I agree...it sounds so fairy tale story. Goofballs.
Posts by tan
Encouraging poetry of the New System....NOT!!!!
by tan inwas sent to me a little while ago....thought you'd all need this encouraging news of hope.... >when i ' woke up ' this morning, i didn't groan or creak as i reached.
>out to the nightstand, my spectacles to seek.. >i couldn't feel their framework; and much to my surprise, i saw the .
>room quite clearly when i opened up my eyes!.
Encouraging poetry of the New System....NOT!!!!
by tan inwas sent to me a little while ago....thought you'd all need this encouraging news of hope.... >when i ' woke up ' this morning, i didn't groan or creak as i reached.
>out to the nightstand, my spectacles to seek.. >i couldn't feel their framework; and much to my surprise, i saw the .
>room quite clearly when i opened up my eyes!.
Was sent to me a little while ago....thought you'd all need this encouraging news of hope...
>When I ' woke up ' this morning, I didn't groan or creak As I reached
>out to the nightstand, my spectacles to seek.
>I couldn't feel their framework; and much to my surprise, I saw the
>room quite clearly when I opened up my eyes!
>I noticed when I showered that I moved a little quicker, Then when I
>went to wash my hair, it seemed a little thicker!
>I went to get my dentures to set them on my gums, But there were teeth
>already there! Now where did they come from?
>Although my hearing aids weren't in, I heard the doorbell ring!
>When I went to answer it, I saw the greatest thing...
>Why there were friends and family all standing around my door- They all
>looked so happy, we hugged and hugged some more!
>The tears were flowing freely, so happy were we all, Then they began to
>fill me in on things I can't recall.
>They tell me that I died way back in 1998 That I've just been asleep
>since then,On the resurrection to await!
>I'm eager for them to tell me about Armageddon's War, How Jesus won the
>victory, and what happened just before!
>We sing Jehovah's praises, we laugh and talk 'til dark, They tell me
>'bout the progress to turn the earth back to a park.
>'How long from when I died' I ask, did that old system end?
>'How far along is the thousand years'? And 'What about my friend?'
>They tell me names of some I knew, who died so faithfully, Then they
>mention briefly some we will never see!
>Some names do not surprise me, some names are quite a shock!
>I'm just so glad that I am here as one of Jesus' flock!
Got their name?
Favorite Steely Dan song...
by FadingAway inlet me jump the bandwagon also.
hopefully there are some fans of the dan.
i worship them.. i love boston rag, deacon blues and jake of speed.
All of them....they are one of my most FAVORITE bands.... I love this topic.
News from the Circuit Assembly
by ThomasCovenant init has been our local circuit's two day assembly this weekend.
it takes place at bristol assembly hall.
from what i recall seating capacity is about 1200. .
So, we must be followers, yet no hierarchy exists? I guess when you follow other people around in a circle it really doesn't qualify as a hierarchy.
That was good...lol.
Would the big "A" come if all of the GB died on a plane?
by tan injust saw the other topic about the gb and a plane and wondered...like if they all traveled somewhere at the same time (very unlikely) and the plane crashed...
By the Big A, do you mean the Bigger Assholes
Ha ha...I like that one.
Would the big "A" come if all of the GB died on a plane?
by tan injust saw the other topic about the gb and a plane and wondered...like if they all traveled somewhere at the same time (very unlikely) and the plane crashed...
Just saw the other topic about the GB and a plane and wondered...Like if they all traveled somewhere at the same time (very unlikely) and the plane crashed...
Jehovah's Witnesses Look Forward To People Dying!
by minimus inwhat a terrible thing to say!
but it's the truth.
witnesses are known to go into wealthy neighborhoods and while riding around in service or actually going to someone's house, they declare that "these people already have their own paradise but as soon as armageddon comes, i'm gonna take this house and when they die, it's gonna be my mansion!.
Where is the guarantee that the house itself won't be destroyed along with the tenant?
That's what I used to think...dummies.
I hate Walmart!
by Elsewhere ini rarely ever set foot in the place and will go out of my way to avoid shopping there.
tonight i made the mistake of giving walmart the benefit of the doubt and walked in the door.. they didn't have the main item i was looking for, but they did have one other small item.
i headed to the front to check out only to find they had only a few check-outs open and all of the lines were far too long.
I love WalMart...expecially Super Walmart. One stop shopping. Sorry about your experience.
Who Would You Like To See As The Next President Of The USA?
by minimus ineven if they aren't running, who would you like to see as the next president?
Sponge Bob!!
He's so cool...just kidding. I like Hillary cause she's a smart powerful woman. Still neutral on that matter so I never really thought about it...working on it though.