I've seen this list a few times, and its inaccuracy always annoys me! Point by point:
- Jehovah is the most important word, used rather than Yahweh
- Both use the Masonic term Great Architect
- Both believe God yielded power to a lesser God
The Masonic name of God is Jahbulon, not Jehovah, as i understand it. Many researchers say this is a composite of Jah, Baal, and Osiris.
Russell used "great architect", i havent seen it in any WTS publications for years
- Is only a man, not Almighty God
- No need for Christ as mediator
To say the WTS say Jesus is only a man is an oversimplification at best, surely. Tho they do say he isn't Almighty God.
And the WTS don't say there is no need for christ as mediator
- Both claim not to be a religion
- The church is a pyramid
I think Russell used to be against religion, but the WTS have been calling themselves religion for decades
The second ones ridiculous
Is written in a code
- It’s a hidden book & is a temple
- Both believe in a future life for all mankind, a golden Age (Awake!’s early name)
- Both reject doctrine of hell
- Both say –a lie is not a lie when one deceives someone not worthy to know the truth
- Both will lie under oath to protect friends
- Both emphasize continuing revelations (new light)
God build the Great Pyramid [only in the early days did JWs say that!]
- Both believe in works salvation, new birth not needed [one of those doctrinal points,could start a whole new topic. salvation can't be earned, but at the same time faith without works is dead. is the JW doctrine]