KLS, bethel workers get $50 per month or so - far less than minimum wage. That's all. No social security taxes are paid on their behalf - so no retirement. Maybe I have been gone for so long that I am no longer irritated by the people, just the organization itself. I think it is a scandal. I think it is criminal. Downplaying their commercial activities is how the WTS has amassed a fortune on the backs of willing volunteers - and avoided taxes. Just because peer pressure got the young bethelites into this shouldn't mean that they have nothing when it's over. Well, at least I can't be accused of not caring for my friend at Bethel - even if he doesn't talk to me!!!
JoinedPosts by Deleted
Should the WTS be paying minimum wage & taxes for full-time volunteers?
by Deleted inhey y'all.
the thread (via free minds) on "the real truth facing aging witnesses" has me back on one of my old topics.
namely, that full-time sales people, administrative and factory workers of a religious publishing company must be provided for when they retire - and i believe they should be paid minimum wage to boot!
Should the WTS be paying minimum wage & taxes for full-time volunteers?
by Deleted inhey y'all.
the thread (via free minds) on "the real truth facing aging witnesses" has me back on one of my old topics.
namely, that full-time sales people, administrative and factory workers of a religious publishing company must be provided for when they retire - and i believe they should be paid minimum wage to boot!
As I said he's been 15 years at Bethel (NY) - he's 35 years old now. His job is to buy electronic parts for the printing equipment at bethels all round the world - and that's a commerical business, yes. He took a vow of poverty, it was expected of him. He will have no social security when it finally occurs to him that he is better out than in.
Should the WTS be paying minimum wage & taxes for full-time volunteers?
by Deleted inhey y'all.
the thread (via free minds) on "the real truth facing aging witnesses" has me back on one of my old topics.
namely, that full-time sales people, administrative and factory workers of a religious publishing company must be provided for when they retire - and i believe they should be paid minimum wage to boot!
KLS, point taken. But, I know one young fellow who has 15 years in Bethel who is stuck. He was raised in this g-d awful mess. He didn't have a choice, it was expected of him. And even when someone chooses this, haven't the facts been totally misrepresented. I can't believe that the fair labor laws were intended to be dodged this way. The WTS is a commerical business - no matter how they paint it. http://www.ed.gov/americareads/resourcekit/Negotiating/wagehours.html
Circumstantial proof that Rutherford was The Evil Slave
by Deleted incall me sentimental but i like these people:.
in the page on troubled years - when rutherford took over, it said this:.
RR, I'd be very interested to see your post too on Russell paying off Rutherford. Thanks! Glen
Should the WTS be paying minimum wage & taxes for full-time volunteers?
by Deleted inhey y'all.
the thread (via free minds) on "the real truth facing aging witnesses" has me back on one of my old topics.
namely, that full-time sales people, administrative and factory workers of a religious publishing company must be provided for when they retire - and i believe they should be paid minimum wage to boot!
Hey y'all. The thread (via free minds) on "the real truth facing aging Witnesses" has me back on one of my old topics. Namely, that full-time sales people, administrative and factory workers of a religious publishing company MUST be provided for when they retire - and I believe they should be paid minimum wage to boot! Since the WTS' bethel workers take a vow of poverty they will have nothing when they leave. This is wrong. And as we all know this isn't going to change, thousands will reach their golden years with nothing. Here's a thread I found via a Scientoligist message board. http://discus.xenu.net/discus/messages/730/1389.html?1005529203 What do you think? Can we get the authorities to investigate the WTS? When I did the math several years ago (and I can't find my assumptions) it totalled $1.5 billion, world wide. Wouldn't it be just grand to team up with X-Scientologists on this! Glen
I'm the United Nations!
Circumstantial proof that Rutherford was The Evil Slave
by Deleted incall me sentimental but i like these people:.
in the page on troubled years - when rutherford took over, it said this:.
Call me sentimental but I like these people:
In the page on Troubled Years - when Rutherford took over, it said this:
None of Pastor Russell?s nieces and nephews stayed with Rutherford: Alice Land Williamson was sister-in-law to A. Ed. Williamson, a leader in the 1909 New Covenant movement; Ada Land White, in Kansas, followed P. S. L. Johnson; May F. (?Thelma?) Land Kendall, in Florida; Joseph Russell Land, in Atascadero, California, associated with the Dawn.
Therefore, Russell would NOT have recommended Rutherford as his replacement.
Elder Pleads For Money For Local Needs Talk!
by minimus inmy mother was telling me how the elder went up on the platform and said how we can't pass donation plates around, we can't sell cookies or do bake drives, we pretty much can't beg for money.
then he said that at the risk of getting himself in trouble, it needed to be said that they don't know what they're going to do, but they need money and contributions.
my mother said that there are very few donating money and the congregation is in continual debt plus all the wealthier people have stopped going....i thought of metatron and knew he'd be delighted to hear another testimonial.
When I was Borg, when the "donation arrangement" came to pass in the US (aka avoiding sales taxes) I was the accounts servant. I recall having a part in the Service Meeting on donating to the Society, and did some math on the chalkboard showing that the congregation's donations for literature were off 40% from previous and that we should all take the responsibility of making up the difference as the Society's costs would still be the same. Silly me.
New! SATANIC IMAGES in Knowledge book! What do you think?
by Dogpatch in.
i have friends who have put together this page, i would like to know your opinion on it.. http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/jodrellbank/hyperdrive/479/knowledge_book.htm.
Ink blots! Isn't this how you can find the Virgin Mary in a tortilla? Seems like a waste of time to me. I would definately poo-pooed this when I was part of the collective.
Anyone know just who was offended by this skit?
by Deleted ini was looking for jw jokes and found this about reno 911 and its jw skit.. http://www.free-press-release.com/news/200308/1059898714.html.
i thought it was funny.
where's everyone's sense of humaor and what are jws doing watching reno 911 in the first place?.
I was looking for JW jokes and found this about Reno 911 and its JW skit.
I thought it was funny. Where's everyone's sense of humaor and what are JWs doing watching Reno 911 in the first place?