I'm in the mid-Atlantic region with a broken a/c. Had to go to the mall to escape it.
I have no AC either, so I went to GameStop and 'tested' the new Mario Kart for a few hours.
it's very hot here for so early in the year.
i'm so glad i'm not at one of those awful outdoor assemblies!
I'm in the mid-Atlantic region with a broken a/c. Had to go to the mall to escape it.
I have no AC either, so I went to GameStop and 'tested' the new Mario Kart for a few hours.
the watchtower sunday made a claim to the effect that when science conflicts with the bible, the bible has always been proven to be correct.
if i had been there, i would have asked "could you provide some specific examples"?.
i'm thinking that reality is actually the other way, science always disproves the bible.
At one point science taught that the earth was flat.
Oh? What scientist taught that? Can you name one that actually asserted, after considering the matter, that the earth was flat?
I can think of plenty of theologians and church leaders who taught that. And they had biblical reasons for doing so. But THEY were proven wrong by science, not the other way 'round.
You may be surprised to know that, at least among scientists, the flat earth concept wasn't as prevailing as you think. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_Flat_Earth
"There never was a period of “flat earth darkness” among scholars (regardless of how the public at large may have conceptualized our planet both then and now). Greek knowledge of sphericity never faded, and all major medieval scholars accepted the earth’s roundness as an established fact of cosmology."
If the bible said the earth is a ball, then I would agree that the bible was right regarding the shape of the earth.
IF the bible said that... which it doesn't... it would have been correct. But even back then this wasn't such a revelation. Pythagoras had it figured out at least 2500 years ago, that's about 100 years before Isaiah was written.
In the bible God told the Israelites to bury their waste for sanitation and disease control.
Big deal, the Egyptians that were using them as slaves had already been doing so, that's probably where the Israelites got the idea...
And this doesn't require science or religion... just pattern recognition. You don't have to understand the mechanisms, but as long as you realize: "Hey those flies were just on my sick neighbors poop and now their on my food... I don't feel so well..."
ezra 1:2this is what cyrus king of persia says: .
the lord, the god of heaven, has given all the kingdoms of the earth to me, and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at jerusalem in judah.
who is this lord god of heaven who offered the kingdoms of the earth to cyrus?
Jesus tells the pharases and Saducees that they have not known his father and that his father wants mercy not sacrifice. So who was Jesus father?
Definately doesn't sound like Yahweh.
okay, so i have this talk tonight and i forgot all about it.
anyone on here have this talk and can post it here for me??????????.
or if you feel inclined you can write it for me!
This talk is in the wrong centery... it's not a dilemma anymore, hasn't been for the past 50 years or so.
Organic evolution is the theory that the first living organism developed from lifeless matter.
BEEEP, wrong! That's Abiogenesis, not evolution. Evolution happens whether the life form was created or not.
The "scientific method" is as follows: Observe what happens; based on those observations, form a theory as to what may be true; test the theory by further observations and by experiments; and watch to see if the predictions based on the theory are fulfilled. Is this the method followed by those who believe in and teach evolution?
I observe that there are many different life forms, hypothesize that they all had a common ansestor, Predict that we will find intermediate fossils between birds and dinosoars, land animals and sea creatures etc., and predict that we will all share DNA, and then I check the fossil record and DNA evidence... DONE. Those are just two simple examples.
This has been done and confirmed many many times.
How about belief in god, is that scientific?
Observe that there are many different life forms, Hypothesize that they were all created by an invisible magic man, then predict.... what? Test.... what? Oh that's right, you're not allowed to test god.. Therefore by their own simplistic definition, creationism is unscientific.
Astronomer Robert Jastrow says: "To their chagrin [scientists] have no clear-cut answer, because chemists have never succeeded in reproducing nature’s experiments on the creation of life out of nonliving matter.
Why do they quote an astronomer about chemistry?
