Think about this and close your eyes...think about what it is to have NO existence for ALL existence..and NOTHING for ALL existence...notice how u cannot have both at the SAME time LOL! That is crazy! That means if there was NOTHING for all existence..then it HAS to remain that way..and even if some particles or energy exploded to give life to earth and the STILL does not make sense to BELIEVE that a explosion can design HUMANS OR ANIMALS...thats just like saying i am gonna get a another house out of a explosion! Wait...u mean i can get a PERFECTLY designed house out of TNT! LOL Should i go on?? Let me go monkeys evolved into humans who can TALK NOW..but millions of years ago we were DUMB and had to survive in the wilderness! LOL Is there ANY recorded HISTORY of such a EVENT?? I,ll wait the day we humans turn into Aliens! LOL Satan is really ALIVE! Evolution is the biggest HOAX! How Insane to believe such a thing!
To all those who support Evolution EXPLAIN this....
by Blackboo 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It is either u have EXISTENCE FOR ALL EXISTENCE OR U HAVE NOTHING FOR EXISTENCE! The two cannot be the SAME! Proof of God alone who does not lie..and says he is the Eternal ONE.
Now before some of yo disagree lets stick to NON-EXistence versus EXistence..thats what i want ya,ll to explain..and keep on this subject..
Tyrone van leyen
Lol. I din't know you were a comdian!
Its funny man..because its logically true...i want those who support evolution to EXPLAIN this simple question....How can NOTHING FOR ALL EXISTENCE EXIST WITH SOMETHING FOR ALL EXISTENCE??? Since u cannot get NOTHING from NOTHING..then the obvious answer is something HAD to ALWAYS exist..and that is GOD..and i personally do not think he used any role of evolution in creating everything that is in the earth and universe..either.
Nothing and Existence is totally opposite..both contradict each other...u cannot have the TWO at the SAME time FOR ALL EXISTENCE....hmmmm..some of you really need to OPEN up your minds really and use common sense...
Tyrone van leyen
I'm sorry( forgive me Black Boo) did you read anything I wrote. I love you man! Stand ups your thing! your a natural!
Good grief, Blackboo, isn't your ass black and boo enough from your last spanking??? Also, do spelling, grammar and punctuation checks before you post - it makes you seem less ignorant if you argue highly scientific concepts with posts not fraught with errors indicating you're not very well educated. Help yourself out here, my friend.
Also, read the posts from your first thread. Evolution is not about the origins of life, it's the scientific proof of how life has evolved.
You need to do a lot of serious reading and study on these concepts of existence before you post something like this. You're coming off as a very poorly educated person arguing ideas that you don't begin to understand. If you are at all serious about understanding these ideas, and not just some ignorant idiot trying to create a silly rukus with these insulting posts, check out some of the references people are giving you on these threads, or simply PM some of your more erudite responders and ask for help.
Are you seeking the truth, or simply trying to start an argument like a sad drunk?
Homerovah the Almighty
WOW ...some more nonsensical irrational theory based on evidential ignorance
There seems to be an apparent lack of education here........forshisal ma nisal
He's never heard of the "Law of conservation of matter and energy"... again, I admire the fact you're asking questions Blackboo, but you need an education...and by the way... I'm a diest, not an athiest, and share much of what Tyrone has said about energy...