above learntoswim has claimed that working on the sabath was a law made by man and not God and jesus was mocking the pharases by not following it. However this is not true the law of not working on the sabath was from God himself.
oh for goodness sake i didn't say that not working on the sabbath day was a law made by man, i said not healing on the sabbath was a law made by man, read it again, i said:
the law you refer to, that of not healing on the sabbath was a man made rule. The Jewish religious leaders had made tons of arbitrary rules that were based on nothing more than the tradition of man. So by breaking the law, Jesus was simply defying the Pharisees and their man made traditions, not breaking Gods law because of an emergency.
I fully agree that working on the sabbath day is against the Mosaic law, its in the bible for all to see as you pointed out. But that didn't rule out doing anything at all. In fact the priests were to continue their duties even on a sabbath day. Jesus recognised the spirit of the sabbath law.
And when I said he was defying the Pharisses i didn't mean he was doing it to actually mock them. I meant it seems that he did it because he wanted to heal the man, regardless of what their thoughts on the matter were, rather than doing it because it was an emergency (in fact was it even an emergency? is the event you refer to the time when he approached a man who had been ill for 38 years?).