Topics Started by tan
If you won the lottery whilst being a JW.....
by mtsgrad inwhat impact would that have on your life?
an elder told me he would be very repentant and then spend every penny/cent?.
what would you do if you won $9,000,000?.
JW's have lost their minds....Fox News
by tan innot sure if this has already been posted but here's the story.... .,2933,427803,00.html .
I'm worried about dating "worldly" women at 36 this is hard!!!
by Witness 007 ini can't believe i have to date again when i seperate from my wife!
i hope i remember how.....i only ever dated my wife.
what are the rules?
For Sweetface2233...
by tan innice avator...brought back memories.
wasn't it from the paradise book when the bad angels were looking at the women on earth?
Do you exercise or isn't that your thing.
by LouBelle infor the last 5 and 1/2 weeks i have been at the gym mostly twice a day except saturdays - i only have one training session.
each of my sessions is at least an hour long but can go for two hours.
i do various cardio in the evenings and do strength training in the morning.
Being told what to say in Convention interviews
by passwordprotected inhas anyone else heard tell of interviewees in convention parts being told what to say?
the way i've heard it is you're contacted to be interviewed in a convention talk because you've had a great experience in some form or other and they need you to boast about it.
so, you meet with the brother handling the assignment and you go through your experience with him (boast about it).
Proctor & Gamble...and more
by tan indoes anyone remember when the witlesses said that we weren't to use anything with the proctor and gamble symbol (r) because they were demonized or satan worshipers?
can you think of any others...of course the smurfs, e.t.....anymore?.
I had a Jehovah's Witness at my door this morning
by Vincent ini had a jehovah's witness knocking on my door on 31/05/08 it was very happy female, i could of have shouted at her but i was very close going that way as my legs were shaking a little bit like jelly as i was talking to the jehovah's witness finding polite way of shooing her away.
i have used the word cult to them but they denied it.
i said about emma gough but they said its because she wasn't looked after.
Name Things JWs Would Do If The GB Told Them To
by minimus inthis could be veryyyyyy interestinggggggg.
Did you find worldly people as bad as the JW's made them out to be??
by karter inas a jw we were always told worldly people were bad always out for what they could get out of you.
as for me iv'e made some good friends not anything as bad as the jw's said they woul'd be.
what about you ?????????