Look on the bright side.
At least he'll save money on goat's milk
sudan man forced to 'marry' goat .
a sudanese man has been forced to take a goat as his "wife", after he was caught having sex with the animal.
Look on the bright side.
At least he'll save money on goat's milk
openly gay tennis legend martina navratilova slams gay sheep experiments at oregon state university.
openly gay tennis icon martina navratilova is expressing outrage that oregon state university (osu) and oregon health & science university (ohsu) are spending millions of public tax dollars on unethical hormone-altering experiments on gay sheep that seek to manipulate sheeps sexual preferences and make them heterosexual.. ohsu experimenter charles roselli drugs fetal sheep in order to alter sex hormones in their brains, and he cuts open the brains of rams he calls male-oriented (homosexual) in an attempt to find the hormonal mechanisms behind homosexual tendencies so that they can subsequently be changed.
Dear God, I'll never look at Lamb Chops the same way again...
By the way, can we leave the gay sheep alone?
It's bad enough they have to get sheared every few
months and have to walk around naked
i recently had a conversation with a jw friend about the thing at the service meeting this week about blood.
i explained i don't understand how they can even be offering these fractions as a choice because of the stored blood situation.
here is a comment i got:.
Well, when they finally do abolish the blood ban, the only reason will be to avoid the lawsuits, they care nothing for the thousands of deaths they are responsible for.
In addition, they will eventually claim that there never was a blood ban, and it was all just the work of a few "overzealous brothers," just like the former organ donation policy. They've spent decades hiding behind their own stupidity and the advice of their well paid corporate lawyers who have been there so long they're practically trans-generational.
The blood policy, like everything else about the Watchtower, is decided based upon their wallets. When the number of lawsuits and blood deaths exceeds the number of baptisms per year, it will quietly disappear.
good very hello,.
i am not a jw but have had the pleasure of reading, studying and associating to a small degree.
i have been reading with interest the societies involvement in the un as ngo.
Greetings Stephen C or NotMyRealName, whatever you prefer, and welcome to the board!
You raise a very interesting point. I will not condemn your faith in God, nor that of your fellow witnesses. I will instead try my best to answer your questions and respond to your statements.
First, you say you are not a JW but have studied to a small degree. May I ask if you have been baptized as a JW? If not, were you baptized elsewhere? If so, how do your JW friends view your baptism? Have they asked you to get baptized as a JW? Where did you find the information about the WTS and the UN NGO involvement? Have you told your friends about it? If so, how did they react?
Second, you say that you would rather the organization handle the issues that are too big for you. I truly admire your humility, but exactly what issues are too big for you? Do you believe that you have to obey the rules of men and do the works of the Watchtower to earn your salvation? If so, at what point have you done enough works? The bible teaches that everyone's salvation was determined at the time of Jesus death and that no one else can give it to you or take it away.
In biblical times, God operated through individuals, not organizations. Sometimes the individuals he operated through belonged to organizations he disapproved of. To say that God has only one channel of communication or that he works through a specific organization is a gross misrepresentation of the bible.
The meaning of "faith without works is dead" is referring to helping your fellow man and working to improve yourself and your environment. Tell me where are the Jehovah Witness soup kitchens or Jehovah Witness homeless shelters? Do they only help each other or a potential convert, or do they act as Jesus commanded?
You ask yourself "Where else would I go?" Have you ever considered going directly to Jesus? Is it possible you don't need and organization of uninspired men to complete your spirituality? You also mention the truths and practices of faith and the words of life in the organization. Here is where I want you to take a moment and consider your beliefs from a logical, practical point of view. Put aside the deep love you have for them and analyze their practices.
Right now, they might be showering you with love and attention, both material and immaterial. This is called love bombing. They will give you free clothes, buy you dinner, and perhaps pay to fix your car. This all looks very kind and generous, but then they lay down the rules. Do you find that you're not allowed to wear anything other than the clothes they "provide" for you? Do they buy you dinner only after you agree to a bible study with them? Do they fix your car only after it breaks down and you stop coming to the meetings? In short, is their love an unconditional love, or does it come with a price tag?
Consider also the words of life from the organization. Examine carefully the writing style of their literature, for it is very specific and uses very subtle psychological techniques to mold your opinion to theirs, and rule out anyone else's. Does it ever feel like they're talking down to you or telling you what to think? Do you notice how they never cite their sources in the magazines? Every story starts with "according to one woman," or "recent studies show." In the academic world, you have to back up your opinions with solid facts, and the Watchtower never has any. If you are or were at one point a student in High School or College, pick up a magazine and ask yourself, or even a teacher if you can, if you had written this, what grade would you get? Chances are, no more than a zero if you're lucky. Their failure to prevent solid reliable evidence to support their claims results in plagiarism and blatant fraud.
