Yes, as a recently-active Witness, I can attest to the fact--that's all they do. In fairness I should say that there are a few who truly earnestly try to have a productive ministry--always checking out new "fresh" territory cards, always doing cold-calls, always making an effort. 99% of Witnesses, though, are just watching the clock and dragging their feet like 20 year Teamsters.
JoinedPosts by under_believer
Field Service?
by Lo-ru-hamah ini don't know if any one else here has made this observance but..... today as i was running errands around town i noticed quite a few witnesses out in the ministry.
on a thursday, no less, but it wasn't that they were at peoples doors.
they were all just driving around.
? about friendship and competition in the WTS
by whyizit inmy husband went to a "talk" given by a special visiting speaker last sun.
we are not jws, nor have we ever been.
a friend invited us, so my husband went as a courtesy to him.. they had some kind of talk about choosing friends, etc.... basically, they don't want you to get too close to anyone who is not a jw or showing promise of becoming one.
Excellent analysis and very perceptive for one who is not and never has been a JW. In the JW worldview, God's blessing is applied exactly to the degree that you are active as a JW (and that is an almost direct quote from a Watchtower study from a couple of weeks back.)
Disfellowshipping Is Love and Other Examples of Orwellian Doublethink
by under_believer ini posted this in response to another thread.
i was sufficiently pleased with the comparison, and i am narcissistic to a sufficient degree that i felt it would be good to post it as an original topic.
disfellowshipping is classic orwellian doublethink.
I posted this in response to another thread. I was sufficiently pleased with the comparison, and I am narcissistic to a sufficient degree that I felt it would be good to post it as an original topic.
Disfellowshipping is classic Orwellian doublethink. No single publication--not Crisis of Conscience, not Hassan's brainwashing works, nothing has been so instructive for me in recognizing what is wrong with the Society as 1984. In this case, we are dealing with doublethink, which is when two contradictory concepts are both held to be equally true. The person who supports the disfellowshipping arrangement, in its classic Witness sense, believes the contradictory concepts that
- One should completely reject a person who is guilty of sin, treating them as though they are dead and as though they no longer exist.
- Treating a person in this manner is an expression of deep love, one of the most profoundly loving things that can be done.
- The New Testament says that God is love.
- The Old Testament says that God destroyed an entire city, including babies, women, children, and the elderly, because there were some homosexuals there. Nor will these be resurrected.
- Therefore, destroying an entire city, including babies, women, children, and the elderly, must be an act of love.
Watchtower Library cd?
by crankytoe ina couple months ago someone posted a link to an .iso image of the latest watchower cd.
i copied the link and emailed it to myself to download later, but i never got around to doing it.
now i can't find the email.
There's a link to it at About halfway down the page in the left hand column.
Whats up with Witnesses being allowed to VOTE now?
by runningrussianboy ini read somewhere that jw's can vote now?
it was in a kingdom ministry a few years back.
i remember being told that voting for anything but jehovah was a sin.
Well I guess I'll be okay then, Gary, since I have not held "congregational priveleges" for many years, nor do I have any desire to do so. Ever.
Jesus: What is he?
by jstalin ini have a question regarding jw doctrine:.
what is jesus?
i went to one memorial and he was described as the "perfect man," like adam.
Further Reading: docetism.
Anyone from Beaverton/Hillsboro Oregon area here?
by lost_light06 injust curious.
seems to be a lot of mid-west, east coast and "across the pond" folks.
I currently reside in the Greater Portland Metro Area (a large area with lots of Witnesses so I feel my anonymity is safe.)
Shunned Father: Law suit thrown out
by truthseeker ini just received this in a silent lambs email.. very bad news.
i don't understand it.. .
canada in brief.
There's still the court of public opinion. I suggest he makes sure that this gets lots of publicity (it's already been doing well in that regard, and a bit more can't hurt.)
Cthulhu fhtagn! Lovecraft fans unite!
by lost_sheep ini noticed under_believer's "o r'lyeh?
" avatar, (cracked me up, by the way) so i thought i'd see who else on this board digs h.p.
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
I like everything except for the Derleth extensions to the mythos. It was such a wonderful non-dualistic system, and then he had to come in with his Catholicism and turn it into good vs evil. When in reality Cthulhu is above good or evil... the universe just is.
May I humbly also suggest this interesting graphic novel.
WORLD!!!! Please take notice!!!!
by lost_light06 ini just want to put the world on notice.
the next time you open the door and see a jw standing there with a watchtower about armageddon and an awake about butterflies dont turn him away!!!
do not say im not interested.
Why are we welcoming a guy with 69 posts to the board?
Great post, BTW. I could read it over and over again all day.