I agree 100 %. The only thing I would add is that I believe in the process of becoming a witness, whatever charactoristics one had to begin with, as suggested above, will become even more evident. For example, if one was critical before becoming a witness, I think that they will tend to become more so, likewise with other traits.
JoinedPosts by freedom96
by minimus inmost people never really change!
our personalities, whether we are active witnesses or are inactive ones, apostates or almost apostates, are the same.
if we tend to rant here on this board, the probability is we were ranters elsewhere.
Just Wondering....
by Sentinel inhello friends .
i've just been thinking about something as i drove past the kingdom hall near where i work.
it has absolutely no windows.
One of the biggest reasons is this: We were always taught that when time came close for Armaggedon, that the government would shut down all relegions. The only "true" religion would be of course witnesses, that in no way shape or form would stop attending meetings. The no windows policy is so that when this time comes, then everyone could go to the meetings without anyone knowing that there were religious meetings going on inside.
This would also be a good place to be when Armaggedon actually struck.
This was another reason that they always taught that you must be in the habit of going to every meeting, for this was the only safe place to gather, so that plans could be made to go elsewhere when the persecution was so great.
You will notice the same no window pattern on Assembly Halls as well.
Some will say for vandelism sake, but come on, how paranoid does one have to be? Millions of churches and buildings out there, vandelism is a small chance we all take when we own property. That could be an arguement to the local planning departments for the city, but not the real reason.
The Last to be Resurrected :-(
by Lefty inof course i know that many of you here do not believe in the bible and its promise of a resurrection.
some of you do not even believe in a creator.
but those of you apostates that still do believe in a resurrection back to life, you would no doubt agree that not everyone of those who are resurrected will come back to life all at once.
You are absolutely right crazy. Just suprised to see such unwarranted hostility. Have a great day!
by freedom96 innot to get too deep of a "scary" subject, but wanted to hear opinions out there.. when taught at the kh, we were always told there is no such things as ghosts, but if there were one it was a demon.
i want to use that as an example to how dogmatic they are about so many things, that if they say it to be one way, then that is the truth period.. as it turns out, growing up, we had a ghost in our house.
don't laugh, it is true.
LOL yes I am white. At the time, we didn't talk about it, but perhaps 10 years later, members of my family were interviewed apart from each other, and we all described the same thing. I remember being asked about "Do you remember anything weird about that house?" and my answer was: Other than the shadow.....just creepy. It was at that time that I realized how nonchalant I was about talking about it. But we all described it the same, and I do respect your opinion, but I do know what I saw. What was it exactly? Don't know. But it was real, it was there.
by Mary ini'm considering trying hypnosis to help me win my everlasting battle with weight, but naturally i have feelings of guilt because we were told as jws that we cannot use hypnosis....... .
anyway, has anyone here ever tried hypnosis?
i would be interested in hearing if it helped you at all.
Just remember that just about everything that the Society says, don't believe it. If you havn't already, check back into some of the stuff they were saying when the religion was just starting. And then look at their history, and their unbelieveable reasons not to do anything. The bottom line, is that anything that they do not understand, they will bash. As hard as it is, drop everything you have learned, and go out and experience life. You will love it. I have had many friends undergo hypnotheropy with outstanding results. Their recommendation, go with the flow. A hypnotist cannot make you do anything that you wouldn't do normally. For example, during a session, he could not make you go kill someone, unless that was in your demeaner and charactor to begin with. If you have a goal, and you are willing to achieve that, in any means, then it should work. I have struggled with wieght challenges, and ultimately it comes down to have the will to say no to excess food, not eating when I am not hungry, and a good exercise program. But, whatever works for anyone else, I am not going to say it is a bad idea. Best wishes to you!
The Last to be Resurrected :-(
by Lefty inof course i know that many of you here do not believe in the bible and its promise of a resurrection.
some of you do not even believe in a creator.
but those of you apostates that still do believe in a resurrection back to life, you would no doubt agree that not everyone of those who are resurrected will come back to life all at once.
