Why are JWs so against blood transfustions, do they not see that this is exactly the oppositie of what jesus taught. Jesus taught that healing was allowed on the sabath, even though if violated the rule of not working on the sabath, he was teaching that in the event of an emergency life is more important than the law. How would a jw feel if a loved one died and then 2 months later the wt said new light told them that transfusions are ok. (do not say this will not happen, becasue they originally said vaccinations were a direct violation of the everlasting covenant with god and must be avoided, now they say vaccines are good. -- many people surely died from small pox and other diseases because they were not vaccinated).
Blood Doctrine - JW please answer
by golden age 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They probably realised years ago that saving a life comes first but had to stick to their guns for fear of being sued.
That's also my impression, they got caught up in a vicious circle of their own making if they change their position lives will be saved but they will get sued for billions and if they don't change it more lives will be needlessly lost. They follow the selfish path.
this is exactly the oppositie of what jesus taught. Jesus taught that healing was allowed on the sabath, even though if violated the rule of not working on the sabath, he was teaching that in the event of an emergency life is more important than the law
Well I think they would quote the following, where Jesus explains that following him means placing the value of our life below what he requires of us.
(Matthew 16:25) 25
For whoever wants to save his soul will lose it; but whoever loses his soul for my sake will find it. . .
Brochure: JWs and Their Beliefs about Blood. Examines JW teachings about blood over history and identifies many inconsistencies.
Brochure: Bizarre Medical Myths--Believe it or not! Explains the history of the WTS disdain for medical care and gives a glimpse into their long history of suspicion of doctors and traditional medical care.
They're gradually clearing the path to make it a "conscience decision." It may take several years to come to fruition, but it will happen. They know the blood doctrine is one of the most damaging PR doctrines they have. Everytime a witnesses dies due to [lack of]blood and it gets published for the entire world to see, the WTS gets nailed in the court of public opinion. Let's face it, which doctrines/practices are JW's most well known for in the public eye? Flag salute, door-to-door activity, and no-blood. Almost every worldly person out there knows about these three practices. Now if the WTS could ease the PR burden on just one of those, guess which one they would choose? Blood. The other two practices are basic foundations for all religions and corporations guaranteed by the Supreme Court. They will never change their stance on those.
Just give it time. They will eventually change the blood doctrine.
Every adult Witness can change the blood doctrine any time they want to.
Country Girl
I know this is a bit off topic.
The media is attacking the polygamist views of Warren Jeffs, and having nearly every day coverage of the attempts of the FBI to find him and capture him, and his alleged wrongs are child sexual abuse. However, every year there are children DYING that are denied proper medical care by their parents because of some odd religious beliefs propounded by a cult, and these deaths are not prosecuted under the guise of religious freedom. Yet, here is Warren Jeffs, who fully believes it's his right to take young girls and marry them to their Uncles, or step-brothers, half-brothers, or whatever, and the FBI is all after him, even though he bases his opinions on religion.
There are KIDS being subjected to the screwball medical decisions by their parents, all in the name of religion, and DYING! I can't understand why it's not more of an emergency to save the kids that are dying from denial of medical services, versus the kids that are being sexually abused. Admittedly, both scenarious are gross and disgusting, but we're dealing with human LIVES here now, but in most cases of child sexual abuse, the child lives, and in most cases of denial of medical services based on religious beliefs the kid DIES.
Why hasn't the general public and lawmakers addressed the rights of kids to receive competant medical care when they're stuck, without their persmission, in a religously fanatic cult? I don't get it..
golden age
(Matthew 16:25) 25 ;For whoever wants to save his soul will lose it; but whoever loses his soul for my sake will find it
In resposnse to that argument that some one posted earlier on how they would respond, if you read the verse prior to that in mathew 16:24 jesus says take up your cross and follow me, by saying this supports the jw position is wrong because following jesus would be, as i said in the first post, to not let a law override the importance of life just as he did with the sabath rule
Just give it time. They will eventually change the blood doctrine.
And, inexplicably, the majority of dubs will bless Jehoobie for his vast compassion, wisdom and knowledge in shining the strobe light of troof onto the blood policy. Never mind all the JWs who died refusing it all these years....or running the risk of being DF'd