I used to believe in God, he was a big part of my life
Then I grew up
cos its cooler than anything else.... well at least while im alive any way .
I used to believe in God, he was a big part of my life
Then I grew up
while this may be construed as a rebuttal to nvr's thread re: why i post about atheism, that is not my intent.. it is my intent, however, to show how i developed a belief in and love for the god of the bible.. my paternal grandfather, who died before i was born, was a baptist preacher, so you could say i cut my teeth on the bible.
i loved having it read to me, and once i learned how, reading it for myself.
i'm convinced that spirituality runs deep in my blood.. i've always had such a strong sense of right and wrong that injustices make me literally sick.
Stupidity, indoctrination, lack of intelligence/imagination
That should get you started
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=helb1voglc0 .
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=u-3rlx_4y5y&nr=1 .
any thoughts on planet x ?.
Yes I know of the theory of wormholes I also know that in all probability then would be neither stable or anywhere near large enough to make travel between them realitically feasible.
I believe in extraterrestrial life, it would be foolish to think it does not exist with the ridiculously large number of planets already discovered and the potential for countless more. However as for inteeligent life and life vastly more intelliget than us ..........I'm not sure, and even if they do possibly exist it would be too convenient for them to bewithin space hopping distance to us. Another thing to think about is light years, if we look at a star a few thousand light years away pondering whether or not it has life we have to remember that that particular star we are seeing is kinda a few thousand years ahead of us in a manner of speaking which in terms of an advanced civilisation could be the difference between survival and extiction, we came close to nuclear annihilation ourselves mayve some societies are not as fortunate on their route to advanced intelligence, maybe with civilisations going extinct for various reasons there are only a very small number of advanced civilisations at any ONE time and they could be seperated by universal space not galactic space
Anyhoo I certainly do not believe that aliens travel all that way to stick a probe up some redneck farmers ass in Iowa
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=helb1voglc0 .
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=u-3rlx_4y5y&nr=1 .
any thoughts on planet x ?.
Huh huh folding space eh!
I heard some aliens have been observed coming form Uranus
just wondering if anyone was going to one of the conventions that start this weekend in the us?
if so it'd be interesting if it was recorded and could be posted to hear if there are any other new changes and to confirm previous announcements regarding it.
Are we to assume that conventions are not your idea of fun?
What is wrong with you man? Where else are you going to get your spiritual banquet of joy?
i'm not necessarily asking for the big stumbling blocks here or things you discovered once you started doing your own research outside the borg.
i'm talking about the smaller things.. for me one thing was the talk of no one being able to become a witness unless "jehovahs drew them to him".
as a born-in this never jived with me.
The fact that this amazing super deity has an inferior set of morals to me. I really had a problem with OT God and his murderous, petty, jealous rampages.To be honest the guy just pissed me off. Wiping out 187000 here, a generation of kids there. Then to rub salt in the wound King David basically kills a man so that he get his stone slinging paws on a bit of skirt and God is all like "oh that's ok Davey, say you're sorry and we are cool" come on what a load of rubbish
just wondering if anyone was going to one of the conventions that start this weekend in the us?
if so it'd be interesting if it was recorded and could be posted to hear if there are any other new changes and to confirm previous announcements regarding it.
I love conventions, gonna check one out this summer in the UK
when i was a jw i didn't even question that the noah's ark story might not be true.
i didn't realise that it wasn't achievable for a handful of people to gather literally millions of animals - two of each kind - and fit them into a boat where they would all survive for many days.
i didn't think about the fact that if the highest mountain was covered with water then how could plant life like trees and flowers come to exist again, especially so soon after, with the raven grabbing an olive leaf was it?
Noah amazingly managed the construction of this original Titanic and managed to equip it with food etc and somehow managed to warn EVERY human being alive at the time in the ENTIRE world that this global end was coming, seriously this guys time management was on a par with Santa Claus.....amazing. If he was alive today his project management skills would be very much in demand
ok it's late and im bored and this might ramble a bit but i got to thinking, the wbts always proposes that everyone, b/f god gave noah permission to eat meat, was vegeterian.
witnesses always talk about how in the new system we will all go back to being vegeterian since i think in isaiah it says the the lion or wolf will graze and eat grass like the lamb or something and it was never gods plan for us to eat meat.. this doesn't sound right to me.
why would god make animals begin to eat each other if it was not according to his plan?
LOL yeah because you are going to get a good, solid answer based in scientific fact of someone who is essentially a window cleaner who reads the bible from time to time
btw the way everyone just to clear up the confusion over my screen name it is Marius UK as in I am from the UK, I know no Mari and he or she does not suck as far as I am aware :-)
this is hard for me to say, i don't even know where to begin.. .
first off i was wrong for judging a whole group of people based on the actions of a few others.. .
there have been many courteous replies from some of the gay posters on here, and i know it must have been hard considering all the things that i said.
Remember however bad it gets
It is fun to stay at the YMCA (or so I have been led to believe lol)
Sorry brit humour