For the one with the woman
The one with buffalo thing
ok, here's a batch for fun with covers 20, let's make them amazing!
here you go!.
For the one with the woman
The one with buffalo thing
i never noticed those scriptures before but seems that what some translations of bible call bull is actually a unicorn.
i checked several translations, even found this video which made me think.
ok i didn't like the music either, it is not your classic music hit but do check those scriptures and tell me what you think..
They do
They are called Rhinos
i know many very honest jws.
if i had someone do work for me, clean my home, etc.----i'd generally be more at ease with a faithful jw over most others.
in the matter of housekeeping, i'd think that they might be nosier but i doubt they'd outrightly steal from me.. what's your thought on this subject?.
They do tend to be honest
but not very intellectually honest
Apparently according to historically reports he could not in fact swim due to a genetic anomaly
the watchtower society keeps telling everyone to stay away from the evil internet.
they claim that once you surf the internet, even if it's done innocently, it's the beginning of the end.
were you personally affected in your faith because you turned on the computer?
oh approximately .............. 10 years lol
I never even knew there was this whole online group of emotionally challenged misfits till i wanted to find out about the JW living in the last days update lol
think about this and close your eyes...think about what it is to have no existence for all existence..and nothing for all existence...notice how u cannot have both at the same time lol!
that is crazy!
that means if there was nothing for all existence..then it has to remain that way..and even if some particles or energy exploded to give life to earth and the still does not make sense to believe that a explosion can design humans or animals...thats just like saying i am gonna get a another house out of a explosion!
Oh for the love of god ...........
a) Your argument is based on an idea that nothing happened for ........well eternity then "poof" one day out of the blue a Universe appears. Now while I can see how this would screw with your noodle it is a flawed argument. Time is part and parcel OF the universe, there is no "before" the universe, just as there is nothing after you reach "the edge of the universe".
b) As you cannot get your head round this concept you view it as impossible and therefore give the credit to God
c) You should therefore have the same issue with God, where did god come from? If He had been around forever then why choose any particular time to start making things like universes out of the blue? That makes no sense.....have a REAL good logically think about this
d) Evolution is a FACT, I get sick of explaining this to people who clearly do not have the education to comprehend it, it is not an idea or a musing it is a FACT. It happens all the time, why do you think you get ill? Because viruses EVOLVE, and before you say it we can see evolution in these organisms because they reproduce extremely fast therefore the evolution occurs faster. The theory part which you creationists harp on about is to do with HOW evolution occurs.
e) A few thousand years ago people did not know what the sun was, so they called it a god and worshipped it, we now know obviously that it is a really really big ball of hydrogen and helium. Science does not have all the answers but just because we do not understand something does not mean we should insert God into the equation to answer the puzzle, it is far better to get off our collective butts and actually try to figure it out
Do you mean like the creationist museum they have in the states?
If so .......hell no
Do I have the wrong train of thought here?
here are some questions evolution never bring up or will evade questioning.
these are serious questions that kill all the silly beliefs about how the earth or universe got here..and here is why.
think about this for a second we would not be here if nothing for all existence did not exist.
I use the term bible basher to mean someone who bashes the bible on you, not someone who disagrees with the bible lol
here are some questions evolution never bring up or will evade questioning.
these are serious questions that kill all the silly beliefs about how the earth or universe got here..and here is why.
think about this for a second we would not be here if nothing for all existence did not exist.
Erm Tyrone
You may want to read my posts on this thread. If you do so you will see that I am clearly NOT a christian or religious at all for that matter lol. I assume your post was supposed to be directed to someone else haha
here are some questions evolution never bring up or will evade questioning.
these are serious questions that kill all the silly beliefs about how the earth or universe got here..and here is why.
think about this for a second we would not be here if nothing for all existence did not exist.
Sheesh bible bashing idiots annoy me. There arguments tend to revolve round "Can science explain * insert some unanswered question* " thus totally missing the point. The purpose is to discover the truth whether that truth is beneficial to your personal bias or not. The irony of course is they then tend to preach to you about "their" god, not a generic god mind you, a SPECIFIC God who did in their minds very specific actions. Of course this specific god cannot be proved, in fact not one piece of evience is presented other than "look at the universe! how could that wonder come into being with my specific god " as their eyes glaze over with the effort of using their brain for a moment.
Even better are the bible bashers who cut and paste from a creationist website scientifically incorrect information which they do not actually understand themselves. Then proceed to be torn apart from people who have made some effort to educate themselves, this is still of course a fruitless exercise as the bible basher cannot understand what you are trying to tell them and results in your brain wanting to get away from this brick wall banging fun