Ok, let me get this straight. You don't like him being "touchy feely" with these two women, one of whom happens to be a lesbian that you are "touchy feely" with? Why is ok for you to be touchy feely with this woman and not him?
Okay, so when I was writing this I thought about that question....When it's consentual (sp?) then it's okay. That's in the privacy of the the three of us not when we're out in public is the way I see it.
I know this all sounds so stupid.
I'm just experimenting with my new found sexuality...by the way he's an ex-elder...been out longer than I have. I've been out the 2nd time going on 4 years and this is all new to me...the openess of sexuality. Always been curious about a woman but never really acted on it.
He was open to it...did it once before (long time ago)...and also let me make this clear...it's just been the one woman recently...inquired about it with the other woman earlier in the relationship and she has not been around since. This one is more so since we all had the threesome. As I mentioned before...she was more into me...and still is.
After hearing from you guys I don't think I should be as worried....I don't know...it's just a little embarrasing out in public when people know he's with me touching on both of us thats all.