If any such announcement takes place, I'll eat my hat.
And if "elders already know" but it hasn't leaked... I'll eat my left nut.
No way.
JoinedPosts by under_believer
Shocking Announcement: Society feels Armaggedon coming this year?
by truthseeker ina rumor alert indeed, but it could be related to the distribution of kingdom news no.37, "false religions end is near.".
the following is posted from e-watchman's forum.. make of it what you will, but in light of all the rhetoric about "deliverance at hand" and "independent thinking", nothing would surprise me anymore.. http://e-jehovahs-witnesses.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1502&st=0 we posted about an announcement it was only local to our cong.
however we have found out that there is going to be an announcement sometime in september and it is supposed to be shocking.
Anybody know Wally Gobitis?
by parakeet inwhen i was a kid (long time ago), wally gobitis used to visit our cong occasionally.
for those not familiar with gobitis, here's a quick jw history refresher: .
back in the late 1930s gobitis, a jw, was sued by the minersville board of education when his children refused to salute the flag in school.
kid-A beat me to it.
It's judgment day with mum and dad
by sass_my_frass inwell, it's been brewing for a long time and i was getting ready for it, but i've finally gotten the shun-for-life from my folks.
i was going to visit them in a few months and had arranged to see my non-witness grandparents for a few days too, and invited them along.
here's there responese: (first from dad, then from mum)
Your mother seems as though she's making a deliberate attempt to burn every bridge she can find; and furthermore, striking out at you for the pain she feels. And being very specific about the fact that her displaying any love for you is dependent on your displaying love for the organization.
You have my sympathy. I hope it never gets to this point with my family... but I fear that it will.
Would you have stayed if essential changes were made?
by greendawn inwhen you began doubting the wts did you decide that there was no remedy and you had leave them, or did you say if they change on such and such points i will stay on?
what were those points that if changed you would approve of the jws and stay in?
for me it was not an issue because i wanted to see many changes and they wouldn't carry them out.
I want to stress that the question asked was "would you have stayed."
Even knowing all that I know now, I still could have stayed if the disfellowshipping practice was halted, because I could talk to others about what I knew, have freeness of speech and conscience, and so forth.
"Would you have stayed?" is a different question than "would you go back." Nothing they do now, even eliminating disfellowshipping, could cause me to "go back" (though I am still nominally associated, I am totally out mentally). -
Would you have stayed if essential changes were made?
by greendawn inwhen you began doubting the wts did you decide that there was no remedy and you had leave them, or did you say if they change on such and such points i will stay on?
what were those points that if changed you would approve of the jws and stay in?
for me it was not an issue because i wanted to see many changes and they wouldn't carry them out.
For me it all comes back down to disfellowshipping.
If they eliminated that practice, I could stay. As long as it remains, I cannot, and the wheels of fate continue to turn in the direction of my eventually completely leaving the organization. -
"He that is not against us is for us."
by Confession inreading this scripture was important to my original willingness a couple of years ago to reconsider my religion.... john said to him: teacher, we saw a certain man expelling demons by the use of your name and we tried to prevent him, because he was not accompanying us.
39 but jesus said: do not try to prevent him, for there is no one that will do a powerful work on the basis of my name that will quickly be able to revile me; 40 for he that is not against us is for us.
[mark 9:38 40, nwt].
Excellent post, Confession. It's in my permanent research file now. Though of course I was familiar with that scripture, the meaning of it never sunk in before. I am indebted to you.
Myspace laughs
by sinis inthought i'd share, .
http://forum.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=messageboard.viewthread&entryid=18651712&groupid=100447990&adtopicid=27&mytoken=d450e1b7-f932-1041-677610a20e1f4b2038119355malachi 3:3 says: "he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver...." this verse puzzled some during a book study, and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of jehovah.
one sister volunteered to find out about the process of refining silver and get back to the group at the next book study.
Puck--Remember that certain individual we both knew as children, who made all the poetry? She's still at it. Recently bound up a book of all her writings and gives it out to the "friends." My mom has one on her coffee table. Even she admits that it's crap, but tacks on the proviso "but her heart is in the right place."
My Wife's reaction to the Revelation Book news
by under_believer inso, i told my wife about the july km news that we'd be studying the revelation book again.
"good," she said.
That is an excellent point, M.J. I'm not totally convinced that they strategize that way--they could just consider it to be completing the Apocalyptic trifecta of Isaiah, Daniel, and Revelation that they've been on for several years now. Numerically appropriate, or something.
Personally, no single book did more for me as a kid in regards to convincing me that they're just making shit up as they go along. They seem to believe that every single thing in Revelation was a prediction of early 20th Century JW history. This was at a time when I believed in Biblical inerrancy, so when I finally asked myself "Do I really believe that God inspired John back in the 1st Century to write a bunch of highly symbolic stuff down specifically to describe what would happen to Jehovah's Witnesses in the early 20th Century? Even if that is so, what would the point of that exercise be, since we didn't understand it to mean that until at a minimum 40 years after the fact?" The answers to these questions seemed clear.
In any case, I think other Witnesses have a different reaction, one more in like with your point--This stuff is totally incomprehensible, nobody, not even the most devout Witness, disputes that. But it's from the "Slave", which means that it must be totally true. For the "Slave" to apprehend such incomprehensible truths increases their faith that the "Slave" is really inspired of God. -
Seattle PI Article on JWs (Gag Alert!!!)
by millions now living are dead in.
i don't know if anyone has posted this yet but we should give the reporter hell.. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/274437_jehovahswitnesses19.html?source=mypi.
millions, hi. Love the user name!
I kind of agree with kwr, though. It's just a factual news article with some quotes from JW's, about the tract campaign and convention. Why does the reporter deserve "hell?" What were you hoping for, some kind of exposé on child molestation?
Pro-JW articles
by rebel8 in.
these 2 articles are pro-jw.........published about a week ago.. http://www.caymannetnews.com/cgi-script/csarticles/articles/000026/002654.htm.
http://www.caymannetnews.com/cgi-script/csarticles/articles/000027/002779.htm .
Please excuse the post from my retarded alter-ego. I don't know where he came from.