Well, last night, I attended the Memorial. It was my first time setting foot at a JW congregation (KH). I felt a bit uncomfortable and it seemed as though everyone there was being SUPER FAKE in their way of greeting everyone....Oh please, you can see right through them!!! I was there with my husband and his mother. The people there came up to us and said hello and all. When it all began, I politely stood up while they sang. When one person on the podium began preaching, My husband handed a "Bible". THe preacher guy sporadically quoted verses from the Bible...he jumped around and quoted things and fixed them to sound like they made sense...they didn't!!. We followed along. I remained emotionless and went along reading and (in my mind) noticing how different the bible I was holding was different from mine (Cath). Oh well, then the bread and wine were passed. What was the point of passing around a plate and a cup just to look at it? I don't know!!! At least WE (Catholics) consume the bread and wine on Sundays.
The thing that bothered me the most was that the podium guy kept telling them that they will be saved or something and then went on to say that only those 144,000 will live in God's kingdom. WEll, to me that's called giving everyone "false hopes". All those people are told they will never enter God's kingdom or go to heaven. Man, that's sounds so mean...it breaks my heart!!! We are taught that God will forgive our sins and we are all worthy of entering God's kingdom. These JWs are enticed with the mention and presentation of this "paradise' they will go to when they die...and yet...they really WON'T GO THERE...Only a small few...so why even keep believing or following this organization!!!
And yes, the end of the speech sounded like an army recruiting video...if you'd like a free bible study...yadda, yadda!! I didn't see many people there that were visitors...I should've worn my rosary beads or my cross chain...darn, now that I think about it...
Hanging from my car's rearview mirrow, I have a rosary...I like it there...it's my own personal choice..Well, since we went to the Memorial in MY car...my husband made sure he hid the rosary so that no one saw it hanging there on our way out. WHAT THE F**K...When the coast was clear he put it back. Then, we stopped at a red light and a JW family was next to us in their car and they kept staring at us and smiling this evil smile...My husband looked at them and then came to the conclusion that they were staring b/c of the rosary and said, 'oh, no, now I'll be getting a phone call"..OH, NO, THE HORROR.. .WHO THE HECK CARES!!!! SO, DARN RIDICULOUS!!!!!
I'm glad I went to the Memorial...all it did was make me an even STRONGER CATHOLIC!!! THERE IS NO WAY I'D EVER JOIN THE JWs...I realized how GOOD I have it and how I can be sure that my GOD is a loving, forgiving God! So, positive things happened for me!
(oh, and get this, my husband tells me that he CAN'T go to Easter Sunday mass with me b/c of the oath he took)...KISS MY A**...HE'S GOING, LIKE IT OR NOT! LOL