That has to be the cleanest keyboard I've ever seen sacrificial loon! A sign of a true introverted geek for sure!
That is what I thought, but if you look really, really close you will see porn on the monitor :-)
i don't mean the ones we know about already - things people wouldn't think you did or enjoyed to look at you.. i love watching ray mears extreme survival and learning about how to survive and find food and shelter in extreme climates even though there is a strong possibility that i shall never try and escape naked from a japanese prisoner of war camp, or crash without a flagon of water into the sahara, or come stuck in my ship in a freezing ice plateau in deepest antartica.
what's your guilty geeky pleasure?.
That has to be the cleanest keyboard I've ever seen sacrificial loon! A sign of a true introverted geek for sure!
That is what I thought, but if you look really, really close you will see porn on the monitor :-) all fiction:jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving, control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty, ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevent bully.
", says richard dawkins in the god delusion p51.
he goes on to say, "those of us schooled from infancy in his ways can become desensitized to their horror".. would you agree?.
Agreed. Just because He's seen in the OT as a God of war, doesn't rule out His also being a God of peace. He wages war in order to make peace happen. I know that isn't so hard to understand for those who really want to.
Sorry i just do not buy that
God v The Assyrians ...circa erm a long time ago, God decides to arbitarily kill 187000 (if my old bible study training is up to scratch, it has been 15 years lol) soldiers. All men are God's children, soldiers in these days did not just volunteer to join up, the men had families likely dependant on their earnings. This is GOD we are talking about, the God of the O.T never finds a peaceful way of dealing with problems (which strangely enough matches up with other gods of that era who also strangely enough were rather bloodthirsty) he could "click" his celstial finger and vamoosh the assyrians are back in Assyria or he could possess the Senaccarib and get him to turn the forces away but no he murders them.
Aside from the stretch of imagination it takes to believe that an "angel of death" descended on thier poor souls, this and other incidents in the OT are so far removed from the NT God that it is clear they cannot be the same being
i don't mean the ones we know about already - things people wouldn't think you did or enjoyed to look at you.. i love watching ray mears extreme survival and learning about how to survive and find food and shelter in extreme climates even though there is a strong possibility that i shall never try and escape naked from a japanese prisoner of war camp, or crash without a flagon of water into the sahara, or come stuck in my ship in a freezing ice plateau in deepest antartica.
what's your guilty geeky pleasure?.
For all in the Uk who know Dr Who my geeky obsession is David Tennant (drool) have his calendar on my wall in my study(and i am 44 yr old gran)
What! What.......what???
Amazing!!!! all fiction:jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving, control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty, ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevent bully.
", says richard dawkins in the god delusion p51.
he goes on to say, "those of us schooled from infancy in his ways can become desensitized to their horror".. would you agree?.
I believe the Bible is the inspired record of God's dealings with His people
Do you believe that because the bible says so "all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial .......etc", that is kind of me writing some ramblings and stating they are God's word. Not trying to be rude I just wonder why people believe the bible as if it is fact?
when i was in the organisation was in a few different congs.
every one always had a good proportion of them that claimed they had "me".
not sure what they call it in the states but think chronic fatigue may be had an age range between young teenagers and midle aged ones.
All i know is that the amount of headaches I had at around 9.30am on a sunday was astonishing, if I forget to get one at that time I sure as hell had one by 1pm
while visiting some bible students sites, i wondered what the official jw view on these organizations is.
are they part of babylon the great simply because of refuting the post-1916 developments and the governing body?
as far as i know, they do not adhere to any of the false teachings jw like to refer to in debunking the rcc and traditional protestantism, such as hellfire, trinity, immortal soul.
If you are not with the WTBTS you are against them
Really this is "Being a Jehovah's Witness 101"
recently we seem to have had a few different dramas and subsequent fallout on the fourm which i feel has detracted from its purpose.
with this in mind we have decided that we need to bring the forum back on track and as such we will be clamping down on a lot of the aggressive / insulting posts which have begun to become the norm for a few people.
we will also be clamping down on the paranoid assusation type of comments against newbies, if someone joins the fourm and you do not believe everything they post - so what, why do we need to hound them away with shouts of troll and fake etc, just ignore them if you dont beleive them.
So the chances of me getting the money for my sex change is what?? Zero?
I'm off the scientologists ....they will believe anything
recently we seem to have had a few different dramas and subsequent fallout on the fourm which i feel has detracted from its purpose.
with this in mind we have decided that we need to bring the forum back on track and as such we will be clamping down on a lot of the aggressive / insulting posts which have begun to become the norm for a few people.
we will also be clamping down on the paranoid assusation type of comments against newbies, if someone joins the fourm and you do not believe everything they post - so what, why do we need to hound them away with shouts of troll and fake etc, just ignore them if you dont beleive them.
A JWD mission statement lol
i don't mean the ones we know about already - things people wouldn't think you did or enjoyed to look at you.. i love watching ray mears extreme survival and learning about how to survive and find food and shelter in extreme climates even though there is a strong possibility that i shall never try and escape naked from a japanese prisoner of war camp, or crash without a flagon of water into the sahara, or come stuck in my ship in a freezing ice plateau in deepest antartica.
what's your guilty geeky pleasure?.
Mytsery Science theatre rocks!
Damn that even sounded geeky all fiction:jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving, control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty, ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevent bully.
", says richard dawkins in the god delusion p51.
he goes on to say, "those of us schooled from infancy in his ways can become desensitized to their horror".. would you agree?.
hmmm double post??? Strange