Finally, you mention Paul, who posed as a Roman citizen to defend his faith in comparison to the Watchtower UN alliance. When they joined the UN, it was not to defend their faith, but rather to take advantage of the UN's resources to travel all around the world and convert more followers, among many other hypocritical things. Paul also knew what he did was wrong, and insisted on being crucified upside down, believing he was unworthy to die the same way Jesus did. The Watchtower never admitted their gross apostasy and still maintain their absolute authority over their blissfully ignorant followers.
For nearly eight decades, the WTS has denounced the UN as the beast of revelation that causes destruction and is hated by God. They also condemned every religion associated with it as the "harlot that rides the beast." They lied about ever joining in the first place, then tried to downplay it with the "library card" excuse. By the way, if one of the rank and file for example joins the YMCA to use their public pool, they're disfellowshipped. By thier own rules they incriminate themselves. Does that sound like Jehovah's true organization? Ask yourself if it was no big deal, than why did they cancel their membership the moment it became public? If it violated their religious and moral convictions as they claimed, than why do they remain an NGO to this day? See the following link:
In conclusion, I have the highest respect for you and your beliefs, I just want you to make up your own mind about placing your trust in the Watchtower organization. Don't you owe it to yourself to determine who's really telling the truth?
"i told the elders that my uncle was doing this to me and they handled it in the way that conformed to our beliefs," ward said.
"my uncle was an elder in the jehovah witnesses.
they said i needed another witness to believe my story.
See how he likes it when he's thrown in jail and he's playing Catch the Bar of Soap or Hide the Cucumber with Bubba in the next cell
well, it's good to know what the watchtower's priorities are these days.
they're facing dwindling numbers in the industrialized nations, a growing number of child abuse lawsuits, a pedophile database of over 23,000 members just waiting to be exposed, and what do they have on the front page of their website?
phone sex!!.
Hey everyone, just a small observation. It seemed quite a coincidence that a few days after this thread appeared, the phone sex article disappeared from their website's front page. Is it possible they felt slightly embarrassed as to what strangers would think if they saw that on their website?
Or perhaps a far more interesting possibility: Maybe someone at Bethel saw this thread and alerted the webmasters. But that would mean people at Bethel are frequent lurkers here, as we have suspected for years. Now just what would their superiors do if they found apostates in Jehovah's Holy Organization? What's that you say? Their superiors are the biggest apostates of all?! Be quiet, they're not supposed to know!
Can you see me Bethelites? I can see you...
(This is so Twilight Zone, ha ha ha)
good afternoon everyone and welcome to my new series of reports i like to call the watchtower after hours, where we examine many various topics relating to jehovah witnesses, mostly found on their own website: http://www.watchtower.org/.
i'd like to point out that these articles are all current or previous publications of the watchtower society, and have not been written or changed by me.
the following commentary is usually quite sarcastic and if any current jehovah witness is reading this they are more than welcome to post their opinion, and i apologize in advance for offending anyone.
Hey Mike thanks for the post, and congratulations on the BA, I wish my mom would go back to school but alas, "there are more important things."
I think you are referring to cognitive dissonance. Many of the elders and Watchtower leaders have a college degree and yet they deny one to the rank and file. And they expect them not to notice this. The Watchtower ignores the bible because they are afraid of it.
Take for example the following quotes. Even though they are over 50 years apart, I think they still speak volumes about the watchtower:
*** Watchtower February 1st 1952 pp. 94-95, paragraph 5, Questions from Readers***
Jehovah is no respecter of persons. Neither are his people. But the world in which we live is.
***Watchtower October 15th 2005 pp. 4, paragraph 3 What Is the Best Education?***
God is not to be blamed for the present conditions, nor has he ceased to be concerned about today’s problems. Jehovah has always been interested in man’s welfare
I find it hard to believe an organization that makes such statements and still claims to be "God's only channel of communication." You would think such lofty representatives could at least get His message straight. Or perhaps God has changed in the last fifty years and now actually gives a damn about us? Perhaps in the future, the Watchtower will flip a coin and God will change His mind again, and we can all give up hope since He will no longer care about us. Not at all confusing right?
Thanks to everyone who responded and special thanks to Blondie for helping me find the quotes.
i know this might sound silly, but one of the most annoying things i find about my mom being a jw is how often she prays.
normally, i would never criticize someone for praying to god, but she prays in such a way that makes me angry for some reason.
let me explain:.
