Look, Mister Person, some of us are still anonymous for the very reasons I just listed. My warning was a reminder to them. You needn't have replied.
JoinedPosts by under_believer
For All Who Are Going to the Convention This Year
by drew sagan infor most of us who are going to the 'delieverance at hand' district convention we want to be low on the radar.
but wouldn't it be terrible if we missed out meeting someone else from the board while we attended the same convention?
listing what convention your going to might be to much of a give away for some people, but i really don't care.
For All Who Are Going to the Convention This Year
by drew sagan infor most of us who are going to the 'delieverance at hand' district convention we want to be low on the radar.
but wouldn't it be terrible if we missed out meeting someone else from the board while we attended the same convention?
listing what convention your going to might be to much of a give away for some people, but i really don't care.
Why you say that UB? Plus, nobody is "busted" at conventions. This site should be a save haven. If there weren't so much IP recording and tracking then maybe some anonymity could be maintained that would help protect us.
Not 100% sure what you were trying to say, but to explain my comment:
Let's say you're still attending meetings on a regular basis and trying to keep up appearances so that you can do things on your own schedule. You post that your convention is in Sodom, Massachusetts, and you will be standing by the north Pepsi machine at noon on Saturday. Meanwhile someone from your hall is reading this board, reports this info to your elders, and they show up there and find out that you indeed are Theocrat. Then they hold an impromptu Judicial Committee and DF you on the spot.
See what I mean?
For All Who Are Going to the Convention This Year
by drew sagan infor most of us who are going to the 'delieverance at hand' district convention we want to be low on the radar.
but wouldn't it be terrible if we missed out meeting someone else from the board while we attended the same convention?
listing what convention your going to might be to much of a give away for some people, but i really don't care.
Mary, I posted an anecdote about that here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/115113/2016789/post.ashx#2016789
Grand Climax
by mouthy indon't know if you knew this or not - they have a new study aid called "bible teach".
and guess what they will be studying come january 2007!
the revelation book - it's grand climax at hand!
Mouthy, congrats on passing the 6000 mark. You can post whatever you want and repeat whatever you want--I wish my grandma was as cool as you.
For All Who Are Going to the Convention This Year
by drew sagan infor most of us who are going to the 'delieverance at hand' district convention we want to be low on the radar.
but wouldn't it be terrible if we missed out meeting someone else from the board while we attended the same convention?
listing what convention your going to might be to much of a give away for some people, but i really don't care.
I want to point out that it would be extremely easy for someone to bust you as an apostate if you meet with them based on information given on this board. Post this info if you want, but be aware of the risks.
just in from Jah!!!
by mouthy inhere's some quotes for you:
"dangerous form of murmuring - that is, murmuring against the earthly part of jehovah's organization "
"this is really jehovah's organization, the best organization in the world"
Gary you are on a roll today. I have enjoyed every one of your posts so far. :)
Grand Climax
by mouthy indon't know if you knew this or not - they have a new study aid called "bible teach".
and guess what they will be studying come january 2007!
the revelation book - it's grand climax at hand!
I still don't know that this is 100% verified. I have sworn, though, that I won't study that book again. My wife will just have to drag my poor kids to the book study by herself if it's true.
Side point: Am I the only one who reads "Revelation--Its Grand Climax at Hand" to be a coded reference to masturbation? -
convention association
by candidlynuts ini havent been to a convention since..................99?
the last few i went to i remember a lot of people commenting on how hard it was to visit with other witnesses.
a lot of people were disgruntled and irritated about it.. the convention doors didnt open till about an hour before the session started... so you had time to find your seat and get your kids settled.. no time to visit others... also our seats were assigned.. we were told to sit with our congregation in a specific section that we were assigned to clean.. so we were just around our regular congregation.
This thread delivers.
Assigned seating--that's a new one on me, but nothing would surprise me.
Human TP Dispenser--another new one. The day I saw that would be the last day I went to a DC. Excellent idea to use Watchtower pages, Finally-Free. Would be a more productive use than the one they are put to currently.
Only One Towel--this practice is alive and well today.
Horrible parking--I think the reason this is so bad is because they sexually abuse the parking lot. They don't just fill it to capacity, they stack those '79 Novas that Witnesses drive two deep, like cordwood. You can't empty a 175% capacity parking lot any faster than 2 hours. I've been one of those "parking attendants" and trust me when I say that the only thing worse than trying to get out of the parking lot after the program is trying to help people get out in 100 degrees Fahrenheit wearing a 3 piece suit and tie and a neon orange "don't hit me" vest.
No eating outside food--there is a practical reason for this. The Witnesses don't want the venue's normal vendors to be selling food in there--both because they don't want "commercialism" in "Jehovah's house" and because they don't want the 68% of Witnesses who are window washers and janitors to have to pay $4 for a 6" hot dog and 4oz of watered-down Pepsi. The thing is if the Witnesses are just going to go next door to the McD's for a burger, the venue management is going to be like "WTF dude, next year we're keeping the onsite vendors in." So the Society can actually RELIABLY NEGOTIATE THAT THEIR PEOPLE WON'T GO TO McD's. If this isn't evidence that they are a high-control group, I don't know what is.
Funny (and sad) story related to this, actually. For years at the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, WA, there was this local entrepreneur who would set up a stand outside of the Dome, next door, and sell hot dogs, chips, cold drinks, etc. The dude must have been making a total killing. Guy always seemed really happy and had his whole family there to help him, kids, teenagers, wife, auntie, etc. We would always lunch from him one day. It was great and convenient. Well finally the Tacoma Dome management made the same complaint I mentioned above and threatened to bring the stadium vendors back in. Local Convention Committee (God why is there always a Committee for everything in Jehovah's Organization?) sends out a letter to all the congs going to the Tacoma Dome not to go to this guy's stand anymore. But nobody told the poor guy, he thought it was business as usual. Convention rolls around, this guy has his stand set up with his whole family there, his cold drinks, his hot dogs, his chips, etc. It must have been worth thousands and thousands of dollars, all that food. Nobody--and I mean NOBODY--shopped from him. He and his family just sat around all glum, looking heartbroken, and all the Witnesses walked right by him like he was disfellowshipped, not even glancing in his direction, like he was one of those apostates with the bullhorns and the "1914? 1925? 1975?" signs. I felt so bad for him. -
baptized roommate talked to elders about Barbara Anderson
by oppgirl63 inmy roommate(baptized) met with 2 elders last night and gave them "the discoveries of barbara anderson".
she told them that she believed mrs. anderson was telling the truth.
she didn't think that mrs. anderson would have given so many years of service to jehovah and then just walk away.
Trace, her last name is BUILT INTO HER HANDLE. She signs her posts "Barbara Anderson." She's outta the closet, dude. Settle down.
You Libs keep 'dancing around the issue'
by Shining One insince so many of you keep avoiding the primary issue in two other threads, chew on this one!
terry said this: .
>life is at the basis of reality for humans.
Now that's just spamming.