Yes I know of the theory of wormholes I also know that in all probability then would be neither stable or anywhere near large enough to make travel between them realitically feasible.
I believe in extraterrestrial life, it would be foolish to think it does not exist with the ridiculously large number of planets already discovered and the potential for countless more. However as for inteeligent life and life vastly more intelliget than us ..........I'm not sure, and even if they do possibly exist it would be too convenient for them to bewithin space hopping distance to us. Another thing to think about is light years, if we look at a star a few thousand light years away pondering whether or not it has life we have to remember that that particular star we are seeing is kinda a few thousand years ahead of us in a manner of speaking which in terms of an advanced civilisation could be the difference between survival and extiction, we came close to nuclear annihilation ourselves mayve some societies are not as fortunate on their route to advanced intelligence, maybe with civilisations going extinct for various reasons there are only a very small number of advanced civilisations at any ONE time and they could be seperated by universal space not galactic space
Anyhoo I certainly do not believe that aliens travel all that way to stick a probe up some redneck farmers ass in Iowa