Come top Brighton baby!!!
email nearer to the time
and i need advice on what to see.i'm not coming till next summer but i would like to know what i should plan to go see and what should i stay away from.i'm going to be traveling alone.a single female american.. .
i want to see london.i know that.i want to see the crown jewels and buckingham palace.i want to see the changing of the guard.i want to ride a double decker bus.i want to ride the tube.i also want to go out and see the country side.i'm planning on going to the aposta bbq next year.i was also thinking of taking the train to paris while i'm there just to see the eiffel tower.maybe only for a day or so.i also want to see scotland and ireland if i can.maybe only the big citys but i still want to go.. .
i'm going to get a monthly rail pass so i can travel around here and there for about 2 or 3 weeks depends on the money.i also want to go over to europe if i can.since i'll be so close i can't see why i shouldn' i also here flights are cheep so why not.. .
Come top Brighton baby!!!
email nearer to the time
<!-- .style1 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; } .style3 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } .style5 {color: #ff0000} .style6 {color: #000000} --> aftermath: the shame and regret of it allhaving been a convert of jehovahs witnesses for 14 years there is one issue .
that seems difficult to have closure with, and that is facing former relatives and .
worldly friends that i had since childhood.. the watchtower encouraged separation from the unbelievers of this world .
It will only become something you regret for the rest of your life IF you refuse to confront your mistakes and get forgiveness. Remember the friends and family you talk of are not JW's and therefore will be far more likely to welcome you back with understanding but you have to make the move.
is there anyone, when you see they have posted, that you always check to see what they have to say?
i always check blondie, bebu, alanf, farkel, onacruse, aguest (and probably others).
bc what they say has some gravity, some enlightenment, some knowledge, some insight.
Active post checker here
I don't specifically look for anyones posts, any post can have a value of its own, I look for the message not the messenger
i am a baptized jw that faded some years back.
in those days i deeply believed in the org and became disillusioned by some things happening in the local congregation.
following some research on the net i decided to fade out of watchtower existence because i did not want to keep mixing with false religion (or so i thought at the time).
Fading In? Am I nuts?
Possibly,it all depends on what you are looking for. It sounds like you want to drift in some you can reignite some old friendships but the fact that you have to do this so that they will talk with you etc should give an indication of what sort of friends they are.....conditional ones who will shun you the moment you fall out of line
Do you really want that sword hanging over you, being careful what you say ALL the time, the fact that you left will mark you for close observation
is a certain "uptightness" creeping into our community?.
should we be scolding one another?.
especially kids?
As said above
Morals are subjective, however respect is universal. I try to be respectful, saying that I view myself as morally superior to an average JW in that I don't lead a lie of a life
for those familiar with the series:.
it was prophesied that the final battle between the child born on harry's birthday would destroy voldemort, and i seem to remember the implication that they will both be destroyed.. however, there were two children born on that date.
harry....and neville longbottom.. isn't it just possible that all this attention on harry is just a diversion to distract voldemort and his people from the real threat, which would be neville?
Rowling is likely to kill off HP as she will not want any other books springing up
lets say the jw's were allowed to write down on a piece of paper, without anyone knowing who wrote what, one thing that they would like changed in their religion, what do you think most jw's would want changed?
Depends on which demographic you aimed the question at
16 - 21 - abolish the sex restrictions
21 - 35 - make divorces easier
35 + - No ministry work
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with me a couple of times.
after spending decades in the organization, .
To a large degree yes
You cannot spend that much of your young years without it having a major effect on your personality, I have some positive parts of my personality as a result of being a witness, years of "studying" ironically did give me a thirst for knowledge which i guess was counterproductive for them. However I am by nature quite skeptical and emotionally hardened which again is a result of being a witness in my opinion. If i had never been a JW I know for a fact I would be a completely different person to who I am now
in the garden of eden, god supposedly didn't want adam and eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.
he preferred they remain innocent and incapable of deciding for themselves what is right or wrong.. along comes satan who wants them to eat of this tree and says they will become like god, knowing good and bad for themselves.
he says they will be like god.. as we all know, they chose to eat and find out what they were missing.
It is quite simple really
God says eat what you like (except for the animals because you are vegetarian at moment!) but DO NOT eat off that tree with the REALLY nice looking fruit.
They did (with a little persuasion from a talking snake)
God got annoyed
The rest is history
as a footnote the punishment God metted out on the snake (who was the cause of ALL of the crap I may add) was to make it crawl on it's belly for the rest of is days
a relative said there may not be dcs next year.
he said on the last day of this year's dc when the final speaker goes through all the reports & experiences, the speaker said next year's dc have not been planned yet and the gb will make an announcement later this year.
did anyone else hear a similar announcement?
They are probably waiting on the final total attendance figures to decide whether to merge some of the conventions (which of course means more traveeling for a lot of JW's)