I just like to get a rise out of people. That's all.
Textbook definition, actually. Thanks for admitting it, though. The mods here are very good. Enjoy your ban.
excerpt #1 .
excerpt #2: (semi-verbatim, highly-reliable paraphrase)
but whats coming out of their mouths is still from jehovahs table, its still food we need.
I just like to get a rise out of people. That's all.
Textbook definition, actually. Thanks for admitting it, though. The mods here are very good. Enjoy your ban.
i think this is the first clear, official statement regarding hemoglobin-based products.
august 2006, front page title "blood: why so valuable?".
An sister in her 60's in my area died just a couple of years ago because her "Bible-trained conscience would not allow her to accept organ transplants." Her words. She could have lived. She had an excellent prognosis had she decided to wait it out and get on the transplant list.
She was lauded as a fine example.
looks like i'm another better-luck-next-time for the jws.
got to chapter 15 in the bible teach book and finally worked up the guts to end my study and tell them goodbye... .
i can't believe i got so close to actually being baptized.
Best. First. Post. Ever.
Filed in my permanent research file. Excellent work.
we all know witnesses believe in the paradise.
they make it seem like it will be such a beautiful place free of crime, pollution, sadness,etc.
but, if there was really going to be a paradise here on earth the world as we know it would be so different.
maybe this is a sign of advancing age and i shouldn't let it irritate me.... (but it does anyway..) .
when popular misconception gets repeated long and often enough by the ignorant, it eventually becomes accepted truth.
for example, the great war of 1914 - 1918 was not the first "world war" by any yardstick you might wish to compare various armed conflicts by.
i spoke with a well placed, highly responsible brother some weeks ago, who didn't care for my opinions about corruption "from the.
bottom all the way to the top" in the organization.
he defended the society against every accusation i made but was stopped short by one.
i spoke with a well placed, highly responsible brother some weeks ago, who didn't care for my opinions about corruption "from the.
bottom all the way to the top" in the organization.
he defended the society against every accusation i made but was stopped short by one.
Godspeed Brother Herd and Jaracz. What you are doing, get done more quickly.
This will sound corny but I actually got goosebumps reading that. What a powerful post.
ya know... i'm a bit amazed at times at how utterly out of touch with reality jw's can be.
here's a little bit of a background of what's been going on....
i've been having an on going issue with my jw family about my husband & i(and our 4 young children) no longer going to meetings and us having questions/problems with this religion.we are not df'd nor da'd (at this point) but have not been to a meeting in about 7 months and have been inactive for probably 3-4 years now.we haven't lived near my parents for several years so they have been a little "in the dark" so to speak as to us being inactive but we kinda were given a bit of "lee-way" since 5 yrs.
I'm sorry you have to go through all of this...
The control that this organization has over people's thinking is so obvious when reading those things objectively. Any psychologist would be totally gaping in amazement if they read that post, at how effective the brainwashing is and how it controls every thought that people under its influence have.
Thanks for the personal post. I'm afraid I'm going to be going through this myself, soon...
i think this is the first clear, official statement regarding hemoglobin-based products.
august 2006, front page title "blood: why so valuable?".
Note to mods and others: I apologize for my vulgarity and take responsibility for the consequences, if any.
HBOC presents more challenges to conscientious Christians who seek to obey God's law
on blood.
You know what? Fuck that, and fuck them.
Fucking Pharisees. Sometimes I wish I believed in Hell. Nothing gets me more angry than the blood policy.
You know what this does? For some Witnesses, it loosens the leash a bit, but for real, honest-to-God, faithful JWs... they don't read "it's a matter of conscience." They read this as "if you want to get into the New World, you will avoid this medical procedure." I know this. I have friends who have stated that VERY OPINION to me.
This isn't a "big change." This isn't a "step in the right direction." It's just the same old fucking bullshit. I'm shaking right now because I'm so angry at reading this.
do you think they might really believe that?
I guess it depends on what you mean by "The Society." A large homogenous group of human beings doesn't share a single consciousness and can't "believe" anything per se.
Is "The End Will Soon Be Here" the Society's party line? Absolutely.
Does everyone at Bethel (essentially this is what makes up the "Society") believe that the end will soon be here? No way.
Does everyone on the Governing Body believe that the end will soon be here? Based on Ray Franz' testimony, I don't believe that either.