According to New Scientist: "An increasing number of scientists, most particularly a growing number of evolutionists . . . argue that Darwinian evolutionary theory is no genuine scientific theory at all. . . . Many of the critics have the highest intellectual credentials."—June 25, 1981, p. 828.
Who is "New Scientist" isn't that a magazine? On what did that magazine base this statement?
And of course all of their quotes are 30+ years old.
i'm not sure why, but this is really cool!
this guys sings "part of your world" you know, from the little mermaid... and does pretty darn good.
I'm not sure why, but this is really cool!
This guys sings "Part of Your World" you know, from the Little Mermaid... and does pretty darn good. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/325668/
i noticed the other day that i saw 2 straight guys walking together in the neighborhood, will that give you a impression that they are gay?
The vast majority of straight guys, have mostly straight guy friends.
Go to any party - the guys are all in one place talking football, and the women are in another talking about whatever women talk about when there are no guys around.
I hate sports... so if the guys were talking about sports, I'd go see what the women are discussing...
But then again I'm asexual so I guess I'm not the norm either.
love exists .
then prove it!
.......only solid, concrete evidence please !
You can't prove to me with solid evidence that you love, hate, fear or are angry etc, therefore the emotion only exists in your mind.
That's completely correct. Where else would they exist?
love exists .
then prove it!
.......only solid, concrete evidence please !
And how is this different from a religious experience?Love, as any other emotion, exists as a complex chemical reaction within the body. See Molecules of Emotion by Pert (though there is also a lot of diversions). This is scientifically quantifiable.
Love, as any other emotion, exists as an experience within the body. Emotions are often triggered by somatic responses to the environment as well as thoughts and beliefs. This is subjectively expressible.
Not different at all. And just like love exists only in the mind of the lover, god exists only in the mind of the believer.
When the two lovers die, their love dies right along with them. When you die, so will your imaginary friends.
is there just one shred of evidence that proves beyond any doubt that jesus appointed the leaders of the jw's (c.t.
russell, j.f rutrherford, nathan knorr, or the governing body) as the faithful slave?
hmmm, pass the cryptonite please. Jesus Christ performed many miracles upon the earth. What is it you think the faithful slave might have as a gift?
How about the ability to drink deadly poison and not get hurt at all, and the ability to place their hands on sick people, and heal them? Mark 16:15-20
Once they start healing amputees with a mere touch, they'll have my attention.
" 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."
simply put...i believe there is a god..and his name is yhwh aka jehovah..and his son yeshua or yehoshua aka jesus..died for our sins as a propitiatory ransom sacrifice to antone for mankinds sins..i therefore am also a creationist...i do not believe science contradicts the bible...rather i think it agrees and compliments it rather well.. .
i am creating this post in response to comments made in my last post by the poster named "parakeet"... i just thought i should explain myself before he/she starts deducting praise from me (see my last post)..lol...alright here goes.
i grew in a small town in florida called macclenny..population- 20,000.. my mother and her family were raised in this quaint little city...my family on my mothers side has been in this city since the early 1920's...ok...lemme me get to the meat of the story.. .
There will ALWAYS be doubters no matter what they see or experience(even when seeing a picture or video).
Well... Yeah!
In a world where you can go to any theatre and watch a realistic dragon bite the head off a goblin in HD (Not 320/240px, grayscale, 10fps, shaky camera), why would you believe something just because you see a photo, or even video?
See this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G37SDGGnNw&feature=related
Don't worry, it's not REALLY a demon, it's just a video made by an amatuer in the comfort of his own home with inexpensive software.
Here's a whole slew of 'em: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=demon+face+test&search_type=
If he didn't explicitly TELL you that it was a computer animation, would you believe it was a REAL demon? I certainly wouldn't! And he has video evidence too!
So why the heck should I believe some completely anonymous person on the internet with absolutely no evidence at all?
And again I ask: What makes you think they're demons? They don't act like the biblical description of demons... so how do you know they're not vampires or Q?