That was the typical display of Christian love.
Posts by tan
I Saw Some JWs Last Night & They Gave Me The Cold Shoulder Like I Was Df'd
by minimus ini saw him, his wife and kids coming from a basketball game, going on the train.
he looked right at me, i said, "hi!
" and he put his eyes and head downward as if he couldn't say hello.
Gross things little boys did this morning..........calgon take me away!
by kitten whiskers inprepare to be grossed out.
if you've never been around little boys, you're gonna flip.
my kids had the neighbors over for a sleep over last night.
Boys are gross and the bad thing about it is they still are as teenagers they just do it different ways.
Enjoyed your story, it only gets better as they get older. I have a 15 year old boy.
Shooting of JW
by tan inanyone heard about this?. .
Just noticed that it was covered. It was sent to me...I guess the news just got around to JW's and it's like big big news. I knew that we already had it covered here just didn't see it before. Thanx and keep up the good work as always.
Shooting of JW
by tan inanyone heard about this?. .
Anyone heard about this?
"Family day" Is this a new jdub thing?
by cultswatter ini know of jws that celebrate "family day" at this time of year.
i have asked these jw about where they got the term "family day" was it from the watchtower?
they seem to deny the watchtower had ever mentioned "family day", but i can sense they are trying to hide something here.
My parents had their wedding anniversary in December too, so we would use that day for gift exchange. Same difference as Christmas in my opinion.
MySpace is dying...
by Shaolu inlately i've noticed more and more jw groups on myspace seem to be disappearing and losing members.
at first i egotistically thought might have something to do with my efforts (i sometimes suffer from delusions of grandeur).
however, a couple posts came to my attention on two of the private jw groups.... .
I remember at the last circuit assembly I attended last year the brother saying: 'we need to be careful viewing an internet site with the word "space" in it'. All of the young kids started laughing as their parents looked around lost. In fact the elder that I was sitting near turned to his wife and said that he had never heard of anything like that. So smart, yet so stupid!
MySpace is dying...
by Shaolu inlately i've noticed more and more jw groups on myspace seem to be disappearing and losing members.
at first i egotistically thought might have something to do with my efforts (i sometimes suffer from delusions of grandeur).
however, a couple posts came to my attention on two of the private jw groups.... .
Good Grief!!!! I knew the society was crazy but a vendetta against MySpace? Lol...I agree that there are a ton of predators out in modern society today but to blame such predatory instincts on something like an internet site?
They need to ban the predators right in the organization. Be honest with themselves.
Have you abandoned the hope of everlasting life?
by Fisherman indo you still believe or nurture in your heart "living forever in a paradise earth" and even never having to die in "this old system"?
or do you now belive in life after death as a spirit being in heaven?
or have you abandoned the hope of everlasting life?
Who would want to live forever with a bunch of self righteous hypercrits rejoicing
I always said that I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with these high & mighty, arrogant, and judgemental people either.
Have you abandoned the hope of everlasting life?
by Fisherman indo you still believe or nurture in your heart "living forever in a paradise earth" and even never having to die in "this old system"?
or do you now belive in life after death as a spirit being in heaven?
or have you abandoned the hope of everlasting life?
i've decided to just wait and see what happens. i'm no longer going to live my life worrying about what happens after i'm dead.
I feel the same. No one really knows anyway when you think about it.
Too tired to argue
by hambeak ini am just too tired to argue anymore.
my sons funeral was a few days ago and i am the pariah.
i just want to give up.
You hang in there, you've got all of us.