First of all, I am new to this site, so I have no idea what other people have said or not said. It was simply the first thing that came to my mind.
Secondly, I take major offense at the suggestion that I "go beat my wife." What a sick and pathetic response. I have never done anything to you to suggest that you spout off with some remark like that. I would like to think that most people on this site are a little more mature than that. You sit behind your computer and feel safe that you can make such a remark without having to deal with the consequences of your behavior. I would imagine it is safe to say that there is no way in hell you would say that to my face.
This proves one of two things: 1. You are not the pure witness that you would like people to think you are. True Christians do not speak like you do.
or 2. What I have thought all along, that witnesses are much like everyone else. You have your bad seeds. Witnesses are not pure, not even close.
Me, personally, have met many many people that are more Godly in their ACTIONS, and how they spend their lives, than any witness. Your mouthing off with obvious mean spirited words, is certainly not that of a true Christian.
A real man, Friday, does not go and beat their wife. They treasure her, and treat her like respect, and they will destroy anyone who attempts to interfere and cause harm to her.
Do you feel guilty about bringing people. . .
by StinkyPantz ininto the borg?.
i fortunately was never able to have a bible study grow all the way to the point of baptism.
but for those of you who did, do you feel guilty about bringing another person into what i think of as a cult?
Guilty? No. Pissed off? Oh yes! I introduced my best friend to the organization, and he is majorly gung ho, and no way that I can tell him what I have found out. All I can hope for is that he sees the light. Soon. He leads a good clean life, which I contribute to his involvement, has a great family, so I cannot say for certain that it has harmed him, though I am sad that we cannot communicate about this.
The Last to be Resurrected :-(
by Lefty inof course i know that many of you here do not believe in the bible and its promise of a resurrection.
some of you do not even believe in a creator.
but those of you apostates that still do believe in a resurrection back to life, you would no doubt agree that not everyone of those who are resurrected will come back to life all at once.
Two questions Friday.
1. Are you counting time talking to everyone here?
2. With all the discussions and articles from the "faithfull and discreet slave" how on earth can you justify being on these web sites, letting alone commuicate with anyone here? Last time I checked that was a df'ing offense.
Black Balled
by WildTurkey inwell all the brothers that i work for out of town has black balled me cause im disassociated, but they are working a known child molester, he is repentant lol, hope they protect their kids.
i got a phone call tonight and they told me that the dent shops in denver, tulsa, amarillo, dont want me.
hope yall still love me.
This is the perfect opportunity, perhaps a kick in the pants to work on your own. Show them up. Plus, you will be more available without having to work around the meeting, service, studying schedule.
by freedom96 innot to get too deep of a "scary" subject, but wanted to hear opinions out there.. when taught at the kh, we were always told there is no such things as ghosts, but if there were one it was a demon.
i want to use that as an example to how dogmatic they are about so many things, that if they say it to be one way, then that is the truth period.. as it turns out, growing up, we had a ghost in our house.
don't laugh, it is true.
Nice to see so many responses. Thanks. To answer some questions, yes I was afraid, but never quite knew why. I could not allow myself to believe that it was actually a ghost, so I did whatever I could to not think about it. We all were active witnesses at the time. All taught that this does not exist. Hence all of our family did not discuss it, until much later. The ghost was not scary looking, nor did it look like anyone we knew. The house was very old, and I am guessing the man was the original man who built and lived there for his whole life. Just a guess, as I did not talk with him. The most scary thing I remember growing up, is locking the doors to the bathroom, (there was only one in the house), and then rechecking them, over and over. Felt scared to death in there. I would take a bath, and it would go by, through the door, across the small bathroom, and through the other door. Both closed and locked. I would get shivers up my spine, much like I am now writing this down. Funny thing is....... even the dog was scared of it! I have no idea why it was there, and how that plays into God's plans for us. But I am satisfied to know in my heart that perhaps we are not supposed to have all the answers. Understanding will come in due time.