Thank you all for all your kind comments.
I'm learning now how manipulated and controlled the JWs are. It's so sad. It is true b/c I can see it in my MIL. She would rather die than miss a meeting...what the f*** is that about? How much do these people fear getting in "trouble" with the Organization, not God? God will not be upset with them...
Also, there is no difference between the God I worship and the God they worship. It's the same God. The difference is in the Doctrine and what their organization has them believing and interpreting the Word of God. There is nothing "evil" about what goes on in my church. There is nothing wrong with me and my beliefs. Now, I feel that they may think that since I went to their service they are better than me (which they prob. already thought). That since I went to their "Memorial", I'm not as loyal to my religion. No, it's not's just that my religion allows me to think freely...I'm not being pulled by a string like they are and not being watched like they are! That's all! My husband tries to act as if he can now see how manipulated JWs are, but it's like their way of being is so encrusted into his mind that he can say things that don't make sense and not even realize it.
His mother raised him as if he was in a cage...studying the Bible, going to KH, door to door, and never having a "childhood"...when he reached the age of 18, he decided to stop all that. He went out, drank, partied, hung out with whomever he wanted, had premarital sex...well, you know became a human being! hahaha...Well, when this happened his mother said that she "LOST" her son. She hated him, didn't speak to him, wanted him out of her life, she didn't want him around his nieces and nephews b/c she said he was probably a child molestor now...Can you believe that? Well, in her eyes, he went the way of the devil! I was in shock when I heard all this from him. And in the end, I felt badly...I felt sorry for him, no human being should have to go through that. It's just wrong. This is one of the reasons why I feel like this religious organization is NOT GOOD. Yet, he's still loyal and loves his mother to death and will do things to please her.