Welcome to the board lfcviking an luvbug and thank you for posting! Feel free to tell us about yourselves.
good afternoon everyone and welcome to my new series of reports i like to call the watchtower after hours, where we examine many various topics relating to jehovah witnesses, mostly found on their own website: http://www.watchtower.org/.
i'd like to point out that these articles are all current or previous publications of the watchtower society, and have not been written or changed by me.
the following commentary is usually quite sarcastic and if any current jehovah witness is reading this they are more than welcome to post their opinion, and i apologize in advance for offending anyone.
Good afternoon everyone and welcome to my new series of reports I like to call The Watchtower After Hours, where we examine many various topics relating to Jehovah Witnesses, mostly found on their own website:
I'd like to point out that these articles are all current or previous publications of the Watchtower Society, and have not been written or changed by me. The following commentary is usually quite sarcastic and if any current Jehovah Witness is reading this they are more than welcome to post their opinion, and I apologize in advance for offending anyone. Anyone and everyone who is not offended however, is more t han welcome to join the fun
Now that I'm done covering my ass, lets get down to business. Tonight's topic is Education. What's that you say? You can't remember the current Watchtower view of education? Well, I'll try my best, the education stance flip flops faster than Judge Rutherford at an alcoholic's anonymous meeting. Here's the perfect gem of spiritual food I found:
HAVE you ever been so overwhelmed by problems that you felt as though you were drowning in a whirlpool? Just imagine how much suffering could result if you made a mistake in coping with one or more of those problems!
YAWN, get to the point! It's a good thing I have the Watchtower to uncover these deep mysteries of life. Where would I be without their wise council?
No one is born with the ability to solve all problems successfully, making good decisions every time.
DUH! You people are really going for the Nobel Prize in the sociological study of human behavior! Yet somehow we're supposed to believe that a ten year old who would rather die than receive a blood transfusion is speaking with his own mind?
Many, both young and old, extol the importance of an academic education. Some experts even say that they “fully believe that you will never be able to find a [decent] job without a college degree.” Yet, there are a number of human needs that go beyond material achievements. For instance, does higher learning help you to be a good parent, mate, or friend? For that matter, people admired for their intellectual achievements may develop undesirable personalitytraits, fail intheir family life, or even end up committing suicide.
Take a good hard look at that last line. Where on earth do they get the authority to make such a ludicrous statement? What study do they base this on? Absolutely nothing. For those of us familiar with this subject, we know what's really going on here. The Watchtower hates higher education because college teaches you to think for yourself using critical analysis skills. For a Jehovah Witness, this almost always leads to critical analysis of the Watchtower's history and the truth behind their beliefs. But for a Jehovah Witness to have knowledge is very dangerous to the Watchtower, as it uncovers well over a century of lies and crimes against humanity. So they cloak this fear by teaching witnesses that college is a waste of time and full of nothing but immorality. That's how they come to make such incredibly bias and wildly inaccurate statements like this.
Some look to religion for guidance, a source of education, but become disappointed because of not receiving practical help to face life’s difficulties. Illustrating this, Emilia* from Mexico says: “It was 15 years ago that I felt that my husband and I simply could not be together any longer. We argued all the time. I couldn’t get him to stop drinking. I frequently had to leave our small children by themselves while I went looking for my husband. I was emotionally worn out. Several times I went to church seeking something that might help me find a solution. Although the Bible was occasionally used, I never heard any counsel that directly dealt with my situation; neither did anyone approach me to tell me what to do. Sitting in church for a while and repeating some prayers did not satisfy me.” Others may become disillusioned when they see how far their own spiritual leaders are from living an exemplary life. As a result, many lose confidence in religion as a source of training or education for a successful life.
Now who saw this coming? Attack all religion in general with a vague condemnation of no particular church using a person who probably doesn't even exist. I suppose going to the Watchtower meetings and listening to the elders' "advice" on how to overcome your problems by "praying more" is alot better.
Remind me when in history the number of suicides among college graduates ever exceeded that of Jehovah Witnesses. Or for that matter, when was the success of a family relationship ever ruined by obtaning a college degree?
And as for immorality, college is what you want it to be. If you skip classes and party all the time with drugs and alcohol, than it will be the shortest vacation of your entire life. But as for a JW who wants to have a job where you say something other than "you want fries with that,?" This is what happens when you let an uninspired organization of men decide your morality for you.
2006 thanksgiving menu at bethel .
new world diner .
welcome to new world food and "spirits".
"Elderberry" wine anyone?