According to Dr. Penton (as I recall) if you take the number of years you were "in" a cult and double it (in my case 18 + 18 = 36). And take the square root (no, I am not making this up) that's the number of years it will take to cleanse you of that cult. So for me that's 6 years. I just passed the 5 year mark. I am at the stage that I am just puzzled that I could have believed that rubbish for so long - I was angry for a long time. I was a convert so I had myself to blame, which I did, often. I spent a lot of time thinking what I could have done with those 18 years. But of more recent I have concluded that it is what it is, something worse could have happened, I could be divorced (we both left together), maybe we wouldn't have had kids (they were "born into it" and left with us). Who knows? A lot of people spend time regretting what they did or didn't do. Eventually it will sort itself out. Life will go on.
JoinedPosts by Deleted
How Does It Feel Knowing That You Were Once A Member Of A Cult???
by minimus indoes it bother you?
the more i think about it---the angrier i get.
Did You Know A "Bad" Elder or Circuit Overseer???
by minimus inwas there ever a person that you just "knew" to be a "bad guy"?
i knew a co. his name was [edit] angelacos.
he loved to go into congregations and remove elders.
Well, believe it or not the closest CO I knew that was "bad" is now on the GB, [EDIT] Pierce. I say he qualifies because he's a Hardliner, and is one of the nails in my JW coffin. On his first visit he told us (I was an MS at the time) that based on our hours in service that only half of us would be qualified to be servants. Another time he said that the only purpose of the congregation was to preach the good news and that if we didn't do our job the territory would be handed over to the neighboring congregations. Another time, we were in the car, he asked me about my long-term study, and told me only baptized JWs would be saved and I had better move him along to baptism right away. He had a very nice smile, but underneath a company man all the way.
Got a visit from JW's on Saturday-redux
by doodle-v ini posted this on sunday but i think the demons got to it .
i should have known that on a beautiful saturday morning that dubs we be crawling the neighborhood.
we've been living in this neighborhood for about a year and a half and we are usually home on saturdays.
Well, Sister Doodle-V, I think we'll mark you with a G and look forward to your next assignment. Dunno if I could have done that without losing it, nice job!!!!
by Mary inwell i went last night...........did anyone else notice how the talk focused almost exclusively on the 144,000???
jesus was barely mentioned.
the first couple of minutes talked about when the israelites left egypt and the passover was instituted.
We weren't invited. We think that the Estacada Oregon congregation is gonna get zapped at the Big A for being blood-guily over that. Shame on them. No, we wouldn't have gone anyway and the last time we were invited I did say that I would partake as since 1914 was really 1934 (20 yrs of on the 607 BCE chronology) then there couldn't have been a great crowd of other sheep staying on earth anyway. Maybe I dug my own grave. Never mind.
What site made you leave...
by Tuesday ini was asked the other day when telling my story about leaving the witnesses when relating finally having the courage to type "jehovah witness" into the search bar on internet explorer and clicking around.
i was never into doctrine at all when i was a witness, i barely listened at all anyhow it was the comical sites that got me.
while freeminds was a great tool i was more influenced by the bethel cartoons on the site.
"Free Minds" for rock solid information "Support 4xjws" for airing feelings and getting support And all the links through Free Minds, especially "Quotes" and "Shaun's"
APRIL 1 2004 WT,PAGE 3
by badboy in.
still others hold that 666 is the mark of the catholic papacy.substituting roman numerals for the letters in a form of the pope's official title,vicarius filii dei(vicar of the son of god) and manipulating the figures a little,they came up with 666.. didn't c.t.
russell once publish a letter from a reader or something like that saying the above?
There's a nice piece on this at the "Quotes" website
Have you really left?
by Ariell ini'm sure we all view the watchtower society as a mind controlling dictatorship that has systematically destroyed our lives is some shape or form.
i'm sure this is why we've all left, but have we really?
someone can physically leave a religion, but emotionally they're still there.
I left physically before I left mentally. I knew something was wrong, but I thought it was me. The day I finally left mentally was the day I realized that Satan didn't exist (Pagels: Origin of Satan). Leaving emotionally takes a lot longer. And I still have a few Borg implants, but it's quite manageable now after 5 years.
Amazing is back ... the Wheels of Justice have turned
by Amazing1914 ini am back from underground ... i have more to tell you than you can imagine ...
i cannot use my old screen handle for now, but we are working on that, and it will be restored as soon as simon and i can get it done.
so, simon has allowed me to create a new screen name for the time being.
Hi Amazing, glad to hear your health isn't too bad at the moment. It must be pretty painful to go through the legal grilling your experiencing. So on behalf of the poor souls who have no idea how malicious the WTS is I thank you for your supreme efforts. My name is on my profile so I guess I am small potatoes in the ApostoScheme of things. I have no idea if I have been disfellowshipped. I do know that my elder-neighbor has nothing to say to me tho. So as always I have this to say: All Along The Watchtower, told a pack of lies, broken hearts and promises, so much wasted time. All the very best to you in The Cause! Glen James 791 NE Foothills Dr, Estacada OR 97023 (503-789-1017)
I love it! Does it come with the tetragrametton stamped on its forehead? It could be called PI-PI.
Would You Return To The Organization If You Were Given Total Amnesty?
by minimus inif you knew that the policy was that there would be no more witchhunts, no more disfellowshippings or shunning of any kind, would you be tempted to go back?
Thanks, but no thanks. It's been a long while since we had any JW friends, no family in the Org, and it's essentially a dishonest religion. I'd be a hypocrit. And I am no longer concerned about Satan. And and and and and