I'm still in but stopped carrying it three years ago.
Posts by Mx
Blood Card
by treadnh2o ini'm just wondering how many who are still "in" have stopped carrying an" advanced medical directive"( blood card)
How old were you when you were baptized?
by moomanchu in.
reading hellriders topic made me wonder about this.. i waited till i was 21 because i was drinking alcohol as a youth and didn't want to get baptized while breaking the law.
man that is screwed up, seemed reasonable at the time.
14, I got scared by the baptism talk from the last convention.
To Gumby. Prayer has always seemed kind of stupid to me, if god knows everything why do we need to talk to him, cant he fix our problems without us nagging him? The other big issue I have is: if the universe had to have a beginning why not god? And my list of questions goes on and on...
"What made you start to doubt the organization?",
You can call me naive but I always assumed everything I heard in the meetings were true; Then one day thoughts started popping in my head like "What If god doesn't exist? if he does exist is he the jehovah I know?" -
Hi all I'm Mx! I'm 17 I've been raised a JW and lived a VERY sheltered life. I've been baptized for three years now and been a doubter for two and a half years; I think I might leave "The Org" in an year or two.