Hi all I'm Mx! I'm 17 I've been raised a JW and lived a VERY sheltered life. I've been baptized for three years now and been a doubter for two and a half years; I think I might leave "The Org" in an year or two.
New guy
by Mx 36 Replies latest jw experiences
Do it while you are young my friend. You have your whole life ahead of you. I wasted 28 years of my life with this cult and bailed at age 50. Don't do the same.
Welcome Mx!
What made you start to doubt the organization? I am very happy you came to these realizations while you are still young......
Start getting your plan in place so you can leave when you turn 18.
-freedomlover -
you have chosen wisely
Many people throughout human existence have questioned and enquired. Most of them have not been scientists or doctors or philosophers, but simply ordinary people asking 'what if?' or 'why?' Asking these questions ultimately leads us to a choice. Do you continue to ask and investigate, or do you stop and never ask again?
and welcome MX!
- wac - XElderXBethelite -
"What made you start to doubt the organization?",
You can call me naive but I always assumed everything I heard in the meetings were true; Then one day thoughts started popping in my head like "What If god doesn't exist? if he does exist is he the jehovah I know?" -
Then one day thoughts started popping in my head like "What If god doesn't exist? if he does exist is he the jehovah I know?"
It's that DAMMED independant thinking.I am sure you have been warned about that...Welcome BTW
"What If god doesn't exist? if he does exist is he the jehovah I know?"
You have astounding insight for a young man, it took me 28 years to ask those questions.
Read read read stuff on this site, go to "the best of" for starters.Good luck to you.
The guy at the left is for the people who lied to us...not you.
HI MX, welcome to the forum!
Welcome to JWD Mx,
Hang on it's gonna be a bumpy ride to freedom .
Randy Waters site is a great place for truth about the truthâ„¢: