but they covered my teens to mid-20s.
i still have problems sorting out what i really think about life, religion, evolution and so on.
i also feel i was completely robbed of my 'wild years' and have never really lived.
Thank you all for the greetings - I look forward to becoming a part of the community. Sorry i didn't thank you last night - time differential and total exhaustion didn't help! And I hve finally worked out the emoticons - many thanks for advice! . I did the same last night and it didn't work (honestly!!! - OK, I bet they all say that!)
Now I have met you all (or some of you at least) I shall begin to explore other threads with a view to contributing what little I have to offer!
All the best to everybody. Was it Pilate who allegedly asked 'What is Truth?' Hmmm, bet he didn't have the WTS in mind when he asked the question! Bye!
Hi Everyone
by wasted-youth ini was a jw only for about ten years, but they covered my teens to mid-20s.
i still have problems sorting out what i really think about life, religion, evolution and so on.
i also feel i was completely robbed of my 'wild years' and have never really lived.
Thanks Ballistic. Which site - should I join there too? Maybe I am too old - but the 'blue or red pill' reference went WAY over my head. Unless it is from The Matrix (hey, was the Matrix run by JWs in disguise?)
Hi Everyone
by wasted-youth ini was a jw only for about ten years, but they covered my teens to mid-20s.
i still have problems sorting out what i really think about life, religion, evolution and so on.
i also feel i was completely robbed of my 'wild years' and have never really lived.
Didn't guess - just co-incidence! And um, would you by any chance be the organiser? Would love more details about time/place etc, though I am socially inept and tire easily due to illness. But survivor? Guess so, but why still be thinking about itafter so long away? maladjusted me I guess! ;-) BTW I can't get the emoticons to work - any hints welcomed.
We left Dorset for my wife's job - I had to retire a while back. Dorset isn't the most beautiful county in England, I like Cornwall more, but it sure is nice. Lulworth, Kimmeridge - ah! Memories!! :-)
Hi Everyone
by wasted-youth ini was a jw only for about ten years, but they covered my teens to mid-20s.
i still have problems sorting out what i really think about life, religion, evolution and so on.
i also feel i was completely robbed of my 'wild years' and have never really lived.
Thanks everyone for the welcoming words. I have looked at your story Danny and sadly cannot express feelings any more accurately than you - you seemed totally messed up by the 'coming of the end' or whatever it was called, and my experiences are far less distressing.
I was a shy, fairly bright kid, my elder brother joined the Navy and came back when I was just starting to get out to drink and socialise as young men do. He had converted to the JWs and set about converting me too. No doubt a bit of 'hero worship' of big bruv was involved, but I fell for it hook line and sinker. I loved the debates we had about 'truth', evolution evil and so on. Of course he knew the so-called answers and I was doomed from the very first word!
Not really doomed, it was in the end my decision, but his influence was very real. Anyway, I stopped the newly developing party life and joined the sect of meetings and gentle social gatherings. Made what I thought were new friends and was quickly accepted as a future Min Servant - could speak well and give talks, debate and so on.
Long story - cut it short. I left the JW in about 81, going to University to train as a teacher, Big bruv - still a (slipping) JW then, tried to talk me out of it because I had to study Theology! He faile to stop me and after a few years he left the JWs too - proclaiming he had never really believed it all!
Enough for a bit - tired fingers!
Hi Everyone
by wasted-youth ini was a jw only for about ten years, but they covered my teens to mid-20s.
i still have problems sorting out what i really think about life, religion, evolution and so on.
i also feel i was completely robbed of my 'wild years' and have never really lived.
Just noticed the google ads have changed to reflect my choice as well! Ain't technology wonderful. Where are you ballistic? Wiltshire is my current location, though born and bred mostly in Dorset, OK, born completely there I suppose! ;-)
Hi Everyone
by wasted-youth ini was a jw only for about ten years, but they covered my teens to mid-20s.
i still have problems sorting out what i really think about life, religion, evolution and so on.
i also feel i was completely robbed of my 'wild years' and have never really lived.
Thanks for the welcome. I have no idea why I started hunting on JWs tonight, I started out by looking for house insurance! Maybe some Freudian significance somewhere??